when is this shit going to get overturned? Its ruining elections in our ""democracy""
Citizens United
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Hopefully not for at least two more years. I'm stupid rich and I have a vendetta against a local judge who is up for reelection then.
Neat. Meanwhile it's fucking up the whole country.
I concede that point but let me have this. Two years from now I'll be right there with the rest of ya.
Not really much to the story.
>be me
>get busted for DUI
>xanax, not booze
>judge doesn't even read my case, just assumes I was drunk
>gives me a sentence where I have to do breath tests twice a day for some reason
>irritates me
>learn more about hin
>his wife is known to be a huge drunk who he has the cops drive home from the local bar every night on the taxpayers dime
>constantly berates defendents in court to make a big show out of and show how big his dick is
>gets implicated in the newspapers for a whole shit load of ethics and legal violations in case management
>he gets called into district court
>they say he is guilty of said violations but decline to punish him
>meanwhile in the period in which this is all going on I inherit a good amount of cash and a patent worth tens of millions
Basically I just think he's a scumbag and since I live pretty monastically I figure I gotta spend this money on something. Might as well put a bit of it toward kicking his corrupt ass out of office.
The weird Part is that far from making the political parties stronger it actually cripples them. The donors are given too much leverage while the professionals are given too little control. So the end result is chaos not blade runner
It is men like you who will become your own worst enemy. If not trump then something worse will fuck up your class
Bullshit. Two years from now, you'll have an excuse to put another crook in office that wouldn't have a shot in hell without a massive bank roll.
Exactly and this person will have very little power over the American voter. It will then create more chaos and will draw people to extremist ideologies
I would characterize it as government gridlock, which can in turn lead to societal chaos.
That's a great way to put it but donors do more than just force gridlock. They have a nasty habit of choosing incapable candidates because math skills don't translate to political skills
Some people formed an organization to make and show a film critical of Hillary Clinton. The feds came down on them for showing the film within 90 days of an election and they claimed free speech.
Of course they won, but shitlibs turned this into a "money in politics" and "corporations aren't people" thing which are of course just memes. If libs get their way they'll overturn the decision and give government the power to regulate political speech. For their benefit most likely.
I think you're missing the point. I have no desire to cosplay George Soros and have no intention of doing this in the future, or even for any other election in that cycle.
It really is just a personal vendetta on one person. I hate the guy, simple as that.
You are a smart man. It is extremely easy to create chaos right now and nobody will stop you. If you want you could probably even take down A state government like Kansas
My whole position is that citizens United isn't the problem but that the political parties cannot handle citizens United. If the political parties could perform back to where that used to be, like the machines, then citizens United wouldn't have much of an effect anymore
kek. HEh, hopefully they won't replace him with an even bigger asshole though.
The problem is that how do I know you don't have a personal vendetta against other elected officials? Against other competent ones? A vendetta that would support putting buffoons in office.
Listen, I'm sorry that this judge fucked you over, but you gotta understand that THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THE AMERICAN PUBLIC ARE FRUSTRATED WITH POLITICIANS! When one guy has the power to overrepresent himself over his fellow citizens thanks to his deep pockets, it's a recipe for disaster. Not nipping this in the bud now is why Hilary Clinton is still a contender for the presidency.
Yeah but I don't give a fuck about Kansas. Kansas has a right to do whatever the fuck they want.
While I oppose citizens united in principle, in practice I care about the community I live in, and if I have the right to influence the expulsion of a corrupt shithead from office in my community I personally despise then fuck it.
Like I said, I don't have extravagant tastes. I got this inheritance from my grandfather who didn't hit it rich until he was damn near 60, my parents and I were raised middle class and my consumer tastes reflect that.
If I have this money I might as well use, at least some of it, for something good.
>how do I know you don't have a personal vendetta against other elected officials?
Anonymous site. I'd tell you, just as I did about this one.
How incredibly kiked you are.
US citizens have the right of free speech limited only by the Brandendburg test, libel laws, and minor other regulation, and thus, unlimited right to spend as much as they want campaigning for a candidate, independently of that candidate.
Why should their right to free speech and association be extinguished by their free association and decision to incorporate?
Hell, money isn't even the problem as money alone won't win shit. Or did Jeb and Marco somehow both win the nomination?
The real problem is something that legislating against, or stacking the Supreme Court won't solve, and that is special interest lobbying and corruption - you don't need a Super PAC to lobby the shit out of a malleable candidate.
Also I should make this clear: it wasn't because he "fucked me over."
