I am afraid /pol is right.
I used to think you were just à bunch of butthurt faggots (and you probably are) but i looked into the math of the migrant crysis in France and Germany and you're right... The situation is unsustainable and WE have maybe 5-10 years before WE become a minority and WE eitheir purge or die. I have no interest in politics but i can lead and program, so i was thinking... How about an app that would tell you about safe-places in case of an emergency/happening/civil war? I got the idea when the day after Paris terrorist attack, some people gathered in my entryway because of the général panic.
Simply it would be an app that tell you the way to à Well stock safe place in case of à terorist attack...
My problem is how to make it work before such issue arise?
I am afraid /pol is right
Other urls found in this thread:
>still doing the faggy ´s and `s in english
don't you have more important things to worry about?
Now they are saying that climate change will make the Middle East and Africa "uninhabitable." This is basically code for "spread your ass because we are moving in."
Also this is my first time on /pol, i'm ashamed to post here but i'm drunk out of my mind because of the dread this red pill (is this one of your term or reddit? I don't fucking care) is giving me. I just want to help, i want to save watever there is to salvage in France.
Making an app like that would be the easy part. The hard part would be convincing people to use it. If europeans were aware of the dangers of islamic immigration then you wouldn't be in the situation you are in now.
Bad people could go in the shelter too
its all good Pierre, red pill is a reference from The Matrix . It was used here first but like all things has spread to reddit/normiebook
Autocorrect from à french keyboard is à bitch, also i'm drunk. Fuck you little bitch, icame to seek help on how i could contribute. This is your country that is importing arabs into Europe! I'm only asking how to fix YOUR FUCKING MISTAKES.
An app that would guide people to the nearest safe zone (police station, ration stock pile etc) legitimately sounds like a fantastic idea.
But European nationalism always rises in response to external threats, so don't be too fatalistic. Think of it as the Moorish invasion and look forward to the new Crusade.
Not really interested in helping muds Achmed sorry.
>The situation is unsustainable and WE have maybe 5-10 years before WE become a minority and WE eitheir purge or die.
You're a complete lunatic and a morron
Dégage espèce de gros clochard de merde
L'islam est la future religion dominante de la France
casse-toi ahmed
From my drunk mind your flag looks eitheir australian or new zealand. I'm glad you like the idea and i do think this is à legit contribution. However looking up to a moorish invasion is à very sad idea... I used to despise /pol because from an outside perspective you guys seems to be looking up to a full on war. But i do have a family, assets and legit things to loose. I don't want to be pissy about it but french ppl are a bunch of cucks nowadays. I just want to keep my loved ones and neighbours safe
Y'a un ahmed à la tête de ton pays gros lard de merde
actual app dev here, this sounds like a really cool idea and it wouldn't even be that hard to make but what keeps the nogs from going there?
I'd love to have an app that enables Sup Forumsacks to mark their house as "safe space" (not in an sjw sense ofc) so other Sup Forumsacks could bring their guns and join the fun.
nogs could just install the app as well, gather and then raid us. I could implement a verification so only whites get to use the apps but there are some red pilled minorities and they could be of help as well. Also, a nog could let a white verify the app access for him and he could build some traps.
Man it's pretty hard actually if you wanna make it work on a social level
My point exactly.
I also would name it "patte blanche" (white paw) because this is what red riding hood ask the wolf to show before letting it enter her house.
Retourne sucer gretchieuse pede
Why don't you shut the fuck up butt hut shyza cunt?
*poo lands on loo shelf*
*pokes finger in it*
stick your head back in the sand Achmed
sorry bro I couldn't make it past OP's first 3 lines but yea I see you already considered that
haha that name is amazing kek
Nice work, Monsieur Gabacheaux. Good luck with that.
Nah dude. Just get a gun and nationalist friends. If you survive, you'll survive because of a tightly knit group of like-minded individuals who are ready to do what's necessary. No app will help you or some poor misguided fellow who can't pull his own weight in a post-apocalyptic society, because he has been bluepilled his entire life.
