Welcome to the real world.
no let's hook up with the stalker creep instead, great idea...
Think of Kevin Bacon's character from Super
>"do you know why she prefers me over you? because I'M FUCKING INTERESTING"
I know that's not the line exactly, but it's the same point. Beta faggots don't get girls because they're simply boring people.
He's not even a Chad. You guys are so warped and isolated that you think two average looking teens in a relationship is Chad tier. Most guys lose their virginity as teens to average teen gfs.
t. kissless virgin.
The creators already did. They simply chose to go that route because it was defying expectations. That's it.
>Beta faggots don't get girls because they're simply boring people.
See also, 4channers
she just doesn't eat
Honestly it bothered me because they didn't seem to have any chemistry.
He wasn't an annoying dumb jock really, he actually had a decent character and didn't do anything that unreasonable, it was just his asshole friends that were bad. My problem was that they didn't really show any particular convincing relationship.
the choice was between jerkass or creepy pictures boy
She's a bitch though who got her friend killed so bad end for her
She didn't seem to give a single fuck about that friend anyway
he was looking for his brother and got fascinated by all the cool photo opportunities
He wasn't a stalker
Shoo shoo spooky skeltal
Let's see I can date the well socially adjusted handsome guy who will probably get a good stable job or the creepy autist who probably saves pictures of dumb frogs on his computer.
>defying expectations
being realistic isn't defying expectations. in fact its boring.
might as well just make stranger things about a normal small town to "defy expectations"
The show is written by women. Are you really that shocked that this was the outcome? This may be the most realistic aspect of the entire show.
your a sad fat little boy who will never have sex and are pathetically jealous of a fictional depiction of a normal healthy relationship.
ok stalker
>only betas go on Sup Forums
this. real alpha males don't spend small amounts of free time on the internet
I think people on here also are really overselling the 'butthurt virgin' thing. I watched the show with a bunch of normies and they all despised this guy's guts within five seconds of him being on screen
It bothered me because the entire subplot is pointless and used solely to eat up screen time. Jon and Nancy had the most screentime and character development out of any of the subplot characters and it goes fucking nowhere. Completely pointless filler that is cliche by defying the cliche.
>real alpha males don't spend small amounts of free time on the internet
agreed. but at least we have have lots of reaction images with frogs
Yeah, fuck being an alpha male
I've got a comfy chair, keyboard, and many, many reaction images.
Subverting genre conventions is a running theme throughout the series.
I hate this meme. I liked the show but it was generic as all fuck for the most part. Generic to older movies, sure, but still generic. It just feels fresh because the concepts aren't used much any more.
skeletor chose wisely
chad has a better chance of getting her the power of grayskull
she is beautiful shut your faggot mouth
if it bothers you you're pathetic.
t. Mr Skeltal
He redeemed himself, pleb.
If you don't think Jonathon was just as much of a chad as Steve Harrington was you need to stop deluded yourself.
The fact that he got her pants so wet without spilling spaghetti all over himself is proof of this, Fuck both Steve and Jonathon. And definitely fuck the roastie slut.
im actually a little chubby these days
but i like skinny girls, and her face is so expressive and pretty
she honestly doesn't look unhealthily skinny in the show to me, but the pics of her in the red dress are pretty disgusting.
You have issues
And you have reddit.
I want you to leave.
the fact that she didn't even get mad at him when she found out he was taking pictures was already forced as shit
Everything relationship wise in the show sucked
I thought the chief and Winona Ryder might have got together at the end. They seemed good for each other. Guess not.
maybe not mad because it's not totally fitting to her character, but yeah she definitely underreacted to what was an extremely creepy situation
Explain what? I was rooting for him to get with her in the end, because he was a superficial, popular kid who learns to love.
It's a redemption of his character and causes him to grow as a result.
This is what we in the writing world call "character development." Fuck off with your fun-fag Marvel-shit where all the trite, forced, garbage actions you'd see happening miles away, actually does.
>Explain what? I was rooting for him to get with her in the end, because he was a superficial, popular kid who learns to love.
>It's a redemption of his character and causes him to grow as a result.
this holy shit
his apology scenes are usually pretty good too