Down Syndrome Porn

Down Syndrome Porn

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You have my attention, OP.

I just knew I came to Sup Forums for a reason

So, where is the porn? Or OP just made thread for us to post in it?



not op but i'll contribute




and im down

and out op is a faggot

I've been looking for downsy porn for seven fucking years!

Why watches at 0 $?

More of this. Also dubs check

Not downs but definitely retarded



More of Bush

Why are there no videos of the downies getting fucked?

because it's not normal

is this meant as a joke? cos im laughing hard LMAO



Dead thread, OP is megaton faggot

Only legit one i seen.

That looks like theon greyjoy

You virginal hicks need to understand the difference between porn and erotica.

Well damn, I've slept with able women who had worse bodies.