The less people that know about you and your ability to survive in case of a happening, the better. Don't let your altruism cuck you a second time.
Also the only shit posters i get are french replying in french? What the fuck.
bataclan theatre meetup
>hay guise may app says to turn this way to find the safe place
>pack of wild niggers waiting to take your shit and fuck your women at the safe place
Are you fucking retarded? Jesus christ.. what a sad, helpless generation
I do think you're wrong though, i don't need an app to survive but i do think the old lady and the small nerd need me to survive. What i'm offering is à safe place guarded by me and my compétent friends to help the weak. Last time i checked this is what our countries stand for shleu.
Why do Canadian shitposters always get away with this shit?
The app's a good idea, just sell it as a civil emergency app. And I sincerely doubt things will get too bad in Europe before retaliation occurs.
I'm defending your French friend, the stupid German cunt is complaining about the guy spelling with accents, who cares? Germans are a country full of sour pusses
Maybe i'm just trying to help. Is this all /pol is? Weak complaining bêtas? I'm not saying it doesn't need improvement, but i'll do that at least. What have you done to help burger?
nigga you got some throwaway mail? I might have some time during summer
Join Generacion Identitaire faggot
>WE eitheir purge or die.
No need for any of that. The only thing that is keeping "social peace". Is the welfare nanny state. Mathematically speaking , the current system is unsustainable. Demography aside , there will come a point in time when the government will not be able to tax the indigenoud europeans middle class to death...
Because whatever will be left of the white race (in the West , not counting the East or Central Europe since they have more homogenous populations).....But , anyway...
Due to "white flight" & lack of opportunity. (since it's hard to start a viable business under socialist fiscal policies , which are also ridiculously regulated)...
The system will simply collapse on its own.
If the UK leaves the EU (i don't think they will) , but if it happens...We're going to see some major changes in the near future.
It will trigger a domino effect. Borders will be back full time. Countries will regain their sovereignties....
Will arabs & blacks leave on their own once "free shit" is no longer the norm ?...Considering how shitty their country of origin are , some of them are likely to stay.
But by the time this happens...Most europeans will become totally redpilled.
Momentum is shifting to the nationalist side. Let's just hope it doesn't trigger any civil wars. Time will tell...
But it's not the moment yet. Because people are not getting taxed enough to start a massive rebelion.
>an app for safe zones
>openly distributing likely areas of congregation immediately after/during a terrorist attack
Chief. I think you need to think about this a little more.
Move to Quebec you'll be safer
Just avoid Montreal and Quebec city
code an app that ties into the 23andMe API's genetic database
divide users by genotype and then direct users to their genetic clusters using google maps
you'll be famous
access this
send the white man home
This is half right fellow frog, WE actually live in à great country for entrepreneurs, i'm à succesfull one too (op here). What concerns me is the fact that the only solution présente to us is political. But sadly WE are beyond this point, WE Will have to fight for our survival in the next t'en years. You can't import illiterates by the million without fucking Molière over...
I would but what about the ones i would let behind? Fleeing isn't an option, but i'm glad you would have me.
Thanks but it is more about values than race right. I fear and loathe islam not blacks and arabs. I am way more afraid of them shitting up our phylosophy than i am afraid of them fighting us.
fuck the lunatic Jeanne D'Arc which had as partner Gilles de Rais, a pedophile and mass murderer with so despicable crime that even his noble status failed to protect him from being sentenced to death.
Jeanne D'arc also was also completely unprepared when she won Orleans, if fact broke a siege that was already half abandonned, just because of her unconsciousness.
Later she lost almost all the battles she fought, and was eventually burned by the church.
Funny that the catholic extreme right wing praise a girl that was burned to death by them, for sorcery.
>safe paves in case of emergency
Run toward the emergency, faggot, TOWARD.
Come home white man.
Yes you're right Jeanne d'Arc is shit but this is the only pol related picture i have. How about talking about how to improve our shitty situation instead of bitching?
