Can we have a china/japan friendship thread?

Can we have a china/japan friendship thread?

N-no japenese friends? ;_;

bumbing for potental


red button nip monkey reporting in

Can I get in on the friendship? With your chefs only though.

Chinese girls are best girls

nice proxy, south korea

Shut it America you've done enough putting your nose in things were it doesn't belong


Are you just butthurt that your country didn't turn Japan into a abused-spouse fuckslave with stockholm syndrome?

Silence Colgate. The world is ours.

You have a proxy, it doesn't impress anyone.

Make China Japan again.
Imagine a world with a billion Japanese and no Chinese. It'd be heavenly.

What are you on about, we never intended to do that.
Are you still mad that we were the only country that could trade with Japan. So you came and ''freed'' the country. Correct?


Lol are you really trying to bring up trade in an argument against America?

Atta boy Japan. Stay strong against those taqiyah spewing Asians.

one day. but nippon is under US occupation and control, to build a new friendship like that which existed centuries ago the western influence must be removed


Like that friendship you had with /north/ Vietnam during their civil war, and then, a few years later, declared war on them?

a misunderstanding triggered by the USSR's influence in vietnam. that will also have to be patched up

>Japan: sry we rapu your women, china chan
>is ok, our women ale Jìnǚ anyways

>We dropped two bunker-buster jizzbombs on the country
>We burned the images of fully erect, circumsized white cocks on the insides of their eyelids
>We took away their porn
>We're everything they try to capture in their art and culture
>This idealism has become so obsessive that they no longer even fuck each other
>Japanese women are now starting movements to engage in more mixed-race (with American white men) relationships

Yes, America is jealous of the things you did to Japan. Clearly that's what's happening here.

Are you one of those Eurocuck nations like Sweden? It sounds like it, if you think trade is better than eternal mental slavery.

>misunderstanding instantly triggers war with ''best friend'' country
>They still dont take over, being way more YUUUUGE in every aspect than them
right. misunderstanding :^) Like those 2 bombs /casually/ dropped over Japan.

send your guam killer. send it now

China reporting in

lol keep dreaming

the US has truly fucked japan over

> le rare flag xD


Japan are the only good asians.
There, I said what we are all thinking.

>tfw Hitler supported the Japs when we could have the based Kuomintang and Japs invading and taking the Eastern Soviet Union
Seriously Adolf you fucked up picking the Japs over Chiang Kai-Shek

Trump is gonna make that an American flag real soon boy. You just wait.

That's what they get for sinking our boats, mah dude.

Blow me

This desu. They don't invade our cities like the fucking chinks. Their English is also laughably bad, which is quite different from chink English, which is just annoying.

And don't get me started on the fucking gooks.


stay mad chong

that would be fucking awesome actually



Is that le weedman?

at least come back to your old friend germany~

Well they did get revenge on us by pushing anime into us, effectively feminizing generations and generally helping bring the downfall of western civilization.

Non animosity would be a start.

not really, the KMT oculdnt even handle the japs, how could they handle the USSR. main mistake on japans part was going south instead of going north because the navy was strong politically than the army. a 2nd front on the USSR would have fucked em good

desu, that's a good favor.
Anyone susceptible to anime is better off identified and excluded, and most "otakus" can't talk about their weeb shit enough, so they're never hard to spot.

true that. china should just occupy already and purge their culture and start it anew

Clearly you don't have any knowledge of our country. But I don't blame you. Your school system sucks so much malls Gordan would be jealous.

Let me just tell you how Netherlands is is better then Sweden

1.) we are not getting raped left and right by sand niggers and monkeys
2.) we are not getting ass fucked my our own people
3.) We are actually trying to denie acces from rapefugees comming into our country.
4.) our school system is better
5.) We actually have an army.

those are just the things out of my head.
And yes our army may seem little compared to the US but we don't spend 600 billion dollers on defense that you can use to actually improve your country. I.E get some better teachers to actually learn stuff.

Just make more Romance of the Three Kingdoms, both sides love it anyway.

Cao Cao a best. BEST

the chinks have been increasingly coming off their obvious proxies recently. i wonder what that means

China has broader interests than the Sunrise Island. I'm sure they laugh at what Japan has become.

Like how Norway laughs at Sweden.

The whole world is addicted to Sup Forums and they all want to join the club. Arabs, Chinks, they're all super tsundere right now but slowly breaking

that is our buddy, buddy. :P

true enough,but they are still US friends. they're the UK threat to nazi germany. an island nation with potential support from the USA, a launch pad of western aggression

they've been in the club forever, but never as openly

but you're women arent nearly as hot. At least not in Utrecht and Amsterdam.

I don't give a shit, man.

>sucks so much malls


My point, we did something to Japan that no country has ever done to another country in the history of the world.

Plenty of countries went in and killed most of the natives and raped the rest.
Plenty of countries just massacred everyone and tried to take over.

What we did changed the very fabric of Japan's collective soul permanently.
You can't buy that kind of power with goodwill.

I don't care about the Netherlands.
Neither does anyone else.

What have you ever done?
If America is wiped from the face of the earth tomorrow, Japan will always remember, and ours will be a ghost that haunts them forever.

