Is Ricky Gervais funny?
Is Ricky Gervais funny?
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The Office was funny.
>That was Feeder with "Come Back Around"
Idiot abroad is one of the best things I've ever seen,
although he is somewhat of a twat, it has to be said; yes, he is quite funny.
very no
he's a decent comedic writer but i dont think he's a funny stand up comedian. but i cant listen to brits doing stand up so what do i know
I've recently listened to all the XFM radio shows he did with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington and I've gotta say, Steve and Ricky are easily one of the best comedy duos of all time.
Karl's not entirely funny by himself and to be honest his shtick gets incredibly boring after a while.
However, Ricky and Steve are typically hilarious all throughout the series.
It was funny because of Karl though.
no, he can write comedy but the second it comes out of his mouth it becomes unfunny
he might just be one of the unfunniest man alive
lads, is idiot abroad coming back?
Not really, His schtick is making himself look like the smartest guy in the room which turns a lot of people off. Not because he's condescending, but because he belittles people to do it. See Karl. He's an abrasive prick with an over inflated ego. What a brit.
>he can write comedy but the second it comes out of his mouth it becomes unfunny
This sums it up pretty well. His demeanor seems to kill jokes that would normally be funny.
Moaning of life maybe getting another series. IDK Karl seems reluctant to do it.
He's off fighting in the Great Boiler War.
>Is Ricky Gervais funny?
He could be if he ever overcame his massive insecurity, but he won't.
Uk office is trash t bh
His TV shows are good (minus Derek) but his stand up isn't very good.
That's just what banter is mate.
What insecurities?
you have shit taste
I realised that Karl Pilkington isn't funny once you remove Ricky's laugh.
He made me laugh in the new David Brent film. Problem is, everything outside of the funny stuff he did with Brent was dogshit. He needs to be in a film co-written by himself and a screw writer who can add depth to the world around him and make a compelling narrative.
And that's why fog island niggers will never be accepted by americans.
Because they are crabs in a bucket.
>I can't listen to Brits doing stand up
I can't listen to anyone doing stand up. I never find it funny, even if it's people I like doing it. I don't think there is anyone funny enough to stand on a stage and make me lol for half an hour. We're social animals and the group dynamic is key to comedy.
I'm intrigued by this post. Are we British people the fog island niggers?
Are we crabs in a bucket in the sense than we are densely populated? Or because we snap at each other? Is this a common idiom in America?
Okay, that seemed an honest question do I'll provide an equally honest answer. Brits- read all the isles north of France- You thrive on defeat and hate. There is no positive attitude or even ambition. The 'crabs in a bucket' refers to it being better in the mind to drag people down than letting them succeed before you. For your own selfish ego.
He's funny in an annoying way.
Extras was fucking brilliant tbhq famalam
Can agree with this and its really pissing me off. The golden age of the BBC was about cutting people down to size, but now this shitty island has this wierd nigger culture where success = bad and pretentious and being a fuck up who works in a call centre = secret genius, "common sense" and equality. I fucking hate this gay island these days. Wish I could back to the old days. Its just a low energy piece of rock where everyone is terrified and ashamed of being called Hitler because of muh empire that ended slavery, invented science and led to a better life for all the world was bad because stole a gem from India.
Also, it's not a common turn of phrase outside the southern coastal areas.
I wonder, what do british boys do without chasing reptiles and amphibians through gutters. Those days were some fun.
What a totally off the mark, prejudiced and simplistic view of Britain.
We had the ambition to conquer 1/4 of the globe. It is a unique island nation that does this.
You're boiling complex transatlantic cultural differences down to meaningless sort of anti-socialist crap.
I can almost understand what you're talking about. We have the same thing here, shameful guilt by the fuckers who had everything handed to them while the rest of us whose fathers worked in mines so their sons could build the skin of the atom bomb are subject to their tepid understanding of existence. But...
You shouldn't listen to me, I am very drunk and waiting for my niggress to bring the coke.
Obvious samefag.
Plus, I can't believe your accusing Britain of having a nigger culture. You LITERALLY are a nigger nation, Mr Superior.
Everything you say in this post can be applied to the US, especially the imperial and slavery stuff. The US is a great force for SJWism.