I'm pissed because he fucked a shit ton of people in my community over, was found GUILTY of doing so by the God damn District Court, and subsequently was not punished.
Fuck him and fuck the District Court. If the justice system refuses to police itself then they deserve what comes to them.
It's not like he's going to jail, he's just losing a station he's proven himself incapable of serving. Would that the people he had abused with his power had received so light of consequences.
>Hell, money isn't even the problem as money alone won't win shit. Or did Jeb and Marco somehow both win the nomination?
That is the unintended consequence of Citizens United. It didn't make money MORE effective. It made it LESS effective. In the Guided Age, the United States almost elected a William Jennings Bryant, AKA: The prosecutor of the Scopes Trial. This man was Hugo Chavez wrapped with an American flag over a cross.
Citizens United destroyed the Political Parties, but it also crippled the Corporations. It's like repealing Anti-Trust laws. A business may THINK it helps them, but in reality it only destroys them with Lemon Markets.
your use of kike there is very ironic
This isn't about individuals dummy. This is about corporations and superPACS who like to jew around and heavily influence our already shit political system
>Citizens United destroyed the Political Parties, but it also crippled the Corporations. It's like repealing Anti-Trust laws. A business may THINK it helps them, but in reality it only destroys them with Lemon Markets.
This is a great analogy.
The Democrats and Republicans have become in politics what Comcast and Microsoft have become to television and technology. Behemoths slowly dying from the unhappy, and jilted comsumer bases they tried so hard to establish.
idk about you but I don't see microsoft or the democrats/republicans going away very soon
People said the same thing about the Whigs and Standard Oil.
The winds of change blow slowly until one day they don't.
Standard Oil was a bad comparison actually, as it was broken up back when the government still gave a shit about the American people.
PanAm would be a better analogy for what awaits microsoft.
Please explain how you are going to overturn it without gutting the 1st amendemnt
Just as soon as politicians stop enjoying money.
Be alpha male, having an iq higher than you can imagine, get attacked by subhumans originating form the USA. Imagine how they can pay you tribute otherwise they will hang. Imagine how you can project that subtley to them without being to overt. Ahh fuck that, you ll pay me otherwise you pay with your life and your family too.
corporations aren't people, user.
McCain-Feingold 2016
You just shut down all speech on Sup Forums the New York Times and your ISP
Good job genius
They aren't going to 'go away' but are going to lose control over the American Citizen. Expect rapid memetic mutations to the point where we won't recognize the political beliefs of an American in 2026. The Republican Party could wind up morphing into a White Nationalist party, and the Democratic Party could wind up morphing into a Jacobin Party.
Nobody is saying that either party will disappear, but what we are saying is that the parties themselves will have near-to-none social control over their constituents.
We've hyper-charged the evolution of political parties faster than what the Federal government would ever feel comfortable with. And again, it has to do with Donors having no control over voters, but too much control over the party. Worst-of-both-worlds.
I don't think the consequences of Citizens United are well articulated. Citizens United destroys political parties, the next natural step is to change the practices of politics, rather than attempt to put the cat in the bag.
If money influences politics so much, why isn't Yeb! the presumptive nominee for the Republican party?
This post is almost entirely correct. The only thing I would criticize is the "worst of both worlds" part.
Parties having little to no control over their voters is a Godsend. There is a reason Washington told us to tell the parties to fuck off and eat shit.
If we return to a time where money can't buy votes, as we are slowly getting toward, then we also return to the time where the only currency that matters to a politician will be the vote itself and how that communicates the needs and wants of the constituents. That's a YUGE win for democracy.
It's not just Citizens United, its all caselaw that recognizes corporations as people with all the rights you would expect a normal person to be entitled to. There is a line of cases that expand their rights in new and horrible ways.
We also need a new federal statute criminalizing political corruption. The one we have doesn't articulate what exactly corruption is and the pending decision in the recent supreme court appeal hearing of McDonnell v. US may overturn that statute legalizing corruption until Congress passes a new statute criminalizing it again.
Nothing can get done in congress anymore. Both parties are afraid of voting against their jewish overloards.
>the next natural step is to change the practices of politics, rather than attempt to put the cat in the bag.
Congressmen and Senators especially need to start being held accountable for their record insofar as it affects their constituents. This can only be acheived through a media more focused on local politics. Big media currently, and some would say intentionally, ignores local issues by and large unless it helps to drive a macro agenda (see NC.)
It also cannot be acheived until people are better educated on the importance of down ballot elections. Personally, if I was Governor of my state, I'd demand 50% less time in the curriculum to focus on US Presidents and have that allocated to dicussing Congressmen and Senators.
