movies trump and trump supporters will never understand
Movies trump and trump supporters will never understand
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>Be LEGAL spic
>Do the job
I solved the problem, cunt.
This is such fucking bullshit. I've been unemployed for months and months because all the entry level jobs in my city either look for mexicans because they're cheap, or hire blacks and arabs because they get government quota money.
Trying to get an entry level job as a white male is the pits.
>Not cleaning up after yourself in your shithole apartment.
It's almost as if they'll have to pay a white person a fair wage, and there will be a greater influx of cash to the lower classes.
>Your liberal guilt is literally picking your pocket
>A Day Without Slaves
I'm white and I work maintenance for an apartment complex so I basically clean up after tenants when they don't pay the rent and get kicked out.
Broken toilets, holes in the wall, ripping piss stained carpet out(cat piss)...that sort of thing, I don't complain about it because i'm not a little whiny beaner.
>literally saying that all Mexicans are useful for is cheap, undignified labor that white people are "too good" for
>Also advocating modern day slave labor
Literally kys
Can any Hispanic people give us your honest opinion on how feel about liberals referring to you as cheap, slave labor and using you as a political prop? I imagine it's a rather dehumanizing feeling.
I do not care.
>Brought here illegally by parents age 4
>7 years of under the table work since age 18
>Only recently got a work permit
>Can't qualify for anything
If it weren't for Sup Forums I'd probably have killed myself by now.
>Brought here illegally
there's yer problem, bub. tell your story to the trump campaign and get paid to be a posterboy.
Why do liberals think keeping the Mexicans here on more or less slave wages is a good thing? What are we going to do with 20-30 million Mexicans that barely speak english and have few skills that need to be paid a legal wage when we have enough trouble employing actual citizens if we gave them amnesty? I swear this is one of the most assbackwards modern issues there is.
why don't black people just build the wall
Yeah to keep them out as well
Because Mexicans are killing them.
I'm not American and I'm not very politically minded so I haven't really followed much of this, but how high a wall are we talking? Like, any realistic size and they could just ladder over it right? Are we talking great wall here?
I'll look into it.
It would be great to be able to yell at Liberals.
In case you see me: I have a circular scar on my forehead.
I HATE fucking liberals like you wouldn't believe. They disguise their racism through "kindness" and "openness." There is "I hate niggers" and there is "I love niggers." One way or another you are a nigger. A rat can be both a vermin and a pet but a rat will always be a rat.
These idiots refuse to let me be a person and demand I be a stereotype for their agenda. FUCK THEM!! I'm a Mexican because that's just WHAT I AM!! NOT WHAT I'M TRYING TO BE.
I'm educated and have a government job. I don't live my life thinking about my race when I wake up and dream about my race when I go to sleep. I'll gladly call a white or Asian a brother before I ever call a backstabbing Mexican anything like that.
Rented this for some reason from my local library, never watched it though. Just thought I'd share.
mexicans are fine because theyre christians
muslim scum need to be burned alive
>tfw graduated from uni in 12/2013
>still unemployed
Literally any hispanic who isn't a brown mexican mestizo or a brown latino WANTS TRUMP TO WIN
Less brown mexicans means Hispanic can stop being a "Brown" word
It's time to separate Spanish from meszitos
Its not going to be a physical wall except in certain areas.
What Trump is talking about is border surveillance for the most part. Taking our national guard and active military who sit on their asses for the most part and putting them on the border. Probably the construction of some small forts as well here and there. Drone overflights and the like. They detect a group running across, out go the troops in some humvees. They turn them around or detain them, ship them off to a deportation center and that's that.
Basically the entire idea is to actually enforce the immigration laws instead of acting like they don't exist.
Typical liberals wanting to "help". They end up being the very enemy they claim to fight.
>Directed by Sam Raimi
Supposed to be about 20 feet tall iirc. But a wall is a significant impediment for keeping anyone out, there's a reason fences and walls are built around everything from businesses to military installations even though lol you can just climb over it. It gives you a defined perimeter to consolidate your security resources and keep them focused, as well as giving you a stable structure to base all your technological security measures around like seismic detectors. Walls are constant obstacles just by existing, and putting people on them have made them very formidable for just about all of human history.
americans could do the work.
you can hire americans you know op. it's a thing.
