Why are Pink Floyd bad?

inb4 pleb/bad taste/etc.

I'd genuinely like to know so I can be rid of my plebeianism

They aren't

Do you enjoy their music?

If you answered yes, they're not bad to you.

If you answered no, they're bad to you.


They are a great band tbqhwyf

because norm stoners like them and so Sup Forums has to maintain its sense of elitism

The albums where they all got along and wrote music together > Roger Waters Floyd > Syd Barret Floyd >>>>>>>>>>> David Gilmour Floyd

As much as it is a weed420 meme and also every fedora faggots first "real" band, it is ruined by the fandom the music itself is pretty comfy

I don't think normies of any kind listen to pre-1990 rock at all anymore

>thinking youre less for liking something
have fun always being a pleb

you should get out more

Some of their songs transform into wankery at times but other than that their songs are pretty good.

all I see normies liking these days are things that, quote, "bump", AKA soundcloud rappers

People who dislike Tracks 2 through 4 of this can suck my nuts

desu the only good track on that album is the title track desu

Hey, thanks for replying. I'm interested to know what tracks you're referring to. Which work for you and which don't and why? (hey, what do you know, actual discussion on this site who'da thought?)

Pretty much all my stoner friends worship pink floyd even if they don't listen to rock nearly as much as hip hop

Have you never heard of or encountered le wrong generation kids?

Because elitist fedora-tippers like to obsess over them as being the most euphoric music for advanced intellectuals (despite The Wall and DSotM being among the best-selling albums of all time)

You consider those losers normies?
I don't

We know different stoners

I wouldn't say how well an album sells necessarily coincides with its "intellectuality" but they definitely aren't the most """"euphoric""""" band ever

They made easy listening muzak with terrible vocals and vague boring statements against "big business"for 14 year olds to consume.


They have bad releases, but they aren't bad overall

Ah but the Fedora will look down upon anything "pop" culture made by corporations for the sheeple doped on bread and circuses, unable to appreciate high art like the Floyd

Anyone who primarily listens to dadrock is normie

You're not a pleb for liking pink floyd, you're a pleb for thinking liking them isn't normie

Ye maximum comfy

Listen some of their really early shit, especially Piper at the Gates and Saucerful of Secrets, it's a bit weird to get into but I've found them very rewarding

they are only bad because of the acid flashbacks.

Actually Floyd are one of the least wankery progressive rock
AHM is among the most underrated Floyd albums. It's a perfect fusion of psychedelic and progressive. Also, never heard Alan psychedelic's breakfast?
Oh no! An artist is dadrock! Now I can't enoy them, otherwise edgelords are going to say I'm a normie
Listen to their early shit is the only correct answer. That shit is experimental and very good. Not saying that late Floyd are bad, but they're not as good

Pink Floyd has had its ups and downs. Barrett era godly, a confused but intriguing period till about '72, another godly era from DSOTM to Animals, a massive downer as Waters took over, and god knows what after he left.

If you really want to get rid of your pleb once and for all though, don't start threads.

they're not. but they're overrated as fuck. people that got tired of dsotm and wywh like to go to animals and pretend it's better than your average run of the mill 70s pink floyd album. the wall is shit but atleast it goes in territories that they hadn't explored during that time. animals is a calculated mess of mediocrity. the real good shit is saucerful and piper in my opinion but their most solid is probably meddle

from AHM to WYWH they were great, also animals is good too

syd era is garbage

animals is bad you boring faggot

Am I alone in thinking that Have a Cigar and Welcome to the Machine kind of suck compared to shine on and wywh

The synth parts in Welcome to the machine are glorious, I really like that track. Highlight of the album is obviously the suite tho

eat shit

but that breakfast though

Summer 68 is very good imo, but otherwise I agree.

I suppose I am in the minority that thinks that AHM is a very great record. Great bridge between progressive rock and psychedelic

I don't think you're in the minority, at least here. I've seen a lot of folks name AHM as their number 1, myself included. To me it's basically the definition of a comfy album

eat my shorts Watersfags

>syd era is garbage
pleb detected

Well that's pretty good to know

That's because lyrics in welcome to the machine and have a cigar are shit

>Some of their songs transform into wankery

Pink Floyd's the only prog band that doesn't a single wankery song

Their best and comfiest album imo. It's like the Campfire Songs equivalent of Pink Floyd

Literally anyone who says Pink Floyd is just being contrarian. They are truly a good band. Do they have weak albums? Sure but for the most part they are amazing.