We need to break free from the reality where winning a Congressional election is, in practice, either a lifetime job or a means of personal advancement.
Which is precisely why the electorate is flaying both establishments alive right now.
It doesn't cripple corporations at all because they can buy congressmen. All the new tax legislation is written by corporate tax lobbyists and voted for by corporate bought congressmen.
Being able to own a majority share of congress allows corporations to control all legislation like corporate shareholders. As long as they maintain a majority control or enough to vote down other bills it will always benefit corporations.
The majority of congressmen will soon be lobbyists because the DNC and RNC only care about fundraising and force all their candidates to sell favors to corporate donors all day
The problem then is that "what" exactly has influence over voters. Poor voters are a strange animal, and Americans politics isn't prepared to handle poor voters. I hate to pull this card, but being wealthy distorts your view on how politics works among the poor.
Corporate already OWNED politics before united.
This has been the case since 92, but the party had SOME measure of leverage over its donors. After Citizens United, the Donors have so much control over the party that they have run the parties into the ground. Now the Donors have lost control over the electorate creating a situation akin to Solidarity against the Communists. We can consider this to be a good thing, but only if we understand what comes next. And we don't know whether the new boss will be worse than the old boss.
>implying these us are a democracy
>implying there's anything wrong with citizens united
>Crashing this Republic.
>It doesn't cripple corporations at all because they can buy congressmen.
It kind of does though, in a round about way.
Currently Congress has more or less abdicated all its power to the Presidency. And the reason for that is simple, it's all posturing. The fact of the matter is that what we have now is a reality tv show where both the Executive and Legislative branches get exactly what they want either way. At the end of the day they both want the same things and have the same globalist, self advancement, agenda.
If the people decide that who they want for the Presidency is someone opposed to that unspoken corporatist agenda then Congress is forced to either come on board or go into opposition and face the wrath of the electorate.
Being focused on local politics would be my primary mission in life. And although I am for the Trump Voter, we can't let the situation devolve into mob rule. Organize people from crowds, rather than let the crowds run over people.
>It kind of does though, in a round about way.
Second Order Effects is behind the demise of every mathematician. Adding to this. The fact that the party's cannot tell the donors "no," means that the party's have to fall into a suicidal position.
>After I buyout my politician, I'll be there with ya!
You're the cancer killing this country.
The electorate largely doesn't matter in senate and house races because a majority of people aren't paying attention to it. And because of the quantity of senate and house seats, its harder for the electorate to pick noncorporate congressmen to get a majority in congress. The corporate funded congressmen almost always wins
>Poor voters are a strange animal, and Americans politics isn't prepared to handle poor voters.
Maybe, but I'm an optimist. I think if we can save education in this country we can save democracy, even amongst the poor.
But yeah, we gotta fix that shit yesterday. Education is critical.
money is only allowed in politics when libtards do it. Through unions that force workers to pay into it, through schemes such as the Clinton Global Initiative, donations prior to and after receiving subsidies. But a business wanting to straightforward hand a wad of cash to a candidate, "OMG THIS IS RUINING DEMOCRACY". What shit. And allah help you if its a company that's the villain in some libtard fairy tale.
I'm not buying anyone. I'm attempting to get an unpunished and corrupt official removed from office with the means available to me.
I didn't make the game, I just play it.
Expand your mind a little bit. The approval rating of Congress is about the same approval rating as King George's government. Just because they run congress, doesn't mean they have things under control. Given
The poor are either tempted to extremism or need to belong to a group. In a Democracy, there are generally five places for the poor.
>Trade Unions
>Race Militias (Think the SA)
>Revolutionary Groups (Think the Bolsheviks)
It isn't a question of intelligence. It's about understanding that poor people require an entirely different approach to do politics in a Democracy. In a Dictatorship, the poor require generous handouts or the Dictatorship cannot even function outside the gate. (Even Stalin gave generous benefits like Healthcare and Cheap College)
Keep in mind I'm channeling my inner Rove here. People belong to groups, and the poor especially live or die by the groups they belong to (becuase they are broke.)
Congress has more power than you think. If enough corporate congressmen get elected they can overrule a president's veto power. Additionally, the presidents only power is the executive order, which is only binding on the executive branch.
You are right on electing a president against the agenda. The president has the power to pick and appoint people who will determine how our laws are enforced. We need to pick the right president who will actually enforce our laws and hold the legislative branch accountable. If we elect someone who can't do this, we are in for four more years of fucking over the American people.
