Give me your best
ITT: Recommended Military war tv shows/films
Thin Red Line
Generation Kill
Paths of Glory
Full metal jacket
Apocalypse Now
Band of brothers
it aint me
Some folks are born
Some Folks Are Born (1972)
Hail to the Chief (1978)
Red, White and Blue (1986)
China Beach
Star Wars: Clone Wars season 3 to Finish. Skip all non-clone-centric episodes.
Come and See
A Bridge Too Far
The Battle of Britain
Cross of Iron
Black Hawk Down
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 & 1979)
Stalingrad (the german one)
The Vietnam trilogy is pretty good.
Some Lesser Known and classic War-kino
Berlin Year Zero
Ivan's Childhood
The Big Red One
The Steel Helmet
Ballad of a Soldier
>The Hurt Locker
Not even kidding
Any good films or TV shows set during the Napoleonic Wars?
I've seen Waterloo already.
The action was ok, but the premise was quite shit at times.
>secret soldiers of benghazi
Will give you an operatin boner.
>Act of valor
Ignore plot, the action is good.
>Flags of our fathers & Iwo Jima
2 sides of the same coin directed by Clint based Eastwood
>Tropa de Elite(Elite Squad) 1 & 2
BOPE operatin, guess drug war is still war.
And a mandatory series: Generation Kill
>pic related
Any Falklands kino?
Band of Brothers
>Highest rated show ever
>$120m budget
>Produced by Spielberg and Hanks
>Basically a more in depth Saving Private Ryan with 10 episodes of character development
Generation Kill
Band of Brothers
The Pacific
Saving Private Ryan
Thin Red Line
Das Boot
Letters From Iwo Jima
master and commander
The world at war.
>Ivan's childhood
>lesser known
>producer Jeremy Isaacs
Gee, I wonder how the Germans were portrayed.
Get comfy user
What does /tv think of this?
>God Tier Ensemble Surplus Flicks
The Longest Day
A Bridge Too Far
Battle of the Bulge
Where Eagles Dare
>Team of Guys You Get To Know Kino
Band of Brothers
Generation Kill
Saving Private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
>War Is Fucked Holy Shit Kino
Apocalypse Now
Letters from Iwo Jima
The Thin Red Line
Hell in the Pacific
>War Is Fucked Abloobloo Flicks
Full Metal Jacket
The Big Red One
The Pacific
Like everyone else, just watch it.
All action, no heart. Still good.
Well cast and scored.
It's the GOAT WW2 doc, son. It's age is to its credit as a lot of people who fought were still alive and give their account throughout, including Germans.
>Wah Wah The Germans did nothing wrong
Fuck off
What did they do wrong exactly besides losing the war?
You fuck off, Schlomo. Go take a shower at Auschwitz.
haha! you acknowledged the holocaust!
I win gandhigator!
Ahmed mad that he lost 2 wars.
Great answer.
Damn, forgot about Platoon. That's Vietnam kino right there.
>The patriot
So underrated
starting to think football season is over for me.
I've had a good run, not like it would matter once I'm dead. seriously whats the fucking point to all this?
Cross of Iron
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Stalingrad 1993
Kilo Two Bravo
Voyna/The War
Into the White
Those are my favorite war films aaside from the obvious.
Actually, Into the White isn't as fantastic as the others but it's still good.
Voyna is criminally underrated, though.
And Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence as well, Japanese WWII kino, has one of Beat Takeshi's first roles and he speaks Engrish in it.
Dog Soldiers isn't war based but it has British soldiers fighting fucking werewolves and is amazing.