Listen, both of our countries are in dire straits. You have no reason to hate the English. Aspects of your culture that you hold dear are Anglo inheritances.
I was drunk, coming out of it now but you're right. All these socialist critical theory fuckers constantly try to tell us we don't know what we're doing, that we need multicuturalism because we're stupid and we're evil. What other country has done as much good as us? What did Africa or South America do to end slavery? When did China invent science? When did the fucking Muslims who are supposedly morally superior and enliughtended babies we're all racist towards discover any continents? Its fucked up man. But the West is beyond salvage and we've already killed ourselves through kindness. Lets hope the East Asians learn from us and don't fuck it up.
I sort of understood what you meant from the context, but nah.... You misunderstand. You WERE like that, now.... wankers. To use your own term. I mean no disrespect, I am simply being drunkenly direct. Forgive me if I have offended.
I can not understand your point. Please try again.
The only standup comedian I've ever been able to tolerate was Dave Chappelle.
This shit's still as funny as the first time I saw it.
Multiculturalism is well trodden ground, but I want to take up your points about science, medicine and empires.
The Middle East and China gave us mathematics. They had vast empires, medicine, astronomy, science and government, while pagan Europe was tribal and brutal.
Food for thought.
I'm from Wythenshaw you idiot. Not samefagging at all.
>The Middle East and China gave us mathematics
Cool, don't disagree.
>They had vast empires, medicine, astronomy, science and government, while pagan Europe was tribal and brutal.
I'll accept most of it but Europe wasn't brutal and the Middle East and China were pagan when they made these advances too. Islam ha d a brief golden age when they captured cities that had libraries of Greek text, but that all ended quickly. The fact is, things happened as they happened, and Christianity came out on top. The way we've been stripped down and shamed into reviling the empire is stupid. I still believe in the empire, its clear the third world don't have a clue what to do.
Not done yet, bruv. The west will conquer all, it will only take time. The pendulum swings back and forth, but to be less cryptic, that means that all this multiculturalism bulllshit being shoveled results in another round of euro fascism. Long game. It's a pulse of hate and tribalism that is human nature, the victor goes the spoils and the precise definition of winning is not yet been understood.
Again, I am drunk as hell.
When I was a teenager he was. I remember loving that part where he insulted Christianity.
yeah i like him.
I think it's safe to say Stephen Merchant is most of the reason why Gervais was any good ever.
Hello Ladies was still great, everything Rick has done on his own is shit.
I hope if the West does conquer all, its not with the greedy cucks in power. I'm racist (or rather nativist) as fuck but I'm not evil: I have a lot of respect for many now third world countries and I don't support invading them to make them shit. I want leaders who genuinely care about the people and understand their cultures and can enhance the world, not profit from their misery. 'Are Nige is the closest thing right now even though he's by no means perfect. But to do all the above, you need a strong nation, and right now we have a nation of cucks.
A negative nancy hears-
>why care about who kills who when you sell the bullets
A positive pete hears-
>at last we can come together as one when the dust is settled
He makes Sup Forums so assblasted, I enjoy it very much.
>It's a Rickey gets BTFO on the subject of infinity by A sixth former episode.
>what is Brexit
If that's not ambition or at least drive then I don't know what is
I assume you're an amerifat, so I don't think you've got much of a leg to stand on when one of your presidential candidates should be behind bars for treason
funny is subjective
ricky thinks ricky is funny
therefore ricky is funny
the office is probably one the greatest things ever produced for tv
xfm is probably one of the greatest things ever produced for radio
i'd say hes had a good run.
not a fan of the last 5 years tho, must admit
Counterpoint: the UK did not end up on top, the US did. Why?
Are they culturally superior to England, France or Germany?
Not really.
Are they racially superior?
No, they're top dogs because they've got the most land, resources and people. While it's obvious that inheriting European culture had enabled them to reach that economic and military status (as opposed to China, for example), this shows that national prowess is a result of circumstance more than anything else.
I don't even know what point I'm supposed to be making any more.
You really shouldn't lower yourself to using words like 'cuck' and nativist. You lose all integrity and people can write you off. If you are earnest about making a positive change, then sound like it. I will not lecture you, but actual reform will only occur if it is righteous and devoid of school-yard taunts. It is the truest sense... for the greater good, If psychology must play a part then so be it.
