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Hope those numbers fall even more drastically.
Mexibros in the US, do us a favor and put in more effort into breeding, if you don't have kids or already got a few, make an extra one, you are our future.
When the day white numbers are dwindling we can start our north American union and rule the world while stormweenies complain about white genocide in shitposting echo chambers. that a vagina caught in a pants zipper?
No it's a foreskin, I don't know how this happens honestly you always see jokes about it in American TV shows but it's literally impossible unless you don't wear underpants
2/10, made me reply
>he wears underwear
Every time I fuck a white girl I can hear my Aztec ancestors cheering me on from beyond the grave
the imperial big nose pharacees khazar inbred supremacist kikes like trump way too much... he is an agent provocateur like the crypto sephardi Hitler, who created the controlled opposition known as nazis to assist the zionist goal of herding jews to the globalist banker invented pseudo country named israel/palestine
all while justifying and normalizing the demonization of several gentile butterheaded stupid blondes and fat soulless gingers considered roundfaced PIEfaced proto indo european trash by the bird faced and rat faced imperial ethnocratic oligarchy dominating and raping all indigenous groups into a world full of half kikes tainted with several genetic defects from their inbred sires and leading to a genetic drift that will cause genetic bottleneck
anti-shiksagoyim is wrong too, you dont want to kick too much dirt on the PIEfaced proto indo european cheeseeater gentile pigs... just try to subdue them with constant subtle negativity and self destructive suggestions wrapped up as jokes... mainly distract them from the rivers of lethe lead and mercury they drink and the perfidy/usury system of economic oppression analizing their society...ol kike buddy :)
heil yidsreal! sterilize all ethiopean semites, murder all yemeni semites and blame all afghan "beni israeli" semites for 9-11 to cover for our saudi big nosed, pharacees, khazar, long faced inbred master race cousins... cause we arrr soooo smawwwwwt
gazaga kike jews with the imperial big nose blood seem much more genocidal from their khazar pharacees heritage of treating all other human ethnicities as niggers needing MOAR whipping and raping...i believe it is all phrenological...behavior literally connected to their nose size, the sociopath gene, the pervert gene...all tied in to schnoz, like a silver back gorilla or a grasshopper turned locust maybe some environmental factor has awakened an ancient "genetic switch" the kike switch
Holy shit I cringed at the picture. I've browsed Sup Forums to the point that I don't even flinch at the sight of a beheading or gunshot wound, but that picture triggered the fuck out me, OP. Props my man
>all while justifying and normalizing the demonization of several gentile butterheaded stupid blondes and fat soulless gingers considered roundfaced PIEfaced proto indo european trash by the bird faced and rat faced imperial ethnocratic oligarchy dominating and raping all indigenous groups into a world full of half kikes tainted with several genetic defects from their inbred sires and leading to a genetic drift that will cause genetic bottleneck
Caution: Brain aneurysm ahead
It hurts when you're foreksin rolls back and rubs against your pants, especially with the zipper. In underwear it's just really uncomfortable
The worst I've ever had are pubes getting inside my foreskin when I'm walking and it nearly incapacitates me
I have to stop walking and mess with my junk like a madman
ooo it tenders.
>already 600,000,000 latin americans
>"a-another few million and we'll be kings and shit!"
I hate when I get a semi in winter and the head starts poking out of the foreskin but it gets cold and instantly shrivels up again. It feels so weird being able to feel it shrink in seconds
I once clipped the tip of my dick while zipping my shit, fortunately the worst damage was a small cut.
I had an ex give me such a rough handjob she would pull back the skin and start rubbing my knob dry, it hurt but I was too beta to say anything because I wanted to lose my virginity and she ended up making it calloused and dried up.
>It hurts when you're foreksin rolls back and rubs against your pants
He's american, he wouldn't know what having a foreskin feels like.
That's why I explained it to him
The Chinese will just be like, "Hahaha fucking Americans got outbreeded. Now ALL america shit so ez to exploit work for drug lil mexicant. We smaht we no get outbreeded we win the world nao hahahahhaa"
What the dumb indio didn't realize is that even in their mongoloid-infested countries, Latin America is mostly run by white, ethnically European elites. This will continue to be the case in the United States even after it's projected demographic shift.
They may be a bunch of filthy commies, but you have to admit that the Chinese are based as fuck.