Well there wont be a reconquista this time because everyone is well fed and sedantary and has enough porn to sustain the end of the world
>move to america
>buy guns
>make friends with gun owners
>get ready
The only way
joana d'arc best waifu
>enough porn to sustain the end of the world
Yep, that and vidya
Leave it to a frog to want to know where to hide when there's trouble.
Again, thanks for the hospitality but i don't plan to run away...
Redpill your friends. That's how you can contribute.
You don't need an app to know things are fucked up.
>Vote FN
>Get a gun
>Find a qt Frenchie and do your part to prevent demographic oblivion
Good luck.
Get your guns back frogman.
t merican
You forget that terrorists can use your app to make a second attack.
>leave it to a from to be willing to protect the weak when there is trouble you mean.
I'm saying i'll make an app to protect my neighbours in case of an emergency, what you you got you fat shit?
you're trying to be reasonable and not judge people by the colour of their skin. that's noble but it's exactly those ideals which lead to islamization and conflict.
races are organisms that will always fight for primacy. islam vs christianity is just a narrative for a deeper biological truth
Well this is kinda on topic but how? Also what do you mean by red pill? I do get that importing illiterate ppl from shit countries to the point that they Will out-number us in 5 years is à terrible idea. The rest i don't care... Also how? People around me are regular people, i don't know how to warn them without passing as à fucking /polfag...
>first time here
>calls american a burger
I'm on to you Pierre
Burger is actually a common insult for Americans, it's like how we call French people frogs it's not a Sup Forums meme they just eat a lot of frogs.
Is it? I think the main problem is that WE started to cater to th feelings of everyone that wanted to feel victimized. And somehow WE ended up in a country where speaking our mind was forbidden even when WE were right. France used to be à place were a song about arabs stealing bikes would be top of the charts, what happened?
Vote FN c'est le mieux à faire
>pol related picture
It looks like you don't go outside enough to know that no one outside of Sup Forums says burger as an insult
>Demography aside , there will come a point in time when the government will not be able to tax the indigenoud europeans middle class to death
Does that not also put you in a purge or die scenario?
>welfare state goes broke
>muds go insane for lack of gibs
>actual working frenchmen killed for their stuff
This happens quite predictably.
>they just eat a lot of frogs.
the only place were I ever ate frogs are in chinese restaurant (they have fried frogs legs there).
This frog eating stuff is so over estimated...
I'm not from/pol i just improvised something that would'nt be too mean.
We do here
It's a stereotype yeah
OP has the intelligence of a 5 year old.
>>Vote Fn
I won't, they're as dense as your Trump and would fuck over what remains
>>Get a gun
Yes i Will get into this, maybe get an fucking hunting licence...
>>Find a qt Frenchie and do your part to prevent demographic oblivion
Already done
>Good luck.
Thanks i guess, but you're not helping me save my cutie neigbors or elderly nans from arab rape.
Good one, now how about your country make à contribution ? It's been a long time Since fireworks, about à thousand years I FUCKING GUESS CHINESE FUCKING SLUT!
The French welfare state literally stultifies adult development. Most modern day Frenchmen are little more than children in middle-aged bodies. They're completely incapable of thinking and acting under their own volition, reflexively reaching over and over again for mother welfare and bureaucrats for their every need.
I asked out a girl a few weeks ago who looked EXACTLY like the painting of Joan of Arc
>tfw she said no
Nah, you're beeing mean but you know WE would'nt exploit a system of trust WE build for ourselves. Our welfare system isn't to blâme but its financing is fucked. We're not the hopeless fucks you paint us to be but WE are indeed in trouble with our free speach and immigration. Also don't be à Dick, arn't WE friends and alliés? I'm pretty sure WE got you your independence and you saved us twice from the germans. But maybe /pol doesn't care about history...
I'm on Sup Forums because of /fit, all you have to do is lift.
I do lift
By average standards, I'm muscular
I did a cold approach and was very awkward about it and she was also socially weird too I think and didn't know how to react.
By average standard means shit girls only look up to the top 5%, but if you tried it is à good start i guess.
