Find a flaw


The strings meme never really took off

Hydra thought they had a chance against the Avengers, including Hulk and Thor, and didn't immediately surrender.

Age of Quip

Quip of Ultron

Age quip Ultron

The forced romance between Hulk and Black Widow

The annoying shaky cam and rapid cuts during some of the action sequences

The forced "bad language" gag because the writers couldn't think of another gag but they needed one because movie

Ultron being completely useless and having a nonsensical motivation and plan

No actual stakes because the opposition is so weak and there are no consequences to what they do, no one gets seriously hurt or dies or anything until the very end with Not-Quicksilver who is apparently fast but not fast enough to dodge bullets even though he can perceive them, I guess?

The numerous claustrophobic shots where they just throw a bunch of shit on the screen and the sensory overload

where is hulk in the new one ?



>throw dozens of robots at the Hulk

Has this strategy ever worked?

I honestly like the first 30 or 40 minutes, everything after the party is mostly shit though other than some parts of the final battle.

It's a solid film albeit with an hour's worth of missteps (which is impressive in itself), including the villain. If it weren't supposed to be the cornerstone of Phase 2 it might have even been received better.

It's ok. Some good stuff. Waaay better than Civil War. Cinematography alone.


I bet you use kino unironically.

Quipert Downey Jr
Chris Quipsworth
Mark Quippalo
Quips Evans
Quiplett Quipansson
Jeremy Quipper
James Spader as Quiptron
Samuel L Quipson as Nick Quippy

>find a flaw

The entire movie is trash.
CGI shitfest with as much crap on the screen as possible that is almost on the levels of something george lucas would admire.

The main villain is not a threat, nor are his minions.

Too many "here's the whole team doing shit in slow motion as the camera pans around with epic music" scenes.

Quips out the ass, it seems that every other line needs to be a quip or terrible line that brings back fond memories from the past, classics such as "i don't see how thats a party".

No strings on me HAAHAHA.

It would be shorter to list its redeeming qualities, but then i'd have nothing to post.

I really like Vision.

I've never thought he was that great in the comics and I wasn't really excited when I heard he was going to be in the movie, but I was pleasantly surprised.

They way they portray him is very reminiscent of Superman, who is my favourite superhero. It's a welcome distraction from the god awful current actual movie Superman.

Why did the Wonder Twins team up with Ultron? His plan was literally to kill all humans. Were they really THAT mad that Tony Stark made bombs that blew up their parents? Why were they mad at Stark instead of the people that used the bombs? Why was Thor in this movie? Why was there a magic koi pond that contained a preview for Thor Ragnarok? Why was Thor's vision real but everyone else's was make-believe? Why did Ultron want to kill all humans? I've heard it was because they were killing the earth maybe? Why does he care about the earth? Why did Quicksilver run in front of those bullets instead of saving everyone like Evan Peters did in both those x-men flicks? Where was Nick Fury keeping that extra helicarrier? Why was Stellen Skarsgaard in this movie? Why did Thor's hammer create vision when he lightninged that box? Did he know it would do that? How did he know it would do that? How did he even know what was in the box? Why are Hawkeye and Black Widow integral the the Avengers? I can see them being on the team in a support capacity, but why are they out in the field? Why just one ScarJo instead of a hundred? Does one ScarJo really make THAT MUCH of a difference? Why didn't te Hulk transform back to Bruce Banner when he was flying away in that plane? Can he always control himself well enough to be able to fly a plane? If so, why is being the hulk even a problem? If Tony Stark has a suit that is powerful enough to stop the Hulk, why do they need the Hulk? Why doesn't everyone get an Iron Man suit? Or at least just the mortal people like Hawkeye and Widow? Maybe, like, make a sick ass arrow version of the Iron Man suit? He's got like fucking hundreds of them. Are their lives not important enough to Tony to make sure they are as safe as humanly possible? Why didn't anyone look for them at that farm? They shouldn't be that hard to find. Why did they trust the Wonder Twins so readily after having almost been murdered by them?

