Name my band

I need a name for my punk rock band. We're a trio from Sydney, Australia. Haven't got any ideas yet.

The Wankers

Cunt, cunt and kangaroo fucker

Kill All Abbos
You could stylize it as Kilalabos so it's a bit more subtle

Sydney and teh Australias.

The Sheilas

Crocodile Dundees

The cunts

The Affordable Housing Project
Guaranteed to catch the eye!


The Stingray That Killed Steve Irwin

the Tank Boys

aboriginal auschwitz

Kylie Minogue When She Was Still Young And Cute

The Strayers

tsar fagilian and the reptilian magician

Bloody Fucking Drongo Cunt

I've got an idea that can help you out. Open a dictionary to a random page, and without looking, put your finger on a random word. If that word is not a noun, find the nearest one. Then use that object to kill yourself.

The Drongos

Drongo Bongo

suicide deluxe

Asses for the Masses

Nine Inch Drongo


Dingo Starr

Bitches in Stitches

30 odd litres of petty

Struth Ruth and the Inconvenient Truth

this is punk af

communist party of estonia

Smashed Infant

The Runk Bock Panda

aint no party like a communist party because it is the only party


Kowarblah Khan

The Niggers

>Death to Grimes

Or maybe Koalah Khan



The Didgeridon'ts

Emu War Veteran



the Nigger Chasers

the bois down unda
the roo doodz

it's bean fuyve dies seence you looked aht may

Stylized like abba

The Dingos