Sup Forums has done it again. Memes have transcended reality.
Sup Forums has done it again. Memes have transcended reality
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What's the word for Jews who hate Palestinians?
>Laughs externally
this has got to be a fake account, which one of you are behind this?
it's real
post source
you fucking leaf
It has to be real or it's a really dedicated troll posting dozens of tweets every hour
I believe they deleted it
Make fake twitter accounts pretending to be black men and keep sending them requests to fuck their wives.
there it is.
Holy shit it's true!!!
and my own screencap of it:
Make it stop.
I'm not even laughing.
They are so disconnected from reality.
Some have already done that, I think it's a reason they deleted their tweet
whoops wrong one fuck
holy fuck I'm a minority but damn do I hate to be labeled as such fuck that status I just want to enrich Canada with intelligence and money I don't want to be placed in the same groups as fucking pakis and muslims.
Liberals and faggots in general think that by simply declaring who and what they are it alleviates their responsibility.
It's the same with girls, desu. In my experience, a girl will admit right off the bat to fucking Chad, thinking that honesty atones for sins. baka desu
What world are we even living in anymore........I swear we got launched into some parody dimension. Memes are taking us down a weird ass rabbit hole.
People have stopped acknowledging "racist" as an insult, so they're attempting to do the same.
The problem is that cuckholding is a very base insult and would offend people as far back as human pair bonding was a thing. It's an insult to one's genetic survivability.
Racism on the other hand is just another word for in-group racial preference, which is possibly one of the most powerful genetic survival strategies. It's a completely artificial insult and if you tried to use it on someone from before the modern era they wouldn't understand it. It would be like calling someone a familyist now for having a preference for their own family over strangers. It inherently makes no sense to use this as an insult.
In attempting this, they have only sealed their destiny as true cucks.
>I am proud to be a cuck.
Who the fuck do they think they are fooling with this? Is it a dig at Trump supporters? Is it supposed to get people to not like Trump? I feel like they did not think this through.
I call bullshit. Give me a link
Wasn't the logo for that pac given by some Italian company that's been trying to make gains in the southern US and is headed by a man living in China?
That company sure has a lot to lose if Trump wins, we should look into a Bureau of Land Management connection.
i cant even be confused anymore. i just think "yeah that sounds like something they would say"
Might as well say,
They do realize cuck is a term that originally means a man who gets off on his wife fucking other men in front of him right?
So basically liberals could say:
And think they're off the bat?
>It would be like calling someone a familyist now for having a preference for their own family over strangers.
It's called nepotism
its too late, the train has no brakes
It's a real PAC but they deleted it after they realized we were having too much fun with it.
b-but liberals are so classy and e-educated, right guys?
That's in a business context.
I'm talking about having an innate preference for ones family over strangers.