Name literally one (1) thing he did wrong

Name literally one (1) thing he did wrong.

(protip: you can't)

Didn't confess his love to Winters when he had the chance.

He cut that fucking fence.

Threw a man out of an aircraft without shooting him first

1) he read that one map wrong during the field exercise
2) he fell for that one guy's shitty impression
3) he fostered unbridled hatred among men who were supposed to die for him in battle

Even if you're on a break you can't sleep with another woman.

It's been over a decade since I saw the series, but let's see what I can remember.

>He was a narcissist who thought that the purpose of the company was to make him look good and get him that gold oak leaf that he wanted.
>He micromanaged everyone and didn't know how/didn't care to delegate responsibility.
>He dressed down officers and NCOs in front of their subordinates, undermining the confidence of the lower enlisted in their chain of command.
>He basically made every mistake that an officer can make in a leadership role.

I've served under some officers who were exactly like CPT Sobel and some that were even worse. How none of them woke up with my e-tool embedded in their skulls, I have no idea.

He didn't buy a hot dinner with his first pay cheque

Couldn't coordinate a company for shit in the field.

You're right. They WERE on a break, after all.

Who is the better training tool for how an Officer shouldn't act? CPT Sobel or LT Gorman?

For a start he couldn't read maps

>literally thinking Major Horton is behind a fucking bush when you damn well know he's on leave
c'mon. he had to have been retarded. also

that prick's the son of Abraham

He was in a break.

No excuses. He should've serenaded the fuck outta Winters and then kiss him. Show that ginger that, even though he can't read a map worth a fuck, he can be the man Winters was waiting for.


Funny because i remeber reading in some spec ops military forum about how some of the guys there actually believed that Generation Kill was bullshit and lies because they thought that idiotic officers like Captain America and Captain Encino Man could not have service in Marine Corps IRL

They also legit though that LT Fick was too perfect to be a real officer

He misspelled "court martial"

Didn't salute the rank

>spec ops military forum


The deal with the sandwich was ridiculous.

i believe it was

he ran out into the open from an entrenched position for no reason


He screwed over Winters

That's because all of those faggots on that message board where "that guy" in the company.

Fick came off as a bit of a 1LT Marty Stu at times, but there are some good officers in the military. Sadly, not nearly enough.

Generation Kill is the only movie/TV series/miniseries about modern warfare that I can recommend. Bear in mind that you should treat it as though it's a work of fiction like a period piece. The general historical events that surround the plot are factual, but the specifics should be treated as though they were made up. It still gives a good idea of what it was like in the initial invasion.

He was an asshole

This. More to the point, he fabriated aspects of his report.

"I telephoned."
"I am quartered with a family who has no telephone, sir."

americans brainwash them for good

being of the Abrahamic faith

got his men killed or hopelessly lost in every training exercise

pretty sure he was retarded desu

Spiers was the best character. Go ahead, try to prove me wrong.

Speirs was top tier husbando. But not best character.

Most people who seems to complain about the series are military officers. Mostly complaining how the show mainly focused on enlisted men never mind the fact that Marine reconnaissance units are very enlisted dominated units as noted by Evan Wright by himself.

Reading a map is a very important skill, especially if you're leading a fucking paratrooper company

He was so incompetent and not on the level on his own soldiers he would have easily gotten nearly all of them killed.

He also

what the literal fuck was this guys problems

he was the biggest asshole in easy company including Sobol

The ratio of enlisted to officers in the US military is around 4.8:1. For the Marine Corps it's almost 8:1. The irony is that most embeds that get pushed down to the battalion level end up riding field-grade officer dick the entire time. The fact that Wright spent most of his time in an M1025 with a bunch of enlisted personnel is the exception that proves the rule. Those officers were just complaining about the one time they weren't treated like special fucking snowflakes. It hurt their feelings.

Almost every specific thing depicted in the show happened in real life.

Most of the people who were there were involved with the show in some way. For fuck's sake, they made it 5 years after the invasion.

Fick wasn't a marty stu at all, retards like you that throw that word around have no idea what that phrase means. He fucked up as well, just not in the "I'm going to try to get my company shelled by our own artillery using the wrong coordinates" way.

I don't remember what Cobb ever did besides getting drunk

He fought on the wrong side of WW2

Got lost and jumpy in the field.

He was an active prick towards the replacements for not fighting in Normandy despite the fact that he never actually got on the ground there.

Lighten up, Francis. I said that character came off like that "at times".

Dick Winters sounded like the perfect officer.

he also used the phrase "irregardless"