Devin Faraci reviews Don't Breathe

>Devin Faraci reviews Don't Breathe
>"The whole rape aspect of this movie, while COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY, didn't even bother me all that much. In fact, let me explain how little it bothered me with this five paragraph essay."

How does this cuck still get work?

Other urls found in this thread:

i have no idea

>let me insert politics into every single review of garbage mass entertainment i do

When you are in charge of your website, you can play the white knight all you want, and no one can stop you. He still says he was right about Ghostbusters, btw.


I don't mind liberal or feminist reviewers because it's basically unavoidable, but he literally cannot shut up about feminism. He relates literally every movie he reviews to feminism or something political.


I don't give a shit how progressive someone is. Stop mentioning it in every breath like you're going to get an award.

Why do you care?

You obviously don't agree with whatever dumb metrics he uses to judge movies, so you just shouldn't read his reviews and the problem is solved.

I tried to look up his review of this and didn't find anything. Where is this from?

I used to read his reviews during the days and never picked up on any sjw leanings. I wish I could retroactively take back all my clicks.

My biggest issues is he want to pander to feminists, but even sjws hate him. He is pandering to a group that doesn't wsnt his ass, and for what purpose?

Literally who

I don't remember his (now) incessant politicizing being a thing back then. It's when he got hired by other sites and started his own shithole that it became a thing

What's funny is he trolls people and can't back it up. remember when he got his ass kicked by that director? Dude stopped the fight after like 2 rounds.

His illusion of badass manliness was pummeled out of him causing the the realization of how beta he actually was and so he became a feminist

Isn't his the film critic who constantly has twitter meltdowns?

You mean Joe Swanberg?

yeah, he needs to get his ass kicked again by him

what an unbearable faggot

I'm the guy who publishes his podcast. I honestly can't tell if he is a true to life jerk or he just knows everyone he works with really well because I wouldn't behave the way he does in most conversations. He can be extremely condescending and dismissive of any opinion that isn't his.

>"This movie is terrible before it even gets rapey."

He had to watch his dad get raped, so I guess that fucked him up.

how much of a pussy do you have to be to let that guy beat you?

A Devin Faraci sized one.

The movie itself was pretty average. The amount of vitriol Devin has for it must be related to something else. might be onto something there.

>It's a some guy on twitter calls out BMD as being contrarian for it's own sake and Devin gets so butthurt he spends all day sperging about it on twitter and gets all his sycophantic cronies to talk shit about the guy who said it episode

>it's a Sup Forumsmblr gets triggered by an opinion they don't like episode