It took months for it to get moist and normal again
The same thing is happening to you stupid britbong. Your ultra cucked elites are jealous of our diversity and are determined to surpass us and destroy your white population before we do. Also, spics > muzzies.
Only the slavs are safe.
China has lower birth rate than the US tho
There's this stuff called moisturizer cream. It works wonders.
We are actually well under 60% hell we might be under 50%
According to the 2012 Census 39 million blacks account for 13% of the population
according to 2015 Welfare statistics 43 million blacks are on welfare.
It's estimated that 1/3 of the black population is on welfare so we can take that 43 million and range it between 90 and 129 million blacks as being the actual US population.
Whites are far more accounted for leaving a margin of 12-18%
I hate the feeling of cream, and does it work on your glans? I just thought you'd need to leave it covered and it would naturally go back to normal.
Circumcised men who restore their foreskin lose the callouses on their glans after a while
Can you provide some sources for those numbers? I'm not denying it but I would just like to see for myself, 39 million blacks versus 129 million is a huge difference
>Does it work on your glans?
Quite well.
Does this 60% number account for undocumented immigrants and their children? I hear there are tens of millions of them
I didn't know, you have a specific brand you recommend? I'd like mine to be a bit more smooth looking
The 60% number includes North Africans and Middle easterners so actual whites are probably a couple of percentage points lower, America doesn't have a lot of Arabs but it's still a couple of percent.
Here is stats from 2014 saying that there are 42 million black people
Welfare Statistics from 2016
Has Blacks on welfare at 43 million
That's over 100% of blacks on welfare and though not the same sources as last week discrepancy is the same
103% of black are on Welfare
He's full of shit just like OP is
We are at 63% white with about 192 million whites, 197 if you count the kebab and north africans that our shit government pretends are white because they "don't want to be racist"
>103% blacks on welfare
with a 3% margin of error?
That's really weird, but how many blacks even do the census? You can bet a good amount are trying to hide as best they can.
Yes it does more or less
There are anywhere from 50-70 million illegals in the US and almost none of them are white.
Our government only pretends there are 20 million and the public narrative is that there are only 12 million.
That 12 million number comes from a very botched and falsified report drummed up during the end of the Clinton administration in 2000 just like that 77 cents statistic about women making less, except that garbage "news" rag was closer to the truth despite being way off compared to the government's claim of only 12 million illegals.
what the fuck why did I reply tothere are not more than 43 million blacks, we don't have any majority black states for fuck sake.
please read
I knew it wasn't right at 60% don't worry, I actually really like America and love reading about your statistics and past census'. It's really interesting to see which cities became the biggest throughout your history and seeing which States grew the most.
Wait, what the fuck? Are you sure you didn't do your math wrong somewhere or read some stat wrong? The black population being 300% larger than what the census says (assuming no growth in 3 years) is ridiculous.
Yeah, that's a huge number and the source for the number of blacks on welfare isn't a government one so I wouldn't take that one as definite proof although today I don't think a government source would be the most accurate either.
>There are not more than 43 million blacks
>43 million blacks are on welfare
>I have a black co-worker who is not on welfare
>2014 population of Africans were 42 million
OKAY Mr. Goldenberg
This is well known that they lump latins in as white and that the population of european descent
Quality > quantity
How fucking stupid are you? Name another country with more than 190!! million whites.
You can't.
>we can start our north American union and rule the world
You can't even come remotely close to running 1 country successfully...
Keep fighting the good fight brother. Don't be afraid to let that seed spread.
White supremacist pieces of shit will know who's boss in a few years.
When we control the US it won't pose a problem for us as it has been for the last decades look up American interventions in Latin America on part of the US. We'll commandeer the US for the benefit of our countries.
We aren't xenophobic like white weenieboys so we'll find a way to work with China and Russia once we have control of the US.
So, according to your theory, white people on high positions of government and businesses are the reason why there is so much corruption and misery?
trust me, blacks have always been 13% of the pop, they've always been around 10-13% of the total pop, no more, no less.
>he actually fucking believes blacks are anywhere near a majority
and yeah Spain is white, so fuck off. Hispanic is a fucking meme.
Having trouble finding it right now but there was a remark awhile ago that about 1/3 of the black population was on welfare
As the census cannot be trusted and we only have the welfare statistic we must take it as is. Assumming I can find the damn announcement again. Googling anything about race on google is the hardest fucking thing