Our entire political system is designed to gridlock the government as much as possible, you dunce. It "should" be fucking hard for the government to do something.
The decision is perfectly valid, and people who think that THAT'S why America's politics fucking suck these days need to look in the goddamn mirror.
NEVER! You fucking shits.
Citizen's United isn't about Super PACs. It started because some filmmakers had to defend their right to release a documentary that was negative about HILLARY CLINTON.
Overturning Citizens United is basically giving lying cunts like Hillary a right to censor any negative information about them.
>implying an incompetent government is the same thing as limited government.
>Congress has more power than you think.
You misunderstand me. I know exactly how much power Congress has in theory. My point was that they have intentionally abdicated almost all of it in the last 15 years because it's easier to get reelected when you play the poor oppressed minority card.
>Party: the President did all these things, please vote for us so we can stop horrible things
>Stupid Voter: you're right, the President is an asshole, I'll vote for you so this never happens again.
>Informed Voter: you had the power to stop the President from doing that and chose to do jack shit, fuck you.
And there are those that wonder why so many people are angry..
I don't think people are ready for clinton
I honestly can't tell if you're trolling. CU removed limits on negative advertising right before an election, I can't see why thats bad, especially considering the amount of slanderous advertisement against trump this cycle
King George is one person, congress is many. It is hard to unite against congress because people have to be paying attention at the local level.
What do you mean they don't have things under control? They control the branch of government in charge of regulating them. Congress is like the shareholders meeting of a corporation and guess who has the majority of shares?
>implying incompetence has fucking anything to do with the subject we're talking about\
No, you retard. We're talking about the government being limited by the system it works in. Third party support is a perfectly valid way to ensure that support can be rallied against any sort of politically entrenched group.
>libcucks face when they realize that corporations are, in fact, people, and its their shitty usage of the english language that made them think otherwise
>corporations are people only when we like it
I get what you're coming from on the poor and honestly you might be right. But as I said, I'm an optimist. I want to try as much as we can to fix the poor before we start looking at other ways of dealing with them and their, usually negative, influence on democracy and the Republic.
Let's fix our fucked our public schools first and then see where we're at.
I'm pretty sure they weren't designed to gridlock over pro corporate interests. Congress is supposed to debate bills and the gridlock comes from disagreements on substantive items within the bills. Today congress gets bills so big they don't have time to read them and have to vote immediately. How are they supposed to debate bills like this?
But the government itself is now seen as illegitimate, which makes the task of governing far harder AND enables the rise of-god-knows-what. Russia went from the most religious nation on earth in 1917 to an enforced Atheist state just a mere half decade later.
It's like saying the Politburo controls the Soviet Union because it writes the laws. Didn't matter for shit when people gave up on Communism.
Limited government =/= incompetent government. See Kansas for an example.
Not shit will be changed if no one is running against him
A government needs to be seen as legitimate at all times or unrest will inevitably wear it down to nothing. The political parties are supposed to make Washington legitimate, just as Communism was supposed to make Moscow legitimate. Without legitimacy, there is no control. See Hannah Arendt about her explanation of violence as weakness.
It's not just the party, its the campaign of the local elections. They can buyout all the media in the state and suppress other candidates. And nobody will notice either because congress and senate seats aren't a big deal locally and most people vote without even knowing whose running.
The House and Senate have never, in their history, voted on less bills that the other house has voted on than right now. That includes the prelude to the Civil War.
Deadlock is an innacurate decription of our current Congress, intention inaction is what it is.
Fair enough. There's always hope that Morning in America can come back.
This. The mccain-feingold law which was overturned in the court case had nothing to do with money. It was about government being able to shut down airing of messages critical of a candidate while the libshit media would air without competition. Eat dick and she Cenk Uyghur, if that is your real name
>A failed state with a legitimate government will always survive.
>A successful state with an illegitimate government is destined for collapse.
>That's how North Korea keeps ticking.
There will be, many people. The county is ~1 million in population, it's a high profile gig, and he's weak to a challenger.
What state you in?
Which is precisely why I'm been advocating for the reform of our education and media status quos this entire thread.
We absolutely need to fix that, and nothing will facilitate that faster than a popular President who refuses to cowtow to dignify the corporate cocksuckers in Congress.
Get the flag extension. I'm not going to help you blackmail me.
If you interpret CU narrowly, it removed the limits only for campaign super pacs/whatever the entity was that made the Hillary movie that nobody gave a fuck about. I also interpret the negative advertising to mean just that, Advertisements. Not mainstream media attacks and not correct the record.
