The Wire never had a scene as good as this.
The Wire never had a scene as good as this
Because The Wire was smart enough to not kill off the hottest piece of ass on the planet before getting her to do a nude scene.
the Wire had no good scenes
Boring predictable verbal dressing-down of the "badass" character. Imagine if some holier than thou character such as Bunk gave the same speech to Tony in The Sopranos. Holy shit it would be awful.
Anyone watched Lillehammer
I didn't see it coming until about halfway into the ride when Sil started looking really shifty, am I retarded?
They had better
>wanting to fuck this
Not even the best death scene nor scene in the Sopranos
This is the best death by far, the emotional impact of it , Tony is pretty much killing someone he once thought of as a son
Wire didn't have the artistic depth of Sorpanos.
It was about niggers, I mean c'mon.
Season 5 was so bad. Not as bad as season 3 though.
>Carver's speech on top of the cruiser
The Wire was absolute garbage. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard.
Individual scenes in The Sopranos were better because it was artfully shot, whereas the story is better on The Wire which is shot very matter-of-fact
apples and oranges to me honestly
The Wire is a fucking Meme
congrats OP for catching on 10 years later
>not posting the ballsiest character death ever to air on TV
But Snoop didn't do a nude scene before dying.
The Sopranos also had better characters, and the themes - at least to me - resonated more.
As far as plot goes, The Sopranos was virtually the same thing every fucking season, but it didn't matter because the plot was so unimportant compared to all the other pieces.
That being said, it would've been interesting to see how Lyvia's testimony against Tony would've played out if the actress hadn't died
Yes I often wonder what the writers had in mind for the real season 3. The Wire and The Sopranos are my two favorite shows of all time for completely different reasons so it's just a matter of taste to me
>The Sopranos also had better characters, and the themes - at least to me - resonated more.
Honkeys like their shows based on race? color me shocked.
>nude scene
Doesn't she have a ton of shitty tattoos?
I think they're both great in their own ways
The wire was probably the most realistic show I've watched in terms of inner city life and it never pussied out(not that the sopranos). The characters all had depth and they juggled so many storylines perfectly. I loved the ending, showing that no matter what, the circle of life is going to repeat itself
Sopranos-most realistic mafia portrayal. Great depictions of depression and the American Dream. The ending was perfect for me, the whole kept throwing subtle to what was going to happen. I loved the cut to black, it doesn't matter that they show what happened, Tony's life is 100% fucked at that point
>Southern Italians
A couple really small hardly noticeable ones.
in the sopranos, she had a trampstamp
Hell, the Wire never had a Borgia quality scene.
That said, The Borgia's was prettier than the Sopranos even.
& in the end Irons > Gandolfini
I don't understand how people can like The Wire more.
The Sopranos is just a much better show with better writing, better characters and overall its more subtle.
actors get fake tats for shows. color me surpised
weren't her tits big and fake?
i don't like The Wire based on the fact that its mostly about blacks
>his waifu doesn't have the jim jams
Yes I really liked it.
Every character was likeable except the mob guy in the last season, and the opening theme is great.
I'd say the top 3 are Sopranos, Wire, and Mad Men. Add Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld to round out the top 5
S2 of the Wire is the only one I like
Watch the movie Gamorrah, I think you'll like it
>implying where the fuck is wallace
>does this have the right feel for you?
>not shinebox's whacking