Top thread of Reddit guys. So which one of you is this? She's gonna send you to jail faggot

Top thread of Reddit guys. So which one of you is this? She's gonna send you to jail faggot

Other urls found in this thread:

My bad, an hero time

link to livestream?

This is glorious.

Ha. Be careful out there kids.

kek, all these people.
>I'm so sorry your pervy brother did that to you!
>Poor OP!
Anyone got the vids?

They just get to damn greedy sometimes. Be good with the wins you have and don't go ape shit trying to get more if the original is still paying.

anyone got a screen grab of what the post said
all i get is [REMOVED]

what happened here?

You can sport normie comments from far they're pure cringe

Moron, should've just jerked off with her panties on his face while looking at the nudes on her phone like the rest of us.

I tip my 40 to your memory
Take a drink, and I stop to think
And I know that one day soon
We'll be hangin out

RIP in peace little homie



Guys there's a tard that says he's going to post on reddit the greentext if the brother comes out here. This people are the reason Sup Forums has gone to shit, be a hero fag.


Lel make a thread and link it to those faggots.
>well got caught filming my sister take a shit today.

It's working for me. Shit. Is. Cash...

>I cannot even deal
Fuck millennials

>they called the cops on their 15 year old son

Jesus what a bunch of pussy parents, yeah its fucked up but deal with it yourself. Send him to therapy and take away all his shit. I swear to christ parents these days only know how to dial 911 and get someone else to parent for them.

More like which one of you niggers is baiting the Reddit morons today. Literally 0 proof and has achieved peak outrage. Why don't we do this more often?

Please let this motherfucker be a Sup Forumstard who can greentext the story for us.

>Tell him that you'll let him fuck you

Why she didn't do that?

I must admit, I've tossed my hat into the ring over there.

Bored on a Tuesday morning user. Don't judge me.

Probably just trying to scare him.

I was bout to say that

that's like 90% of 4chans users

Guys how about we make a thread with a fake greentext of the boy asking for help like searching places to hide or something, redditfags will get crazy as fuck


Oh Sup Forums, when will you ever learn?


Where's the proofs?

first time i ever visited reddit (i promise guys)
and holy shit what a bunch of no fun allowed fags
what's with all the [removed] comments ?

What a fucking female
>was going to the the club with friend
>she got too drunk
>made sure she got home safe
>came home
>went pee
>found camera
That entire fucking first paragraph is worthless and can be taken out, and this bitch is "in school." Smdh we don't need the background info get to the story

This, calling the cops is the kind of stupid thing that will most likely lead to him killing himself

this this this

lol what the fuck

he didn't even do anything illegal, and people still try to suggest involving the cops?

holy shit people are dramatic these days

No we couldn't do that. That would bring more trouble to that lads doorstep :-)

reddit mods are the scum of the earth. at least /b fags are honest.

This shit is funny

The problem is the time stamps and also the fact that leddit fags lurk here in order to find "Le funniest 4chin posts that will get me the most upvotes."

Okay I have plenty time i'll write it and post ir here and you guys tell me if its okay give me 5 minutes

oh boi

But they often don't lurk that much

could someone call anonymous and get him to hack the little brothers computer and post what he finds?


>my 15 year old brother was going to see me naked, better call the cops
Man, in my day people used to see each other naked. Hell boys peeped underneath the shower doors of girls during swimming lessens. I bet they would call the cops over that too now...

>t. creepy perv camera guy

plz get better user

replace the R in reddit url with C to view deleted content

go on user

For the glory of the old days!

K, lemme find their number

Working on it now

Problem is this is a master terminal and I went for lockpick first.

Plus all these porn mods keep distracting me.

Make it good nigger. We'll post in the thread to make it look legit. Trips gets the nudes

not shure if i want to click that

i never go on reddit, im an old fuck now who has a job and a family, more responsibilities you get the less "tech-savvy" you'll become. been lurking on Sup Forums since i was in HS. life sucks.



Holy sheeeeeet

what a bunch of fuckin' tools.

lets fuck with em.