Well put post user, I entirely agree
40-50 foot. Israel-size, basically.
Obviously you spruce things up with underground detection and drones and such, but the main idea is to reduce the total number of crossings and allow the Border Patrol to not be stretched so thin.
>I'm unemployed
>but i refuse to do the menial shit that Mexicans do
>McDs and Gas Station attendant aren't jobs
>I'd rather be a leech than earn something on my own
Poor white boy.
You have to go back.
>I'd rather be a leech than earn something on my own
The white privilege is real.
I'm only 22 though but I'm going back to school while working a 40 hour job. Kill me senpai.
are you him? what did you get a degree in,it is obviously worthless if you couldn't get a job.
Your dumb amerifat liberals make my blood boil.
I prefer Trump supporters because they're honest about their racism towards us and i don't give a shit about it, in fact i can see why some of you may hate us. But liberals, liberals disguise their racism in such a hypocrite way that it's disgusting, basically we are the dumb brown people that don't know what's better for them and thus need the guidance and protection of the more "advanced" and "progressive" neon blue haired crowd.
Fuck those hypocrites.
You have to go back too.
lol not a single black person as willingly done hard manually labor in the history of the world.
there's already fences around nearly all of the border though. Also rivers, deserts, etc. A physical wall isn't going to be that much of a deterrent unless it's manned and that's where the real problem comes in. Even security cameras need someone constantly watching them and teams able to respond quickly before they lose the person after they've entered the country, it's a logistics nightmare. Plus don't forget there's already hundreds of miles of drug smuggling tunnels under the border as well, there's so many ways to get around a physical wall.
And at the end of the day, something like 80% of illegal immigrants enter the country on legal visas and just stay after the expire so even a hypothetically impregnable wall would barely have an impact on illegal immigration, let alone be cost effective.
Visa overstays are closer to 50%, not 80%. See for why the Mexico-paid-for $10 billion wall is worth reducing the $50-$100 billion annual burden of illegals on state and federal budgets.
Mate, the hungarian wall works just fine and it's barely manned.
The israeli wall works great too.
You're so right op. I don't speak 3rd world languages.
Trump supporter her,we don't hate you,we want you to succeed and be great,we just want you to do it in Mexico,we need our own country and to not be displaced.
>mexican minimum wage is like 0.30 dollars an hour
that's literally the reason immigration happens and why they're content doing shit jobs that pay 3 or 5 bucks an hour. if mexico had decent wages it woulnd't be anywhere as bad
Why would Mexico pay for it?
Yeah except they don't do that. Just because you can link that one Kelly Osborne clip where in case you forgot all the other liberals shame her doesn't mean every liberal thinks that way.
Obviously the wall is going to be manned, especially at the beginning. The border patrol is huge right now and a wall would allow them to be substantially more efficient at their jobs because they wouldn't have enormous tracts of open land to keep track of. Tunnels would also be far easier to detect and deal with with a continuous structure to base security around. And drastically limiting work visas once they're out would probably be the easiest part of the process. I don't see how liberal types could be opposed to largely forcing ourselves off the effectively slave labor teet.
You don't think a guy like Trump would shy away from Strong Arming them into it do you? He is after all a typical Western Strongman style leader like you see in the Bulkans and South America.
Because their economy is massively dependent on billions of dollars of remittances sent home by illegals.
Using existing terrorism laws to have banks "know your customer" or hold up payments for "verification" would cause riots in Mexico within a month.
Other approaches are just taxing those remittances, higher visa fees, etc. There's a whole section about this on his site.
Who will run the taco trucks on every corner that we were promised?
Please, don't jump into political discussions just because you read baby's first Chomsky in junior year.
>hey Higa, Mr Trump wants a wall. It will cost 10 billion, but we'll give you the contract for 20 billion. We keep 10. Hire someone else to make the wall for 1 billion and you can keep the other 9. Everybody wins.
So you're mad because the free-market has decided to go with the best financial decision.
Fuck off commie, /leftypol/ is calling you
That's fucking retarded.
>Claims others are racist
>Proceed to call mexicans degenerate toilet cleaners, fruit pickers, construction monkeys, etc...