The Office was kind of funny, but only in an awkward, dry British way. His standup is absolute dogshit.
People were damn near unanimously enjoying his tomfoolery in the last Golden Globes sticky, so I'd say yes. It's hip to hate him though.
Listen to a bit of his XFM radio show on YouTube. That's his magnum opus. It's made me cry with laughter several times.
Nah, the bits where Ricky and Steve goad him are the best parts of each episode.
People like the Golden Globes schtick because they buy the idea that Ricky is being offensive on a whim and don't realize that all that material is signed off on weeks in advance by basically everyone involved.
He's the most famous living comedian from a nation that prides itself on having a better sense of humour than everyone else, so I'd say yeah, probably at least a little bit.
But at what point do you stop believing Karls whole "oh I didnt sign up for this, this is ridiculous, no way im not doin this" routine?
XFM was great because Karl was only employed to produce the show but Ricky and Steve forced him to get involved and because it made the show he was producing a success, he was caught in that loop.
I almost don't consider the anglosphere seperate, but yeah, the US is superior. More land and most importantly, a society based on free market capitalism and liberty.
>Are they racially superior?
Well lets get it right, it was the Europeans who made it that way.
>national prowess is a result of circumstance more than anything else.
Hardly. Britain made a lot of mistakes along the way, the US started without those mistakes. Remember that time nearly every poor person in Britain was under indentured servitude in labor houses because the government banned charity? That happened because in 1700 Britain had a generous welfare system and trades people started abusing it and not doing any work. So we went the opposite way as an experiment. The US already learned from these mistakes because Britain made them for them. The US doesn't have the most resources or the most land, Canada and Australia have just as much. All outperform Britain because they have freer economies and less welfare.
Unfortunately, this kind of harsh language is needed to fight the hard left. Why do think its appearing now? "Nativist" isn't even a recognized political term, but its constantly used by leftist intitutions to discredit the right. The rise of the Alt-right is basically a binary challenge to the hard left, if forces people to pick. Were I arguing against rational opponants, I wouldn't use such language, but I'm not. I'd love to be rational but people simply aren't. You need emotive language, Ben Carson proved that. He'd rattle off statistics and people fell asleep.
annoying cunt.
Again, I am very drunk and can barely read this shit I type, but in response to claims of needing emotive language... No. You win no followers with such words, you simply preach to the choir. Those in your camp continue to follow but there are no new people.
Listen to a Joe Biden speech and understand what reaching out means,
I dunno, I haven't seen any politicians win through calm, rational debate. Trump's entire campaign is based on emotive langauge and so is Hilarys. Farage won Breixt by framing it as a "stick it to the establishment" thing. People just don't like flat arguments. They might be logical but there's nothing that clings to them emotionally.You'll never win by talking rationally. That comes after you've won.
A good point, but emotion is the villain to logic and thought. There is a way to breech such a chasm, as my nigga did in my home town earlier last month. This piece of shit came from the same dirt farmer fuckers as mine, just down the block. And if his damn son didn't just die, he'd be the next POTUS, no fucking doubt in my mind.
>Hello Ladies was still great
Is that the series or the stand-up show?
I watched Steves stand-up ages ago, and it was OK, a lot of it was just fleshed out bits from the podcast.
Is the series good? I never realized it was a series until recently and I completely forgot about it.
The series is good, yes. Much better than Derek. I haven't seen his stand up, I don't like stand up in general.
He has his moments, like many others.
not really. the american version of his best piece of work was way better than his version. the type of guy that says "utter shit" on the reg is the type of guy that finds him funny, that's like the category of person you'll find that likes him. the type of poster or guy that says something is "shit" instead of shitty or bad etc. you all know that ilk of poster/person, that's his fanbase. have a good night everyone
cheers, ill check it out.
Ive never watched Derek (I think i saw an episode). It was when my opinion of Gervais started to change, because it was cashing in on emotional blackmail.
Oh right, forgot about those. The radio show with him and Pilkington was pretty funny.
The early "Monkey News" segments were amazing, when Karl would read his monkey news story and Ricky/Steve would quip about the story.
It became unbearable as Ricky thought it was funnier to just scream and shout at the top of his voice about the absurdity of the story, and interrupt Karl after every word.