What's the kike's plan? Bring in Mexicans so they vote liberal? Cheap labour?
What the fuck
>da likes be keeping us down
Why do seasoned stormweenies refuse to acknowledge that their own whites are demanding this labor?
See all those guys doing landscaping work, farm work, and whatnot?
Hint, the people hiring them are not part of some anti white globalist network .
People simply aren't willing to pay some millennial faggots like your average trumpfag $20 an hour to flip burgess, it's no conspiracy you dumb hick.
God dammit you mouthbreathers are retarded and blind beyond any comprehension.
Their plan is to replace the current "whites" as the "new whites". They'll "breed" the current whites out, and be the richest "whites" left to own everything.
Is this how you bait for evidence of the "stormfag" claims, or are you actually that bluepilled?
You think there's a plan behind this madness?
>I don't need to refute a self evident truth when I can call it bait
>I unironically use the term 'bluepilled' and 'redpilled' because I'm a meme parroting mouthbreather
Yes user you're really redpilled the redpills are everywhere and the Jews are scared
>See all those guys doing landscaping work, farm work, and whatnot?
They lower wages for the US workers by flooding the labor supply and enriching billionaires and wall street, not the working class.
Mexicans are the biggest good goys of all time. That's why you idiots worship drug dealers and are getting raped in the ass by Carlos Slim.
An entire country of morons easily duped by oligarchs and cartel bosses.
>Mexico is raped by billionaires therefore the US should be raped by billionaires
>Mexican intellectuals WILL defend this
Care to explain how wall street and billionaires profit when regular people and businesses hire illegals? How are all those landscaping, construction, dishwashing, cooking jobs enriching billionaires?
The rest of your post is nothing more than a bunch of memes mashed up, 'good goy', 'muh joooz', etc.
If your theory about billionaires fucking you over with Mexicans is true, wouldn't that put you in the same position as us and your Carlos slim example?
>import mexicans for more blue votes
>oops mexicans are family loving Catholics
>they all vote red
1. lower wages = nothing is affordable
2. nothing is affordable=more debt
3.more debt=more credit bubbles and securities for wall street to trade
You weren't paying attention in Mexican intellectual school were you?
all that delicious debt for wall street
Bravo Mexico, the country of the biggest usefull idiots of all time.
>real estate prices nearly double thanks to mass immigration and debt
yet wages are stagnant
college costs skyrocket
healthcare costs skyrocket
but wages stay the same
and it's all thanks to the Mexican intellectuals streaming across the border (and outsourcing, but you don't care about that)
Show direct evidence of lower wages (due to immigration) making things unaffordable.
What you're posting can be attributed to a myriad of other issues like the health care system being a racket where people charge whatever they want for products and services, ll.
You're beyond deluded if you honestly believe that 10 million immigrants are going to cripple your economy.
14,000,000 people do not control the world.
Have you seen the Israeli parliament? Its chaos, theres hundreds of factions.
Are people saying the entire Israeli parliament is a 68 year long act of theatre run just to fool people into think every single Jew isnt acting as one?
Conspiracy stuff never works when you apply real world situations. 14,000,000 people cant be managed.
Housing prices have outpaced wages ever since you started flooding across the border, Paco
Income is down for non boomers since amnesty
Wall Street has grown wealthy on Mexicans lowering wages and taking out sub prime mortgages.
Everyone else, not so much
>You're beyond deluded if you honestly believe that 10 million immigrants are going to cripple your economy.
>10 million
>sit around all day on the internet, possibly drinking/doing drugs
>read things that blame all of your problems on other people
>find group of people who agree that nothing is their fault
it's easier to blame the jews than it is to realize that people are inherently shitty or that you make mistakes
i've noticed a lot of white nationalists aren't different from dark age christians, they think jesus is the best thing ever and are afraid of scientists "messing with nature"
>we did nothing wrong goy
Jew here.
You know it's not always about the shekels and world domination. Sometimes we just like to have some fun. I like to turn on CNN, grab a nice plate of potato knish, and just watch the Goyim world burn down. It's simple pleasures like this that make life worth living.
lets be honest does that term have anything to do with bagels prepared with smoked salmon and capers
Most of these people on here don't give a shit about the truth tho/
Jews hold grudges like no one else.
They put idol of Zeus in their temple. And they destroyed the old religions for it.
They put into the ghetto. Progoms. They destroyed the old monarchies of Europe.
For the holocaust their aim is to destroy the white race entirely.
yet when jews kill hundreds of thousands no one cares
Because they are profiting by exploiting your extremely cheap labor. You live in a shack and think it's mansion. You are being goy'd hard and not thinking about twenty years down the road.
Why would our history books ever mention it? Why would our media ever say anything?
>when germans turn jews into lamps it's a lie
>when jews turn romans/greeks into belts it's the truth