Do you have a work permit?
If you do immediately get an A License. It'll get you job prospects right away and there's tons of work all over Craigslist.
Trucking is good paying work. School is literally for suckers. Just save up to start a business.
pretty much none of those would fly though. the number of constitutional challenges on a law that has the federal government stick its fingers into how individuals transfer money between bank accounts would be massive. And it would be something with broad support from multiple politically ideologies, so you'd end up having the Democrats and small-government Republicans (i.e. pretty much all of them) working together to stop it.
And since Trump is admitting the law has 0 to do with terrorism and is actually just to extort money from Mexico, it's never going to stand up to any legal challenges
Look, it's OK to admit the other side is right about some things. It's how we advance as a democratic society and carry out our civic duty.
ad hominem: He's attacking the post itself and the poster and not it's content! He's on the back foot!
it would be messy and ugly but that does not mean it is not a valid tactic or impossible somehow. Nice liberal logic on display.
>We want you to succeed and be great,we just want you to do it in Mexico,
That will literally require a second Revolution, and it'll fail because noguns.
The Democrats want to turn the US into Mexico. High corruption, no means of defense.
>be mexican
>worm way into economy by undercutting whites
>whites get upset at this
>whites get upset at the destroyed cities and high crime
>mexicans react by creating a movie bragging about how if you remove a group of people ingrained in the economy, it will cause problems
Shit like this is why I hate mexicans. Don't feed me your bullshit lies about how this only started because of Trump. You fucking shit skinned indio fucks have been saying this shit for 20 years.
Oh, and by the way.
You aren't aztec, your ancestors were some random tribal savages the spanish used to kill the aztecs, then they turned around and raped you. You're nothing but some self hating rape spawn that's too dumb to do anything requiring thought.
You're a cancer on advanced society. All of you should be deported to the bottom of the ocean.
it's not just messy and ugly, it's blatantly unconstitutional and flagrantly dishonest. And what's more is that Trump admits it's dishonest which means no court, international trade body, or neutral arbiter will side with the US in the inevitable dispute
If you're going to trick someone else, you don't preface that by admitting you're not acting in good faith. It's plain retarded
Enough governors already want to dissolve the union it will happen in our lifetimes.
>,we just want you to do it in Mexico,
I was born in fucking Virginia. I would be just as out of place in Mexico as you would.
It's like telling a 3rd generation korean to go to korea.
Why don't you understand that there are minorities whose families have been here since before the Korean War?
USA should really just go ahead and fund one of their black-ops to overthrow the Mexican government and annex the entire country.
>parents crossed the border
>born in the US shortly after
>read a shit ton and work after highschool since college is unaffordable
>go to community college at 20
>ride on the the whole "immigrant pain" and hispanic oppression train
>straight As and apply for scholarships
>transferring to an ivy next Spring fully paid
life is good man, keep it up liberal whiteys
>USofA functions just fine before mass immigration from Mexico
>implying there would be a problem if there were no more Mexicans
Also, the movie implies other nonwhites like Asians and Arabs would come in and do those jobs.
You're not dealing with citizens when it comes to illegals, they don't have near the legal protections we do. And even if all those avenues were somehow blocked, simply kicking them out and keeping them out would cover the entire cost of the wall and then some after just one year due to how much of a burden they are on tax payers. The wall will cost about 10 billion, while illegals cost us about 30 billion ANNUALLY to keep around. Again, I don't see how liberals could be opposed to this when we're effectively subsidizing big bad businesses paying workers peanuts and foisting everything else on the government.
Again, neither of those things makes it not a valid tactic or impossible.
A lot of Americans tend to think "shit like that would never happen here" because you have gone 6 generations without a war on your own soil. What you are living in is a historical anomaly that will correct itself sooner or later and the later the more violent it will be baring so technological breakthrough being allowed to make life easier by the elites.
If the United States had the balls to do that Iraq and Afghanistan would be US Territories with American administrators running everything and there would be no war on terror by now.
The Americans want instability so they will never do it. Threats like the Zetas or whoever is running things now right on the door step makes people afraid and scared people need daddy big government to protect them.
