I'm a shitty subpar soundcloud rapper named Yung Garlicbread ask me anything

I'm a shitty subpar soundcloud rapper named Yung Garlicbread ask me anything

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Will you perform at my wedding?

can I show up sloppily drunk and finger the bridesmaid?

Can I watch you do that

Yeah, you can pretty much do whatever, but if you see anyone that looks like me, stay away from them. They might be my family trying to crash the f outta my wedding. The last time I had a wedding, I invited them, and they beat the shit out of me, and threw my wife-to-be through a stained glass window.

woah man (yes)

I love garlic bread.

sounds like a party. I'm in.

How's your garlic bread game?


Do you add salt to your garlic butter?


here's a link to my shitty music, It somehow got 1000 plays, but I'm not surprised now a days.

a pinch of salt, then sprinkle Parmesan on top

Yep. Other good add-ons are paprika, oregano, oddly enough a pinch of jalapeno, or red pepper. And I like cracked black pepper.

store bought. If not shitty actually, My mom makes it from scratch and it's godly

Well that's good to hear, but I gotta lay down some ground rules first. First off, don't look at the bride, you can look at me, but if you do, smile with half your mouth, wink, and shoot a finger gun at me. Secondly, you'll be working as entertainment, that's all. If anyone meeds any security, I'll handle that. Before my mom kicked me out of her house, I stole enough money to buy a katana, so I can easily take any ruffians who emter unannounced. Third, if you must ask my bride's age, on record it's 18, totally legal, wink wink. Finally, we will be eating sushi and tea, and you're gonna have to pay for some of it. I ain't made of money, and the few dollars I do have went towards renting out the local YMCA basketball course/recreation room for the after party. You, myself and my bride will be the only ones in attendance, and if you intend to change that, make sure they bring money.

I have to try it I usually put red pepper on a lot of stuff I cook

so...no liquor?

We will have sparkling grape juice, but one bottle, and no more. I don't want to be tipsy on my big day.

The songs not the worst, id just suggest mastering the vocal track better , it does not fit with the best and it feels like you kind of just slapped it on there.

thanks man I was kind of rushing, under the influence of multiple drugs. I've gotten better at mastering now a days but that is my most popular song.

Understandable, I will bring my own bottle then. Does your fiance drink?


heres another song I made. I dedicate this to all the edgelords and summerfags here from Middle School break

Well, on account of her being a pillow, no she does not. I learned that the hard way, after weeks of her smelling like chicken broth.