ITT: We Post the worst characters in their respective series
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fast forward material. no joke comes out of these scenes.
just a bad person in a let down of a show
jeffs telling a joke
jeffs telling a joke
everybody laugh cause jeffs telling a joke
what's so bad about the show?
Well every character in Harry Potter sucks
I like Diane, she helps to balance out Bojack's all-consuming depression by showing another route through which in can manifest, albeit with a person who is juuuust barely able to keep it under control.
As much as I love Todd, he's easily the weakest of the 5 main characters
That scene made my palms sweaty.
dobby ain't any better but at least she carries the conversation. that faggot is irritation on the other hand.
Diane is just as depressed and self destructive as Bojack, but in a more passive aggressive way.
I really want them to explore Diane's feminist activism and her reliance on Mr. Peanutbutter's wealth. They've danced around it numerous times on the show, but it's never truly been addressed.
It looks like they're foreshadowing the potential unraveling of that marriage next season with Diane's blog and MPB's run for office, so I hope they really come right out and blatantly fixate on it.
Nothing, mate. It's a great show to watch while browsing my favourite subreddits.
>lol I'm a snob
>lol I hate Tracy Morgan
Literally the only two types of jokes he has
The nosedive in writing quality of this show beginning with S2 is unreal. I don't think there's ever been any other TV show that started so strong right out of the gate and then turned into such mediocre drivel by S2.
It's like the whole writing team decided to just phone it in after their first Emmy
Literally every nigger on every show except one.
British TV isn't good
>worst character on Happy Endings
>not Dave
Your mother isn't good and you should not feel good.
Hahaha, black Sheldon said "internet" in a funny voice! I love British humour!
White moss is a faggot and IT crowd was long before that shitshow.
>missing the point.
He's supposed to be someone and something you hate. If he's a likeable character that spruces up the show when he comes on screen, he wouldn't be hated.
What are you trying to say?
It's a horrible show with an amazing theme.
what's reddit about it?
It's a buzzword for "anything that I don't like or disagree with"
The only thing reddit about it is your anxiousness to please.
The point to Sup Forums is you are anonymous so you should be giving a giant middle finger to anyone you concept is "chasing you" & have some keks.
fuck you, I hope your mother dies, fuck Trump!
>Long before
>IT Crowd first season 2006
>BBT first season 2007
>One year is long before
IT crowd is british BBT face it anglophile
I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a joke but I thought it was ironic that Diane is an SJW but in reality it's Alison Brie pretending to be asian. Why not have an asian person be diane? you don't even see her face so the voice could've been literally anyone.
This. People will attack BBT but praise IT Crowd. They're both pretty bad.
Not Peggy or Luanne?
>Be Harry Potter
>Most famous wizard
>Saves the world like 6 or 7 times, kills wizard Hitler 4gud.
>Can have literally ANY wizard girl, past, present or future
>Decides to fuck his best friends bland, plain, sister and marry her and spend the rest of his life with her and nobody else
I mean, hell, at least get out there and capitalize on the fame for wizard pussy for a few years before you settle down with the paperweight of a person forever.
I like her character because she's honestly just as horrible as Bojack but thinks she's better than everyone.
Bojack knows he's terrible at being a person, but Diane hasn't accepted it in herself yet. She's wasted her education, wasted her career 2 or 3 times over, squandered a lot of solid opportunities, and thinks she's above what she does while leaching off her husband who clearly loves her more than she loves him.
Makes me wonder if Diane had left MPB for Bojack in S1, would she had experienced a similar fate as Sara Lynn
Frak her.
I'm still wondering if her being a piece of shit is an intentional writing choice or not
Dianne was based in season 2
he's good when he's the butt of the joke
bailey jay?
But Diane serves a purpose, she's a mockery of modern trash. Todd is the worst character and an annoying piece of shit. Diane also has a better voice actor.
Peggy is easily the worst character.
so for a lot of these that's the point of the character...ESPECIALLY this one
People that dislike Peggy are the absolute worst.
She's meant to be laughed AT, not WITH.
fucking plebs
This. She's the show's villain ffs.
go to bed Peggy
And that's what makes her the worst.
I hate Peggy because I know women like Peggy, and I hate those women.
Weakest of The Gang and the Frank-centric episodes tend to be of lower quality
This bitch ruined the show for me, she contributed nothing to the main plot of the show yet was always the center of attention.
Wtf frank is hilarious
I like Frank. Charlie's over acting kills any type of interest I have in the show. He tries way too hard
hell fucking yes
I love Frank. He's random in just the right way, if that makes sense.
>not the fat mexican gay kid
cmon, its like you're not even trying
People who claim Peggy is the worst obviously never made it to the Lucky episodes.
I feel the same. They obviously brought him on to add credibility to the show.
I like him because he cucks Mark
>there will never be an alternate peep show with Mark as the antagonist to Jeff's protagonist
Not really. Otherwise the creator wouldn't have spazzed out and called "misogyny" on people for not liking his badly written character.
>write character who is a complete killjoy who only exists to roadblock the story that the audience wants to see and acts like a cunt to her husband for reasons she's not even supposed to know yet
>audience calls her a cunt
>"nu-uh! my writing is perfect you people are the problem"
that's someone other than Dualla
>He's supposed to be someone and something you hate.
Considering how easily him and Jez got along I always thought it was Mark's fault that they had their weird rivalry
Skyler makes sense and is a great character. Fuck off.
Marie is the worst.
It's actually her husband.
you're a piece of shit
Mr. Peanutbutter is one of the best characters in the show, and in season 2 he had a lot of range.
I want to ______ Mr Peanutbutter!
That's a lifeless doll, user.
fucking this, Lucky screentime is mind numbing
>not starsue
Khannie is nice. She's not particularly funny but her presence is never abrasive and she doesn't get that much screen time anyway. What is there to dislike?
Elliot's a great character, shove off dweebus
The bald guy is my least favorite, I even forget his name
Most of these shows are shit anyway.
peggy. her goblin face makes me want to puke. her character sucks too. pete sucks too. terrible actor.
what happens behind the scenes to make TV shows torpedo so quickly?
>strings along orbiter nonstop
>constant psuedo-psychology edginess
I wish she offed herself when she tried
Also got an abortion.
>smarter than everyone
>always knows what's best
>everybody wants to fuck her
More like Carla Sue, amirite?
If you don't understand the difference between tbbt and it crowd then there could be something seriously wrong with your brain.
I'm not sure you understand WHY exactly tbbt is awful. It's more than the jokes just not being funny.
Most boring, nothing character in a series I can recall. And for some reason she had what felt like 80% of the scenes and plot lines
She's not even a deconstruction of anything.
Literally shit tier.
This rancid swine.
Jeff's scenes were fucking hilarious
Protip: you're not supposed to like him
shes just condescending as fuck to everyone around her when its shown many times throughout the show her advice is shit and she isn't that smart
He's gonna be like Bran Stark
A cute little girl (boy) that is ruined by puberty