Séduction is à skill, like drawing, lifting or fucking potery. You just have to work at it.
Don't get me wrong Jaque, we wuz allies for sure, but friends don't let friends build a welfare state that robs their people of agency.
Also American date system is weird and (i think) unique to your culture.
>What have you done to help burger?
To help who, and with what exactly?
Are you asking me if I've given consideration to a world without the rule of law, and taken some precaution?
Yeah I have some basics in place to be able to look out for my family, and have a few friends with in the same boat under 20 miles away.
You can help people help themselves. You need the following:
Combat training (not paper targets at a range. defending, assaulting, ambushing, surviving ambushes, etc.),
Hunting experience
Water (3 gal per person, per day to be relatively comfy, bathe once a week or w/e)
Mass hygiene products
Mass all purpose soap or detergent
Mass toilet paper (diarrhea and/or infection from anything will kill you in a week)
Medical training / knowledge (surgeon is God-mode)
These are the things you should worry about frog, and helping other people learn/achieve these things.
You insult trump but can you provide actual reasons?
We use it here too, I think officially we're dd/mm/yyyy and in professional settings you see it but in everyday speech it's always mm/dd.
It's like how we're officially metric and our ID will show our height in metric but nobody uses it in everyday speech except for maybe weather and distance
I'm dating a French girl. All of her family is convinced there will be ethnic civil war within 30 years. Which is funny because her dad is a socialist, but hey... Gotta start somewhere
>Those accent marks
You can set a keyboard preset in settings in Windows, and use Alt+Shift to switch quickly, so you don'y have to deal with the keys en Francais
Haha i was talking about DATING, like with girls! Flowers and bees? Anal and bjs?
Oh I wouldn't know, I haven't dated anyone for 7 years
From Agincourt to Waterloo, Poitiers and then Anjou, The Roses' War, The Hundred years, through battlefields of blood and tears.
From Bosworth field to pointe Du Hoc, Stalingrad and the siege of York, the bloody turf of Gallipoli had no effect on the killing spree.
Bannockburn to Austerlitz, the fall of France and the German Blitz, the cruelest of atrocities, Europa's blood is borne of these.
(Chorus 1)
Heaven help in all our battles, Heaven see love, Heaven help us.
Bolsheviks and feudal lords, chivalry to civil wars, fascist rule and genocide, now we face the rising tide.
Of new crusades, religious wars, insurgents imported to our shores, the western world gripped in fear, the mother of all battles here.
(Chorus 2)
Heaven help in all our battles, Heaven see love, Heaven help us.
Avant hier, avons etre, deja demain (nous) sommes eclairee.
All glory, all honor, victory is upon us. Our savior fight evil, send armies to defend us.
(Lead) (Chorus #1 X2)
Empires built and nations burned, mass graves remain unturned. Descendents of the dispossessed return with bombs strapped to their chests.
There's hate for life and death in hate emerging from the new caliphate, the victors of this war on fear will rule for the next thousand years.
All Glory, all honor, victory is upon us. Our savior, fight evil, send armies to defend us.
(Chorus 3)
(Lead) (Chorus 3)
Leningrad, Berlin Wall, march on Rome, Bzyantium's fall, lightning war, Dresden night, drop the bomb, end this fight,
Never again.
Europa, Europa, find better days before us, in kindness, in spirit, lead us to a greater calling.
>an app that tell you the way to à Well stock safe place in case of à terorist attack...
will be used by terrorist to look for more victims
>God tells us the Muslims need to die.
>We lower the drawbridge and let them come on it.
So you're telling me that my only option is to retreat in the wood and brace myself hoping i'll have enough TP to whistand the khalifate? Fuck off you fag, your cowboy hat Will just prove you're the brokeback mountain kind.
No and i don't care, elect anyone you like. It's your country, why would you care what a french thinks?
either prepare for singular or family survival alone or help bring down your government and defend the camp of the saints
Because you spewed shit in the comment above. I wanted to know your reasons for spewing shit.
You make me sad Canada, why? Are you a fatso blaming your sexual failures on mudskins?