Can we discuss how awesome Spartacus was thanks to this glorious bastard?
Can we discuss how awesome Spartacus was thanks to this glorious bastard?
By Jupiter's Cock, yes.
Fuck Spartacus himself.
I'd have gladly watched more seasons of him running the Ludus and fucking everyone over.
I love xena
Was Spartacus better than Rome on HBO? I've only seen tidbits of Spartacus and my impression was that it was a poor man's 300, with the overuse of slo-mo and CGI background and whatnot.
The Pilot was very bad for this, but persevere.
It's lowest common denominator shit but quite fun at times. Also, tits. Rome was a better show if far too up its own arse and joyless, not to mention padded at times. Also also, tits. Both worth a watch, frankly. Unless you're some sort of faggot that doesn't like tits.
once again the gods firmly place cock in ass
Kek no. Absolutely not. Rome is true tv show kino, Spartacus was okay in the same sense that a bag of popcorn is an okay meal.
The thing is they are totally different shows. Spartacus is all about blood and tits and the spectacle of the arena while Rome is more about politics and all the cloak and dagger shit that came with it
>tfw primus against Pompeii finally yours and the gods jam COCK IN ASS
Rome was a legitimately good show. Spartacus is a guilty pleasure.
That was the greatest line in the history of television.
Spartacus was eseentially two shows.
Series one and the Spin off are fucking brilliant. Series 2 & 3 have a different lead actor, no Batiatus and a fucking terrible replacement for a QT.
This. The shitty cg in Spartacus made me not watch it for long
He was great.
Season one and the mini-series was entertaining. Season 2 and 3 of Spartacus was a bit lacklustre and dragged on. The guy that played Crassus was good.
>mfw Crixus tapped his shield for Spartacus to make the jump
I busted a nut to that scene.
Fucking hell.
I went to film school with one of the girls he fucked in the ass
Good season finale or greatest season finale?
only plebs think Spartacus was all about tits and ass and blood and violence etc.. Its actually a multifaceted deep, patrician show. Themes covered included:
>Love (spartacus and wife, Crixus and his bitch etc..)
>Slavery and the worth of slaves
>Friendships (Whatever the character Jai Courtney was named and Spartacus)
>Personal rivalries being put aside for an honorable cause (Crixus the undefeated Gaul and Soartacus) only to have the rivalry rear its ugly head at the worse time
>Debtor Slavery
>Importance of money, power
>How the gladiator games were a spectacle to keep the sheeple entertained
>The worth of a man is through his strength and training, but also intelligence and seizing opportunities
>all the women characters are conniving, backstabbing cunts, mirroring reality
Spartacus was Patrician and red-pilled as Fuck
For real, who hasn't?
don't forget about GOOD SOLONIUS
I don't even watch Spartacus, but that's really funny desu.
Didn't care much for him until GOTA.
Upon ewatching the series though, it's best to watch GOTA first, then blood and sand.
>I went to film school with one of the girls he fucked in the ass
Which one? How old is she?
Jesus Christ that scene with varro and the slave girl was so hot with everyone watching. hbo giving me weird fetishes.
I put too much thought into this to not get a single (You)
Which ep was this?
The gods have seen it fit to spread the cheeks and ram cock in ass
Ah yes, the pseudopatricians in their natural environment: not understanding the true genius behind Spartacus. For every positive, if misguided, critique that goes "but dude tits" you have the naysayer responding "that cgi, lel."
If you see people like this in real life, discard every opinion they give you on any subject matter whatsoever. They know enough to judge the general worth of a work, but lack the discipline necessary to see through the grit at the diamond underneath in masterpieces, such as Spartacus. These people are dangerous, because they can lead you to believe their opinion is worth hearing, when it is very much not.
holy shit dude finally another patrician. See my post here
>spartacus season one is the last time I was truly invested in a show
>in Game of Plebs I don't give a single shit about any character
>Spartacus my week could be ruined depending on the circumstances of the characters on the show
>i will never again feel as much emotion as when Spartacus holds his dying wife
>I will never feel as much excitement as when Spartacus finds out Batiatus murdered his wife and says he's "back to my old self, dominus"
I miss Andy so much
>>Spartacus my week could be ruined depending on the circumstances of the characters on the show
I stopped watching Spartacus after Season 1 and the prequel because Andy died. I convinced myself that it wouldn't be the same so I dropped it right after and never bothered watching season 2 as it was airing.
true kino
Wow, that looks like fucking trash. Not Even Season 1 looked that bad. What the fuck happened?
>Watching GOAT S1
>Amped up and ready to watch S2
>Spartacus has a new actor who looks like a nordic model
>"What the hell happened to the last guy?"
So since S2 is noticeably worse than S1 or Batiatus and Friends should I actually keep watching through the end?
the last guy died
yes definitely the new guy is fucking great in the last season. The guy was a fan of the show and becomes a fucking good Spartacus.
>Lucretia really was insane the whole time and was actually a crazy person pretending to be to be a sane person pretending to crazy.
>That elaborate plan to murder suicide and cut a fetus out of her best friend
Best female
>that scene when she fucks Spartacus thinking it's Crixus
Batiatus' revenge on Tullius is one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen on TV.
and of course the B&S finale is possible the best finale ever.
>Okay you guys stay on the mountain and the three captains will abandon you to shoot trebuchets at the base, we should be able to fire at least 2 before we have to spend 30 minutes reloading and moving more heavy rocks into place so when that happens I want all 15 of you to charge through that barricade of 500 men that we couldn't get through before and we'll fight them all at once from there.
It's neat because Spartacus actually did send a unit to scale down the mountain using vines but it was way less bullshit tv drama
>tfw Gannicus's death