Is Alex Jones controlled opposition?
I find it funny how he goes mad about all this stuff then instantly trys to shill you this fucking brain food and water filter shit
Is Alex Jones controlled opposition?
I find it funny how he goes mad about all this stuff then instantly trys to shill you this fucking brain food and water filter shit
"More crazed" "no brain fog"
Make up your own mind. He does whatever the fuck he wants. You should too.
You do realize running a business costs money and its not bad to sell products opposed to asking for donations right?
It's okay he's only a child
i'd do the same thing to make a few shekels desu
>water filters work
>suppliments are real
whats the problem?
Op is controlled opposition
Alex Jones isn't a real person. The man behind this character is Bill Hicks, after the CIA faked his death, indoctrinated him and made some physical alterations. Alex Jones was created to give the people somewhat believable conspiracy theories to a) distract from REAL conspiracies, b) track people inclined to question the government, media, etc., and C) flod the web with so many theories and popularize them so that when something real was exposed, it will be dismissed as crazy talk. Like a smokescreen.
With the rise of the Internet, the CIA knew they needed to act and that real conspiracies might be leaked.
It is scary, very scary, but genious.
He's an entertainer who's found a market, and he likes making money for what he does
He's like a sane Glenn Beck and I say more power to him.
are you shilling, OP?
Try the new vitamin + mineral fusion and brain force is always a must have.
No my friend, Y?????
He knows it's the Jews but doesn't want to be a social outcast and really likes making millions selling Jewish vitamin packs and water filters.
he is not a shill but a nigga got to get that money
Has anyone here actually taken this brain food stuff and if so what's in it and did it even do anything?
He's cointelpro
Doesn't matter. Jones is the carnival barker getting folks inside the tent or the alarm clock waking peopld up. He starts folks on a journey and they naturally come to a point where he ceases to be the most useful thing. You probably do not continue to receive instruction from the person who taught you how to write.
he's divorced
alimony is a bitch
I take a range of basic things on reduced doses. If you take it regularly with a good diet you will notice generally improved health and alertness. If you take it irregularly or mix it with junk food then yeah don't bother. Also, the iodine and super male has a purgative effect, don't take it with alcohol in your system. I would test stuff for thirty days without really examining if it made a difference. The tongkat (super male) can more than quadruple your loads, not kidding. But that's with regular use, reduced alcohol consunption and good diet, not a plug and play pill sort of thing. Also I take the Tangy Tangerine regularly but take more if sick, hung over, worried about getting hung over or etc..
He's not controlled, he's just not very bright. Not as bad as Stefan though.
He's like the Jon Stewart Leibowitz of the republicans.
As soon as you call him out on facts proving that he shills and lies he immediately goes, "oh well it's just satire anyway" and in Alex Jones' case it's "oh it's just an advertisement".
What happens if you take it and also drink?
Smarter than you mate.
What if his filters actually do the opposite of filtering
What if the water you dump through it gets poisoned with a double-dose of fluoride?
>mocking heavy duty water filters
Have fun drinking the half digested pharmaceuticals of every schizo, manic depressive and cancer patient in your county.
Man, it's almost like the entire Western world revolves around people selling and purchasing goods and services.
I admire how he's become rich by spewing memes and saying the same shit over and over again for 4 hours every day...for supposedly 20 years now. I've only been listening for the past 1. The guy can talk. He just keeps it flowing out of his mouth. He's made a small fortune, and carved out a nascent little self-funded media empire. Not easy, especially in a crowded market. But he found his schtick, his spiel, and he worked hard to become top dog in that field.
I'm not saying he's a 100% shill actor. I think he genuinely believes in the overall broad structure of what he says - but he knows he exaggerates absolutely everything, and fearmongers way over and above what is necessary. And shills his probably perfectly decent but pricey af supplements to high heaven...but he's found the right tone to get away with it.
He also sneakily pivots to cater to his audience. In the Dubya years he had the attention of a lot of 'liberals'. But they fell for the Obama meme and they left him in droves. And in their place are a lot more rednecks and yokels. So he now fakes this whole religious schtick. Goes off on these bizzare biblical rants quite often. It's just red meat for Cletus in Kansas and Terry in Tennessee.
He's a businessman first.
An entertainer second.
And a commentator third.
That one on the left looks like a kike.
Confirmed Berg
Alex Jones is a smart man he's made a ton of money on selling fear
That's pretty much what most modern media does lad
So what are the real conspiracies?
Call Alex on air and ask him about the Jesuits controlling America through the secret societies and Knights' Orders.
He'll hang up on you.
Isn't that the Fucking good diet that's working then?
oh cool, new video
He looks nothing like Bill Hicks. A young Alex Jones.
How did he go from that to an irl spurdo?
I have tried 3 supplements
Nacent iodine taste was gross but tolerable, when combined with chelated minerals it really boosts the effects of iodine in your body. I felt like shit for about a week but now i feel better.
Vitamin b12 i took it tasted ok and i noticed a little from it.
Super male vitality is pretty fuckin sweet all jokes aside about how he sells penis pills etc. this shit is bomb and tastes like candy, so delicious.
I dont listen to his show often but his products are legit by me,