Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/ Vic
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: James/Nat
Most Likely Going Home: James is the primary target, and Nat is secondary if James wins veto and pulls himself off
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/ Vic
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: James/Nat
Most Likely Going Home: James is the primary target, and Nat is secondary if James wins veto and pulls himself off
Other urls found in this thread:
Natalie is best girl
stop watching bad shows
Stop calling big brother a show. Its just a series of cameras observing life.
autism OP edition
what are you guys drinking tonight?
Nicole a CUTE
your most likely going home is pure autism. just write james
This is a /bomb squad/ only thread.
She has a fucked up nose
Is that his daughter?
If you talk shit about my coinslotnose-fu I'll murk ya
What the actual fuck is going on there?
Feeds back
Corey/Nicole nom
This is the most pathetic post tbqhwu lmao!
I'm bummed Natalie feels better now that she knows James is the target. I hope James wins veto
I mean if I'm gonna wingman for a bro and I gotta jump on that grenade I would
Natalie is a good woman who is delicate and beautiful and smart.
>James wins veto
>another catty bitch into the jury house
>Paul's fw
natalie apologizing for backstabing to victor and paul
Are you a Chad? She can be yours when she leaves the house.
>James wins veto
>they send Nat to jury
>tfw Nicole goes out next week
Paulie's wish came true to send all the girls to jury
Corey could also go because he is a vagina.
I hope James comes back for a third season. His pranks are hilarious!
>theres people who like james
his sister actually looked a lot like him
the girl in that family message video
Who is ready for the biggest twist of the season? The big brother reset! Noms will become cohoh and hoh will be nomed. Second nom will be chosen by America!
>yfw pov comp has a 2nd safety prize
The biggest twist would be getting to final 2 and the resetting the season and they're the players for the fall season.
>paulie goes first to jury followed by the same females
nothing like ian ragequitting and dan shitting on michelle
i think nicole is super cute but her nostrils trigger the hell out of my tbrwy senpai
wouldnt that clown james just save natalie with the veto?
Of course he wouldn't. He didn't save Meg why would he save Nat
for a kiss on the cheek
Incoming DPOV endurance comp.
why do we have jeffish
Devin broke it and needed to be detained
I was hoping for a luxury comp desu. since there's no have nots this week that'd be a good reason to do it
What's the deal with this Fall season? Is it some CBS online BS you gotta pay for?
is your google broken
pretty much
this is gonna be a comfy-ass week
>Starts September 28
>Weekly live eviction episodes on Wednesday at 10pm EST
>Daily Weekday recap episodes
>No scheduled blackouts
>Viewers have more control than ever
>Other random things that were already part of feeds (chat, flashback, etc.)
>[Nicole] didn't stand out to me much in her season," Michelle said about the fellow Michigander. "I would have loved to see Zach [Rance] come back."
She was clueless
I just like that even after she's evicted and makes a fool of herself on the way out she still is trying to talk shit on Nicole.
especially that if you take out the showmance they did the exact same shit this season except Nicole got 2 HOHs
dick is going on a twitter rampage right now
thnx, dicks rants are always great
reddit gained weight in the face.
Reddit is naturally very ugly but she knows how to paint herself up nice and pretty. She sculpts her face like a drag queen.
Ayo Trex come help me swag this kid out
sorry wrong thread
I am now curious which thread that was meant for
Fucking casuals I tell ya
Does she even know that Zach is black balled by Grodner? What a terrible "superfan".
alright you dumb fucking idiot
>catching up on episodes I missed, including Paul winning his most recent Veto
>this happens:
I can't believe I didn't know about this until now.
Why did Grod blackball Ranceypants?
this one
I am to
Did you guys see her meltdown about your sisters taking her stuff?
I know right? Julie is top QT.
one day late tripfag
my vacation guys.
do you guys think the fact that she nigged out and stole everyone's shit the reason she was voted out.
have you ever called moo a cunt like ya boy paul did?
>do you guys think the fact that she nigged out and stole everyone's shit the reason she was voted out.
no. She was playing for 8th or 7th when she didn't use the veto on Frank.
No she just played really stupidly
>Natalie: "Only reason I want to stay is to win the next HoH and put Nicole and Corey on the block."
Vic is the one that put her up
Wait what? Did Michelle have a meltdown of my other two sisters taking her stuff?
no bully but meech does look pretty cute
Tell Michelle to come here and talk about the fall season with us.
You guys know she'd be cool to have here, talking shit on people.
not him, but someone answer this please i want to know.
yes, let me see if i can find the vid
ok found it
Yeah because of the HOH letter where your mom said they were taking over her room. She cried about it a lot and was scared they were going to find things she hid and take them.
Renee made fun of her on twitter and said you have your own place
she said she is afraid of Sup Forums but that her gay brother likes to come here for the traps
she didn't
>Natalie to James- I cant wait for Victor or Paul to win half a million dollars #BB18
well there it goes
she has the worst hair styles
>corey doesnt want to date this
why is paul worse than johnny mac? they have the same game
Jmac talks less and is actually funny.
shes wearing the duck to hide her fat
um no
Paul has a significantly better game than JMac.
JMax is significantly less fucking wack though.
She has A LOT of hair, which I find pretty attractive.
I'll honestly miss her fucking insanity.
she wears extensions a lot so idk how much is real