No sequel

It was bad

With Thor on alien planet.

Literally even when they were all made of adamantium it didn't stop Thor

Kidnapped by Jeff Goldblum.

Most of this but also the fighting scenes felt hollow with no sense of impending doom. We know they will be there for the Infinity War so why not ko a member put him/her in a coma/something besides hawkguy shitty senpai and a non nude daphne.

So at the end of a series of well-received movies, we have the following status quo:

>Banner is on the run and in love with Betty Ross
>Tony Stark has been traumatized by the stress of all his adventures
>Tony Stark has decided to retire from being Iron Man at Pepper's request, presumably War Machine will take his place
>SHIELD has been disintegrated due to HYDRA infiltration
>everyone thinks Nick Fury is dead
>Captain America saved the world from getting taken over by HYDRA by destroying all of SHIELD's Helicarriers, but devotes his time after that to searching for his lost friend; the events of the movie have seriously shaken him

Then, suddenly, in Joss's Age of Cucktron:

>Banner forgets about Betty and wants to fuck Black Widow out of nowhere
>Tony Stark is as quippy as ever even after he releases a killer robot that nearly destroys the world
>Tony Stark is back in the Iron Man suit with no explanation and no follow-up on what happened with Pepper and Rhodey
>SHIELD turns up with a brand new Helicarrier out of nowhere and thousands of people to operate it
>Nick Fury is alive and showing his face in front of everyone
>Captain America is le quipman and doesn't even mention Bucky
So despite shitting all over the other movies at every turn seemingly with no resistance, Joss Whedon still thought he was being unfairly constrained by Marvel and threw a bitchfit anyway> What a lazy fucking hack. Thank god that the Based Russos somehow tied all this shit together in Civil War.

People watched it

Sweet pasta bait. You won't get me this time, though.

Dude, it's a fucking comic book movie. Turn your brain off and enjoy the ride.

Did you see their fucking costumes in it?

it's capeshit

That cut scene of wanda and peter getting told by the little boy the "iron man" was in the church should have stayed in.

Also cut Selvig. Thor should have just left hawkeyes house with no explaination where he went and suddenly returned to avengers tower.

It had some other issues like this. Some scenes got framed that didnt need it, and some didnt when they did need it.

The bad language gag was funny though.

that looks so stupid

>Banner forgets about Betty and wants to fuck Black Widow out of nowhere
Blame Universal. They don't want to bother making another Hulk movie so Hulk is pretty much relegated to showing up in emsemble movies.
>Tony Stark is as quippy as ever even after he releases a killer robot that nearly destroys the world
Tony's coping mechanisism is making jokes. That's pretty much been a constant. Ultimately, it was Joss Whedon's fault for going full quip on AoU.
>Tony Stark is back in the Iron Man suit with no explanation and no follow-up on what happened with Pepper and Rhodey
>SHIELD turns up with a brand new Helicarrier out of nowhere and thousands of people to operate it
It wasn't brand new, it was the old one from the first Avengers Movie.
>Nick Fury is alive and showing his face in front of everyone
To who?, The avengers and the people he entrusted with him on the Helicarrier rescue?
>Captain America is le quipman and doesn't even mention Bucky
He does mention Bucky though on the brief scene where he talks with Sam about how his search is going. Again, blame Whedon for the overuse of Quips.

AoU was honestly not that good. Whedon really fucked up all the tension of the movie, and he ruined Ultron. But most of your complains and/or plotholes are just nitpicking.

>Blame Universal. They don't want to bother making another Hulk movie so Hulk is pretty much relegated to showing up in emsemble movies.

Yes they do. Profits have to be shared though. The mouse aint going to share money with universal. Before disney acquired marvel a hulk sequel was in development. Story treatments were being worked on and it got dropped in favor of going a different direction with hulk in avengers.

I'm too tired of listing them to list them.