Tax Returns

Can't believe he won't release his taxes, this is the same thing that sunk Romney in 2012.

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every day he's looking more and more like he's a shillery plant after all.

>Under an audit

You libcucks are fucking pathetic

He's gonna milk the free publicity and then release them. There won't be anything in there that means anything and you will have fallen for the ruse exactly as planned.

>it's another trumpweenie who thinks everything trump does is planned for maximum reception

It is actually. The media has fallen for ruse after ruse. Its like nobody actually read his book.

>Can't believe he won't release his taxes, this is the same thing that sunk Romney in 2012.

HAHAH No you faggot. What sunk Romney was that he took the bait from Harry Reid and actually released them. Then the media started nit-picking everything form it.

Trump is executing the only logical move.

where are Obama's school transcripts?

Youre an idiot if you think this cunt pays taxes

>I haven't read "The Art of the Deal" in which Trump lays out his entire campaign strategy from the beginning

Obamas not running, Einstein.

You lost that one

Well if he doesn't then surely our great IRS would find out about it. He is under an audit after all.

Reasons to care about Trumps tax returns:

I agree, it creates an opportunity to call Clinton out on her wallstreet transcripts. Every time Trump is hounded about his tax returns on the debate stage, he can deflect with her wall street transcripts. Hell, he could even make a deal to release them if she releases her transcripts.

As much as this hurt Romney, I don't think it hurts Trump because the tax returns won't tell us anything we don't already know.

>He's really rich, even if he is not worth 10 billion, who gives a fuck.
>We know he probably has offshore accounts to dodge taxes
>We know he pays a lower effective tax rate than everyone else
>Nobody would care if his charitable contributions aren't as high as stated

Most importantly, nobody fucking cares about his tax returns.

The plan is he'll wait for Clinton to attack him on it, then the second he does, he'll say "I'll release them the same day you release the transcripts for all your wall street speeches"

he's playing the long game with it

Why should I care?

being Morman sunk Romney

nobody ever going to hire a Morman sorry

exactly people that are voting for Trump have most likely already made up their minds, from now on only more people can get on board the media has been trying to stump him for almost a year now and so far it has been without any success.

Is the media this stupid or don't they even care?

Trump gives them something to report on every few days and he is constantly in the media.

Trump's an idiot, he just attacked Jeff Bezos and said Amazon would have antitrust concerns; they are kicking everyone's ass in the grand game of capitalism and he is butthurt.

It was pretty dumb of him to say it's none of your business. He should just release them then keep yelling at Shillary to release her Goldkike Shekels speeches and to have the Clinton Foundation audited.

he did specifically say in the latest interview that he has NO off-shore accounts, so I'll be curious if any come to light

This is turning into classic Trump honestly. He'll bait them into making a big media thing out of his tax returns, and then just release them. They'll look normal and then he'll say "the media is clearly against me." His saying "it's none of your business" publicly is setting the bait - why else would he say that?

>off-shore accounts in your tax returns

user, please

Why doesn't anyone else understand?

Trump keeps people in suspense until an opportune time presents itself. If he released everything now and gave a complete statement of Hilldog, he would blow his load way before the election. It's good strategy to give the media a dumb story to talk about instead of encouraging them to dig deeper.

The panama papers said his name was listed among the offshore companies

Also he has shell companies incorporated in Delaware according to news sources

So are tax returns the new birth certificate? Can we call people obsessed with his tax returns "Taxers" or something? Trump could just repeat the old Obama phrases when birthers were screaming for his birth certificate.

There were 0 trump accounts listed in the Panama Papers. There were thousands of mentions of trump, I.E., people talking about him.

It's an old establishment trick to make other candidates look untrustworthy. Standard practice is to release as many tax returns as possible to avoid that attack. That's why Yeb! released 35 years of tax returns and Hillary released many years as well.

It hurt Romney's credibility in 2012

>Its like nobody actually read his book

very true

I saw articles being buried where he was listed, but that might be bullshit. Either way, would you really be surprised if he was doing something to pay a lower effective tax rate?

Romney wasn't being audited, what sank Romney was his illegal overseas accounts that obama found out about.
Romney quickly paid his back taxes and fines and the issue was dropped by the IRS.

You're right now #imwithher shes sacrificed so much, her time, her family life, small children and now finally #itsherturn

>Trump outlines exactly how he will run his campaign in a book
>nobody reads said book
>people act surprised that he runs his campaign exactly like he said he would

That doesn't stop you from releasing your tax returns you fucking idiot

If you think Trump is just winging this whole thing and he got the nomination through a series of sheer lucky incidents, then you are just stupid as shit.

He openly admits to using loopholes but says he'd close them.

Yeah it's not like he is number 1 despite hundreds of millions of dollars spent in negative ads against him. No, he's awful at marketing I agree.

>burying stories on trump

wew lad

Remember Trump is the reincarnation of Patton.

>Obamas not running, Einstein.
that's right Ficklestein.. he ran twice without disclosing them. Now you think hiding something is bad though, right Ficklestein?

god damn, I knew it was a shill thread. Sage it boys

>The media is bought and paid for by huge mega donors to push propaganda all day
>those donors direct and control political narrative
>those donors obviously didn't read his book
>the media knows whats up, they were paid hush money to keep their opinions to themselves and push a narrative.

I'm honestly glad the media is being complicit with allowing Trump to be Trump, this election would be so boring if Yeb! won the nomination and went against Shillary. It would be the lowest energy election of all time