Lena Dunham gets a new HBO show but they turn down Charlie Kaufman's pilot? Fuck this gay earth.
Lena Dunham gets a new HBO show but they turn down Charlie Kaufman's pilot? Fuck this gay earth
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>Lena Dunham comedy pilot about 1960s feminism
wow ha ha that sounds absolutely horrible
How does she keep getting work? Feminism aside, she's extremely unpleasant and unattractive.
Her parents are incredibly rich and influential in the NY art scene. Their actual work being considered good is an entirely different thing. Those connections alone meant that NY Times and other media covering NY arts knew about Lena a long, long time ago.
>1960's feminism
Aside from the fact that Mad Men already did that in a way that Lena simply won't be able to top, what is the artistic purpose of making such a thing? It's obviously going to have an agenda along the lines of "look at how shitty things were for women back then," but in what way does that advance the conversation on women's experiences in the present day?
This just seems like a big lazy step back for her
>but they turn down Charlie Kaufman's pilot
Jews just can't catch a break in show business
I mean it's not like she abused and raped her sister for years or anything. That would surely kill someone's career. Right?
> Lena Dunham gets another fucking show
> Your serial political drama may never see the light of day.
Why do I even fucking bother...
Still not the weirdest thing a Dunham's done with a vagina if you've seen her father's paintings.
Not a single person outside of the hardcore film audience knows who Charlie Kaufman is.
I'm not sure I want to. I turned 35 last week. I've had enough of humanity. I don't even go to Sup Forums anymore.
Why are you on the chinz?
Nigga, that was exactly the same with Dunham before she got Girls. Hell, it's still the case with her -- it's not as if people watch her show or give a fuck about her.
Tons of people are fans about at least Eternal Sunshine.
Plus, he won a fucking Oscar.
> Lena Dunham has a new show about feminism set in the past
Christ, people are going to be blogging about this for a year straight and we're all going to hear about it
Why not? I'm 32 and love wasting time here. Everything else is boring. There are a lot of 30+ people on this board.
31 reporting in. Don't forget, you're here forever.
Been here for 12.5 years. I don't know why anymore. I suppose it's been part of my life for so long now.
Hbo has been shit since true kino detective ended.
Everything since then has been pure shit. Only based LD can save hbo now
They both are talented.
Look, we all love Charlie, but he isn't clicking potential ratings with his depressive nature.
Lena just took the Sex & the City genre & made it art.
Wasn't he that guy that trolled everyone as a wrestler in the 70's; then died of cancer?
>they both are talented
Whew...just hit 10 years this month. At least it's not 12.5!
You could fuck a German Shepherd on HBO as long as you remember to shout "FEMINISM!" when you cum.
Between this and I think stick to old video games and books. The world is goong to shit.
If you can't see the great potential. Pleb, you area pleb.
Dunno, I've really been enjoying Vice Principals.
31 here.
Came when I was 24. Started on Sup Forums and made my way here.
Gone through depression, engagement, single, engagement again.
Still come here. Always will.
Can't wait to see Ripley's new Aliens. Mostly just to see McBride.
Do you think that giving a wider voice to those that would not naturally have this much exposure is what's responsible for so many hit shows?
>TD is bad
All good things must end, but it could be worse to be honest. Other networks are getting the good shows now, but at least Deadwood is getting a movie
oldfag here. You may not be aware of how influential "Not Necessarily the News" was to the political comedy.
Also, when can they rebroadcast Philip Marlowe, Private Eye?
Ha! Fucking forgot all about that. I was the only guy that had fucking cable in college. On Friday, I would have 10 motherfuckers in my living pulling tubes on the bong, just to see this.
Gonna have to go back a watch this. Hopefully it's on HBOGO...
so, basically this?
Only good show currently running on HBO is Silicon Valley. And Curb if Larry ever pulls through.
>The Wire and The Sopranos aired at the same time
Why don't we have telekino like this anymore?
If not it is on Amazon Prime video. I was watching it yesterday.
Why no love for Vice Principals? Hit too close to home?