CU allowed campaigns to get closer to the voters. It's easy to ignore advertisements. It's not as easy to ignore the same narrative pushed by all mainstream media outlets. And its even harder to ignore paid shilling on social media.
That was a complete overhaul of government. What I'm talking about is more analogous to what just happened in Brazil
Their congress, bought by mega donors, impeached their democratically elected president to install their corporate bought president. And the people can't do anything about it.
But it can just as likely go the other way.
Corporate power doesn't intimidate me because I understand it. And so does Trump. There is much more to politics that is 'intangible' but defines 80% of what happens.
Keep in mind you are talking to a guy who considers his spirit animal to be Jimmy Stewart.
>CU allowed campaigns to get closer to the voters.
Yes, and that was my and the other user's point as why CU has been accidentally beneficial to democracy in this country.
Americans no longer trust, or reapond positively, to any politician on a national level that tries to get "close" to them. And that's a good fucking thing. That's how this country was founded and that's why we're seeing a reemergance of our innate national spirit in this cycle's electorate.
CU creates a system where the evil deeds of elites are forced to come into conflict with the people. That's a great thing if you believe that American values and the American people are competent and righeous.
Didn't the polls show that ~60-70% of Brazillians wanted Dilma impeached?
Correct me if I'm wrong but the people either didn't get what they want or you know what the people want better than they do.
I'm sorry. But when I read your comment, all I can think about is this. Reaganauts are now part of the nostalgia faction. Individualism is a dream in a world of the Precariat. The sad part is that alot of bright and capable people are stuck where you are at, and it's going to be doubly painful when the pace of change accelerates.
You are right, he is wrong.
Don't post the face of that evil bastard here, please.
No, fuck off, commie.
Good thing we are republic and not a democracy then.
I'm gonna make my own thread on this. I view CU as allowing corporations to get closer to voters and I wanna frame my argument to overturn it as whether advertisements include mainstream media attacks, and paid social media trolls.
I see your point, but a majority of people don't pay attention to politics enough to combat this at the local level.
Care you explain your point in more detail? I'm confused why you would bring up Reagan as a kindred spirit to myself when I hold him and his policies in very low regard.
Not trying to be combative I'm just curious to know your line of thought.
That's because congress used their controlled media to push a fake scandal. They were so effective everyone bought it. Russia Today has a couple good videos on this.
The politics of Reagan were based in an era where if you weren't middle class, something was wrong with you. America was primarily a Middle Class driven nation. And in the politics of a Middle Class nation, everything is run by virtue-signalling and personal opinions. It is extremely easy to be politician then. Education was essential.
But we live in an era where the poor is the fastest growing demographic. For poor people, the only thing that matters is their survival. Who gives a shit what exactly they vote for. Will they have enough food at the end of the day to survive? From this point, we open up into all sorts of useful shit that would save us alot of trouble.
>Middle Class people vote for their beliefs.
>Poor people vote for their survival, who gives a shit about beliefs.
Interestingly. Most of Europe is still a Middle Class driven politics, where-as the United States has been poor-driven politics for most of its career, from 1865-1980. The United States was always to the Left of Europe for like forever.
So then what would you prefer as an alternative things being as they are?
Either people have a right to choose and remove their leaders through democratic process as they see fit, or they don't.
I agree Brazillians are retarded, but you're implicitely saying that due to their retardation they have no right to choose their leaders unless their motives for doing so are approved by..someone. Presumably this someone is one who you would agree with ideologically.
And there is the problem with elitism. You can have democracy, or you can have the powers of democracy actualized by elites in which case it becomes a sham.
>Will they have enough food at the end of the day to survive?
I don't know where you live or how often you leave your mother's basement but the poor in America are quite well-fed.
>you can have the powers of democracy actualized by elites in which case it becomes a sham.
You need a large Middle Class to create the society you want. Jefferson would sympathize with you, but that's why he hated Banks and outlawed international trade (google it.) Without a large Middle Class, individualists like Paul Ryan are in trouble, because the Trump's win everytime.
Yes. But they can't afford their medicine and go bankrupt quite frequently because of it. That or if they wind up unemployed and commit suicide for being a fuck up. Right now, I get in trouble for speaking the truth, but better now than never.
Ah, well like I said previously I don't necessarily disagree with you. I just want to actually try addressing the problems in this country for once before I pull the ripcord.
Hell we haven't tried to fix anything in damn near 30 years. Until we try that I'm not going to go civil war mode.