Does the average Japanese person even know what the Netherlands are? Where they are? Does anyone?

What have you ever done to an enemy country?

>Clearly you don't have any knowledge of our country.
Nobody gives a damn about your country desu.

>Mississippi: The post

yes, everyone has heard of the netherlands. No they arent cucked like Sweden. The people are pretty awesome. pick up a book

Swedish and Dutch women look the same, generic (West)Euro female. Slimmer and not as long-faced as the Anglo, sloppy and non-descript. You wouldn't be able to tell which is which if I showed you several pictures and asked.

That's not the point, and never was the argument.

Hope you both of all die except the Tibetans, Mongolians, Ainu and Okinawans

>not killing the Okinawan Untermensch

Please send some of your genetically engineered space-women to America.

yes i would. I have a shit ton of swedish friends, dated two and been to sweden 3 times. I can recognize them immediately. recognizing a Dutch girl would be as easy as picking the other.

Yes :3


No, you wouldn't. The fact that Sweden got you laid twice left the impression though.

The KMT were getting there, Germany was on the verge of sending huge amount of help and modern materiel. I'd like to have seen Japan take on a German-supplied Chinese army, which they wouldn't have because Hitler would have warned them off. All the way up until Pearl Harbour Hitler courted the Chinks.

Just because we haven't done anything big in recent years involving War. Unlike you can only do most of the time. Doesn't mean we didn't contribute.

Also. Why not ask the Japanese person what he thinks of America and/or if he is gratefull that you ''freed'' him?

Literally fucked them over. Mainly their women.

why do you want to bring another shitstorm on Sup Forums?


>Japs recover flawlessly
>completely wreck American consumer electronics companies in the 70s-90s
>Effectively shits on the UAW and makes better autos than the U.S. Toyota is still currently number one globally.
>Detroit auto industry gutted, place looks like it was hit by multiple MOABs
>unleash anime and video games (efdectively wrecking Atari)
>A generation of weebs are born
>continues to cuck the U.S. on trade deals and military support
>Kerry on apology for A bombs tour of Japan


Movements to fuck American males. It was a shitpost. We are trying to overtake Australia.

Got nothing to do and I love arguing with Americans.

>ask a Japanese person what they think of American
>Japanese Man [as you tower over him and speak your mind instead of shuffling away like an autist, like all Japanese do when faced with a stranger]: "Etohhhh, etohhhh... ah... Sugoi!"
>[man then continues on his way to buy panties from a vending machine]

>Japanese Woman [literally blushing beet red and nearly in tears at the overwhelming sight of an American man and the attention she's being given]: "[indecipherable squeaking noises]"
>[woman then sprints home and does some creepy fucked up shit because she doesn't know how to masturbate]

Japan was Hitler's last hope, they are fighting the good fight against the Jew.

>Can we have a china/japan friendship thread?

Of course you can. ON 2CHAN, slants!!

Does 2Chan even have an Sup Forums board?

>China/Japan thread
>filled by muh dick/uneducated yank

>they still worship American archetypes and culture
>they still want to fuck American men/women above all other nationalities, including their own
>women are now actively seeking international relationships with American men

Yeah, but I drive a Nissan and went to Benihana last week with friends.
So I guess ... I lost (????).

The fool playing for the court jester.

>>they still worship American archetypes and culture
>>they still want to fuck American men/women above all other nationalities, including their own
>>women are now actively seeking international relationships with American men

what is this meme?lel

It's objectively true.
Are you some kind of gaijin living there, or something?

Protip: this is true for most major Asian countries, but it's the most with Japan.

>buys a Nissan
>contributes to Detroit's demise
Nissans are nice. You only lose if you're an UAW member.

Many Japanese people aware that US is dangerous shithole.

there are many Asian women from third world countries who will randomly contact you on social media. The yank must think japs are the same as flips and thais

Stop projecting the problems of blacks onto the rest of America.

What's your point?
Aggressive, and selfish are typical alpha characteristics.

I notice there's no "would you rather marry a Japanese man or an American man" statistic for women.

I'm sure the Chinese would laugh at Japan if they could muster enough of their noxious, toxic, carcinogen-filled air into their lungs.

Hey, atleast they can wheeze at Japan.

No, it happens with Chinese, Korean, and Japanese women, too.
On OkCupid. All the fucking time, and they always become instantly obsessive.
It's fantastic.

>would you rather marry a Japanese man or an American man

I'm 100% sure most of them choose Japanese.
Majority of Japanese women don't want to live in US.

>ok cupid

Asian Americans aren't Asians.

having to see nig nog as your leader has no price.

Japanese don't want live anywhere outside Japan. That's why your attempt at empire was so shit. No cherry blossoms to look at in Manchuria.

also even ok cupid race taritors choose asians the most.

The question isn't about living anywhere.

If you're going to argue that Asian women at large wouldn't rather marry and have children with a white man, you can argue that all day while your women do what they've always done.

America is Africa and Mexico, I would take anything other than this babylonian nationless nigger place.

why yanks want to believe that all asians want to live in US?

Actually it's opposite in here.
Japanese don't want to get shoot by racist white police.
Americans don't aware that US is most dangerous country in developed country?