Another brick in trump's wall

We don't need no tax on imports We don't need no Muslim ban No tackling gifs, on the twitter ICE leave them families alone Hey! ICE! Leave them immigrants alone All in all it's just another brick in trump's wall All in all you're just another brick in trump's wall

We don't need no tax on imports We don't need no Muslim ban No tackling gifs, on the twitter ICE leave them families alone Hey! ICE! Leave them immigrants alone All in all it's just another brick in trump's wall All in all you're just another brick in trump's wall

"Drive them out" "Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land. And drive them out of this earth."

I'm one of those people who think PATGOD, A Saucerful of Secrets and Masters of Rock are their best albums. Everything from the soundtrack to More up to Obscured by Clouds is listenable, and enjoyable, with Meddle being my favorite of the post Barrett era PF. (Really the only one I can listen to from start to finish w/o skipping any songs)

After that, however, I can't listen to PF because I find them dreadfully depressing.

>Dark Side of The Moon
The message on this album is you're born, you live, and then you die without getting anything you wanted to do in life accomplished. In between life and death, one deals with greed, averace, animosity, conflict, and political strife, and in the end, you end up in an insane asylum because you can't handle any of it. Isn't that great?
>Wish You Were Here
Deals with the dark underbelly of the music business. How a band/musician is turned into a consumer product/commodity to be mass marketed until steam runs out, and then one is chewed up, spat out and discarded. Really makes you want to put out an album, doesn't it?

Talks about how corporate bosses are in bed with the policy deciding politicians, and you have no power to fight back. I actually respect this album on certain levels since it's loosely based on George Orwell's Animal Farm, but I'd rather read the book than listen to this overindulgent dreck.

>The Wall
Basically picks up where Wish You Were Here left off. One becomes a rich and famous rock star, get's into drugs, his wife leaves him, has a nervous break down, developed a massianic complex to the point of becoming a fascist dictator, is judged by his fans and detractors alike, and then kills himself because he can no longer handle life. Really makes you want to get out there, form a band, and make a living with your music, doesn't ?

I'm not familiar with any post Roger Waters PF and I'm not sure I want to.

And THIS IMHO is why I think Pink Floyd SUCK!

Roger is the one who made everything all political and depressing. The Final Cut is their most political and "whiny" album, but has an interesting aesthetic. A Momentary Lapse of Reason and The Division Bell are both fantastic pop albums imo. Stay away from The Endless River unless you're a big Floyd fan, though.

Stop being reasonable.

Most of their stuff post like, Meddle, is just their attempt to make Roger Waters' brain more accesible and top-40 friendly. Before that, Pink Floyd are like the titans of progressive and psychedelic rock. I also just don't enjoy Roger Waters' overt messages that he puts into his albums. I don't need you to spell out what the message of The Wall is Roger, it's pretty fuckin obvious

Dark Side of the Moon is THE ultimate normie album.

I don't like Wish You Were Here because the whole thing is de facto dedicated to Syd Barrett, when really they treated him like shit and he was removed from the band of the member's own volition. They literally were on their way to a show to pick Syd up, and someone actually said out loud "let's not get him" so they didn't. They were justified in wanting him out of the band based on his behavior, but I can't really reconcile their actions with their words/ideas on this album.

/Sup Forums

It's time to stop

this is the truest thing ive read today


>Why are Pink Floyd bad?
they arent? what makes you think they're bad?

Syd era was great
Barret era is okay
Rest sucks

Even then, the correlation between pink floyd fans and bad music taste is still pretty high, even on Sup Forums, so go diversify your taste instead

>Syd era was great
>Barret era is okay


Stop being a plebeian faggot user kun

This. Don't let us change ge your opinion of a band you enjoy. It's not healthy to come to Sup Forums for fulfillment on your personal opinions.