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His opening scene in the movie was pretty cool actually, but you make a strong argument against it.
He's probably the lamest super hero in marvel movies
and it has nothing do with his skin color
Next one to die
>This secondary character had more lines in Civil War than Superman in BVS
He's pretty cool, better character than Batman in BvS.
What's so funny? You can't just post shit like this with no explanation.
I wish we got campy talks to birds Falcon.
>suit flies at lower speed than Iron Mans
>no armor at all, not even a helmet
>head completely exposed
>small missiles and small caliber guns are his only weapon
>frail wings still require a jetpack to be operated, rendering him vulnerable to heat seeking missiles
a sandnigger with an AK could take care of this guy
at least Cap "AHHHH TONY HELP" America has super strength and durability
>He's probably the lamest super hero in marvel movies
Black Panther is also lame as fuck.
The black characters in Marvel are either shallow or have really stupid super powers that dont make sense.
>Black Panther
pick one
have you seen the reddit thread where they absolutely love the CGI? it's hilarious
>a sandnigger with an AK could take care of this guy
Did you not see him take out all those operators at the opening of the movie?
That's kind of the point. Tony's all firepower and explosions while Falcon's more stealth and finesse. Cap doesn't need heavy fire, he needs reconnaissance.
because the plot demanded it
he also had SW support
>indestructable suit.
>fast reflexes.
>super sharp claws made out of hardest metal on earth.
>expert fighter.
>richest man in the marvel universe.
>could probably cuck you.
yeah that's bretty bad fadams fay mee lee
The entire rationale for his existence is mind-boggingly retarded.
>having THAT technology
not even being racist but it really ruins the immersion for me. More so than the super power itself.
Black panther has a suit that is basically invulnerable. And training that levels Batman's in scope. Not to mention he is so rich he make batman look like Peter Parker wealth wise
Black panther is actually a legit good character that they will no doubt fuck up
>plot demanded it
How? He's set up as a highly skilled soldier with unique equipment.
That was one guy.
>super power that's 1000x more power than the superower you're thinking of!
>literally came out nowhere and has zero presence in any major storylines
God damn, his story is so silly. And that's saying something for a fictional character.
You miss the part where their super rich becayse they are the only country who has vibronium or however it's spelled. They found a extremely rare resource and ran with it.
Why not? You do know that a vast majority of precious jewels are from Africa, right? It's not a stretch to say someone controls the market there and uses the rich to invest in tech and science. Combine that with an isolationist attitude and it's entirely possible.
His flight is more agile than Iron man, he can dodge more shit. Iron man got hit by a tank shell while in TWS Falcon dodges a million artillery shots and heat seeking missles with ease.
In the comics, wakanda got lucky because a vibranium meteor fell down in their country and that boosted their weapons technology and allowed them to become more advanced than other African nations.
He's a racist nigger. He thinks his nigger race is better than all other races. Why would he care about the rest of the world?
this thread is bananas
das raycis
Fact: if it weren't for Spiderman and Antman, this flick would've been at the same mediocrity level as Ultron.
Requesting that fight scene webm from Thor 2
>Iron man got hit by a tank shell
>while in TWS Falcon dodges a million artillery shots and heat seeking missles with ease
He was literally flying too close to the guns for them to properly turn and hit him.
Ur wrong
>those jukes and jives
He's still more agile, in CW he never gets hit by Iron man when he's firing, except when he's saying "sorry bro". I'm just saying he's not useless.
Look what happened to China in the 1700s. If marvel were realistic the western powers would have razed chimpoolia or w/e the name of the nation is to the ground and stolen all that vibranium.
Daredevil is a fucking blind guy who is nowhere near as powerful as Thor but he's still one of the few marvel characters feel more for older audiences
If his voice doesn't make you want to watch him fuck your wife, I don't know what to tell you.
Hawkeye is the worst. They gave him a family?? WTF GTFO here.
Only reason he's not axed is cus he's a Jew.
Well they're still building his character, I'd say they did an okay job with the time they had.
But it's the Marvel universe we're talking about here, so they also posses magic powers that allows them to beat back white invaders.
Wait until he becomes the Lord of Shadowland.
I liked Black Panther, he's an impossible paragon for Black men.
He's honorable, believes in the religion and spirits of his land, has his own African name and is actually reasonable.
He's actually a cool we wuz kind of character, and frankly if darkies can learn some manners from a movie character I'm all for it.
It's like the writers said "See black guys? You too can be as cool as him if you try hard enough not being a fucking nigger in your shitty life".
yeh, fuck that!
We want cape movies without super powers!
>if darkies can learn some manners
I like him more than iron mans black side kick
The whole concept of wakanda is a liberals wet dream.
You can teach a gorilla how to use a camera, you can teach a black guy good manners.
Actually it's capitalism, they have one very important resource and capitalize on it while trickle down economics make the population not starving ebola aidsfuckers.
It's kinda like Norway and how it doesn't sell out its oil to foreign companies, it may seem socialist but it's actually state capitalism.
I think you're talking about Namor
I was more referring to the idea that an African nation would be capable of developing a resource into such advanced technology at all.
Naw, Black Panther is pretty much racist as fuck.
Black people standing up for themselves and protecting their own interests? Hardly. Look at how the left treats blacks in America, they keep them dependent on white generosity and dependent on white power structure that supports them.
Some black guys are actually intelligent, I've seen black dentists and black surgeons around in my travels, no doubt there could be a good black economist.
The problem is that he'd be easily corrupted into selling out said resource because blacks have no empathy at all and would sell out their "brothers" for a KFC bucket.
>Falcon in flight
His comradery and loyalty to Cap was on point. Dodging 'Shield' artilerary was God like too
This bird brain put me to sleep in every scene he was in.
I legitimately laughed with that scene where Black Panther is chasing Bucky.
It was seriously pathetic.
that looks awful
If you like Batman, you have no reason not to like Black Panther.
They're both the peak of humanity in every sense, wealthy leaders out of costume and equipped with non-sensical tools.
What's wrong with it?
It was lit until Cap stole another car.
now imagine the yakety sax tune playing while watching this webm
Thinking shit like that is funny is why you don't have any friends, user.
I forgot how fucking stupid this looked, these movies are so retarded.
fucking hell user
hahahahahaha oh my GOD
>nothing do with his skin color
why aren't there any samurai avengers? I'd much rather that over two stupid fucking black people
lost it
embarrassing levels of samefag
Are you done answering to your own unfunny post kiddo
kek approves
>"adults" watch these movies
Reminder that he wanted the comic accurate red suit, with a falcon partner, but the execs told him no and made him wear the edgy techsuit instead.
ebin :DDD
CGI, CGI everywhere
Thanks sjWheedon!
That's the dumbest, most garbage stunt I've seen in a long fuckin while.
This is how you do a Super-hero fight. Not even memeing.
fucking lost it
Yes, his friend was shot down by an air craft. So what? Power levels are the stupidest thing to use as criticism
>Africa having THAT technology
It is because they threw all the niggers away.
Source: Children books i take seriously.
shit tier fight scene 2bh
Nice meme. We get it, you smoke weed.
Fucking this
Pray the gay away.