>He doesn't like House on VEEP
I just hope Westworld is good.
Fuck, even season three of Rectify was a loss.
>Numale Valley
Sorry senpai based Ballers blows that shit out of the water.
Never seen it, how is it?
That too, that too. Last episode hade me in legit tears.
But the whole joke is that they're nu males.
I mean she's a shit person but she did have a hit show
Ballers is a shit version of Entourage for blacks.
HBO's comedy game is on point, but they only have 2 good dramas right now. Hopefully westworld will be their next big show
literally who cares?
I loved Kenny Powers, but went into this really wanting to hate it (for being a clone). However, It's my favorite McBride show now!
I love Entourage but imho Ballers has surpassed it already and season two isn't even done yet.
37, been here since Day 1.
>>Lena Dunham comedy pilot about 1960s feminism
So it'll be just like today?
Please don't be white.
I say this because it's an awful show & a black man liking the only black show on normally quality HBO would make some sense.
A Frederick Douglas mini series would ne nice.
That's why they fired their head of Drama programming and replaced him with their head of Comedy programming.
it's a tv movie that she directed and doesn't star in. why does that trigger you?
I notice you omitted the two best shows HBO has right now, The Leftovers and Silicon Valley.
Walton Goggins has been overwhelming on Vice Principles, but the true acting going on here is Danny giving reason for a characters shit nature through acting. Not to say the writing isn't good & I hear it gets really dark next season. LOVE THE MCBRIDE
Not that user, but she's even worse at writing than she is at acting, meanwhile Kaufman is one of the best writers alive today. I wasn't triggered before but now I sure am.
no wait
H-holy shit
>unpleasant and unattractive
That's exactly what they want women don't want to feel threatened even if it's through a screen
Pls be bait
You think you can just leave 4/chan?
30 this sunday; you're here forever
we need james cameron to lift the bar back up.
The same thing is happening to Netflix. Fucking House of Cards to Jessica Jones.
I started browsing when I was 13 and I turned 25 this past weekend. I will still be here at 35 if this site is still here.
wew fucking lad
damn boomer got THICC
who is this seman demon
Idris Elba
>Her parents are incredibly rich and influential in the NY art scene
Then she rails about privilege with a show that's 95% white. Makes me fucking sick.
Jessica Babyfat
>Sup Forums wants to deport THIS
Fuck no, you can keep that shit thanks.
Did that actually air on TV?
Why not a show about feminism in the modern day? Oh that's right because they want an era where Sexism actually affected a womans role in the real world.
I think I threw up a little
Notice it's only a photo of season 2 you fucking retard
no that was about being good enough in your field to deserve a things like promotions, better pay, etc.
Bump since the other thread got baleeted by the cucks in charge of this shithole.
Go away faggot
is lena dunham the most narcissistic person on earth?
Sorry friends, I'm late tot he party. What did Lena Dunham do to trigger this week's internet outrage? pic unrelated to get attention for my question.
Why would HBO give her a new show after the ratings train wreck that is girls?
And why is it that women only write about feminism? and black only write about nigger shit? It seems like white men are the only ones that actually write about everything.
These shits are letting their identities keeping them in a box
Nothing new, just old stuff.
>a flat-chested, fat Jew
There truly is no God
It's impossible to hate something that stars Walton Goggins.
I have to confess, as disgusting of a cuntflap that Lena Dunham is, I think Girls is a pretty good show. Its the only show I can think of that is propped up entirely by the supporting cast.
Cmon we all know how the HBO interviews went. Kaufman acted like an old man who hated himself and the world, real grumpy like but Dunham acted like an autistic spaz woman child who would suck everyone's dick in the room. Pleb HBO went with Lena over Charlie. It wasn't much of a contest really.
I genuinely, seriously, honestly hope she dies. I hope she fucking dies. I hate this cunt, she's a repulsive, awful, horrible and ugly person, both inside and out .
>someone relevant and funny gets a show instead of some nobody who probably isn't funny
Are you in the wrong thread?