Any household objects I can use as a dildo that won't fuck up my anus hole?

Any household objects I can use as a dildo that won't fuck up my anus hole?

Use your damn imagination

kind of small but a toothbrush handle always does the trick. Also hairbrush handle

My hairbrush handle is soft foam.

My toothbrush has a sharp edge at the bottom

50 caliber bullet

What the fuck kinda shit are you buying nigga?

ur dignity

Sharpie markers


A dildo comes to mind

go buy a few cucumbers and some oil or something your next shopping trip

>404 not found

>that won't fuck up my anus hole?
They all will you fucking retard, no matter what /r/faggotry says. That's the price you pay.

wow you must be extra horny right now you lil slut

the handle on my shower worked >.>

ride a toilet plunger

Find a large bullet




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