But this 20 year old who lives with her parents is being subjected to horrible things at the hands of her younger brother of five years. Be sensitive to her feelings user

that thread doesnt exist

Last time I participated in something like this I got a temporary ban.

But I'll gladly watch you assholes fuck some shit up.


Hi Sup Forums I need help I fucked up.

Yesterday night I was trying to put up some cameras I bought on amazon as I was told in another thread. As I was installing the last one my sister burst into the room and started asking what I was trying to do, at first I told her the first that come to my mind but she saw the bow with all the instructions and shit and started yelling. I grabbed the box and stomped out. Right now i'm hiding in a friends house but this is going to blow up withing hours and I have to find a place to hide, need advice guys. Also I think I forgot my phone in my house because I can't find it here. Answer quick please i'm on my friend's pc and I have to leave as soon as I can


What do you think, i'm open to changes also english is not my first lenguage so correct allvthe odd shit let's get this rollin

Just stop


First time on the internet? welcome


unless the cams were running and footage is found, what he did isnt illegal


Make an updated version if you want and as we post ut we have to bump it to hell so redditfags can see it

I think we should start shitposting incest stories on their /relationships/ board and asking for advice.

That's bound to fuck with redditfags morale, because the stories presented in a romantic fashion will make normies agree that incest is wincest.
To make things spicy we'll include weird details like voyerism or scat.

You need to up the depravity to a 10

this good

Almost all the removed comments are jokes or things supporting the brother :P



Make it a thread boio

You can call the police for more than to just make an arrest. My mum took me to the station when I was a kid for stealing some sweets from a shop, just for them to sit me down and have a talk. They were happy to do it.

>Make sure to check his internet history. I'm sure he's been hanging around the shittier parts of the internet.

Surely they don't mean us.

>be me
>living with parents and older sister
>she still lives here despite being able to live on campus
>land whale
>trying to browse Sup Forums and she always walks in saying she wants to hang out and show me this "reddit" thing
>has this obnoxious boyfriend
>pretty sure I caught him shitting around the house
>buy $15 cameras to catch the fiend
>install one in landwhale's bedroom
>he's shit there before then blamed it on the cat
>tard family believed him and put down my cat
>put one up in the toilet
>try setting up in the entire bathroom, specifically the shower
>landwhale walks in, drunkenly mumbling about her friend
>eye contact
>try greeting her
>she panics, bouncing off the walls
>ensuing earthquake knocks me off the ladder, dropping my cams
>this is what I get for helping the family
>storm out, not seeing them again
>see this on reddit
>landwhale called us close

The audacity. This bitch thinks someone's gonna spy on her.

Hello me


Granted, she's 20, but has no one noticed this yet?

Better have a shit ton of burner accounts. You're gonna get hit by mods soon as you post.

Also, I just paid $40 for this. Did I get ripped off?

Also, include me in the screencap.

So is she a decent 20f or one that you only want to see shitting?


BUMP FOR LULZZ !!!!!!!!!!!!

nah, isn't authentic enough

hey /b, fellow /bro fucked up.
mby some remember me from last weeks threat...
>put up spycams from amazon around house
>finally last one in sisters shower when she bursts in
>freaks out, asks where the others are
like hell I'm gonna tell her
>shoved her against the wall so the bitch knows her place & leave hose
>should have raped her on the spot

Right now i'm at a gamercafe but this is going to blow up withing hours and I have to find a place to hide, need advice guys.

>if quads I'm gonna a hero


stealing sweets is illegal, installing cameras and not recording isnt, even if you intent to record.


Oh shit...

We have a winner.

Allrigt im making a thread

kek its obvious this is some autistic Sup Forumstard who contributes to spy threads, well atleast tried to

Keep thinking that dumb ass

Is it though? The guy is a minor so it's not his house, I'm not really sure. There has to be a line somewhere.

buying guns with the intention of robbing a bank isnt illegal until you actually rob the bank

These fags have never heard of "intent to ___" laws


I did not expect to wake up to a thread this amazing on a Tuesday, will be lurking this one from work.