>Be mexican
>work at brainless job for pennies
>revert workers rights to third world tier
>can afford to work for pennies because living in house with 15 other adults
>go home and get drunk
>rape and impregnate niece (not considered cheating in mexican culture)
>cheat on wife with single mexican mom
>kick chihuahuas out door and watch them get run over by another mexican driving through your neighborhood at 60 mph
>sell drugs for the cartel to subsidize shit wages
>burglarize and rob anyone successful, scaring off industries that barely keep the shithole city afloat
>go driving while drunk and run over a few children
>who cares LOL there's probably like 10 more where those came from
>crash into store and stumble away
>manage to get back home
>hear nephew talking about people getting upset about mexicans on the internet
>drunkenly explain to him that 200 years ago this land used to belong to mexico therefore it's rightfully ours
>tell him that white people are corrupt and lazy and that Mexicans are superior
>drink some more, impregnate obese wife for 15th time
>go to sleep
>repeat all over again the next day
>You're not dealing with citizens when it comes to illegals, they don't have near the legal protections we do
but you're going to have the government sticking its fingers into banking to just find out whether the person trying to transfer money is a citizen or not. Requiring proof of citizenship to open a bank account or wire money is an unconstitutional invasion of privacy, and this is something everyone on the Supreme Court would agree with. And even if it passed it would still be super easy to get around because illegals could just give money to a legal friend or relative in the country (or to a sketchy company) so they transfer it legally.
It's the same thing as mandatory ID laws in southern states that instantly get challenged and struck down because of the 5th Amendment
>now who is going to do all the work
black people with bad resumes of course.
I just learned to stop caring. Meme Man 2016
>something being illegal, unconstitutional, and that would opposed by nearly everyone both within and outside of the country is still a valid tactic
ok buddy
>A lot of Americans tend to think "shit like that would never happen here" because you have gone 6 generations without a war on your own soil. What you are living in is a historical anomaly that will correct itself sooner or later
wait what's an anomaly, massive immigration lowering wages? Are you retarded?
A legal spic is just an illeagal with a peice of paper
Go pick grapes then you lazy piece of shit
Why do liberals think that trump only talks about illegal immigrants from mexico? Tuesday's Arizona speech had those women telling stories about their dead sons being murdered by russian/beirut illegal immigrants and liberals glossed right over that.
Not that poster, here in Canada right now the government is actually cracking down on foreign people sending money back to their home country and the type of property they can own. If Canada can do it with our libcucked system then I am sure you guys can find a way.
Hence, legal.
I'm you but I was born in California and didn't start working until I was 12.
Currently 18, enrolled in decent university.
Am most successful out of 5 siblings.
Because a cat born in a stable is not a horse.
Back you go paco
Kill yourself you fucking blue-pilled faggot. Illegial spics deserve to get out, but the most optimal option is to shoot all of them dead.
Canada doesn't have a guarantee to privacy though. There's federal mandatory ID to vote, cops have a lot more leeway on when they can stop and search you, etc.
but clearly you get your information on Canadian politics from Justin Trudeau threads on Sup Forums so you have no idea how your own country works
I remember when they did that giant protest in LA.
It was so nice. Traffic was halved because all the beaners were out protesting.
Probably why they haven't done it again since.
Not him but I recognize his argument: He very clearly subscribes to a Platonic view of human events. The implication is that violence will inevitably to come to America because all Democracies inevitably fall into Tyranny by there very nature and that the time may be upon america because they are overdue for a conflict on their own soil. Not fighting a single one of your dozens of wars on your soil in all of living memory is a statistical anomaly for basically the rest of the world at this point.
Yeah, that's a tantrum
I'm no expert on constitutional law, but I see little reason why they wouldn't be able to handle bank accounts of illegals in ways they need to. I've had to provide proof of citizenship multiple times over the last few years at work and would be fired if I couldn't, and the bank sure as shit is going to want my social security number and other forms of identification before I open an account, so I don't think it'd nearly be the difficult process you paint it. Also your alternatives would still make it a pain in the ass to do for even the determined which is pretty much the point, not to mention that a money transferring black market isn't going to spring up if we kick them out.
>>something being illegal, unconstitutional, and that would opposed by nearly everyone both within and outside of the country is still a valid tactic
>ok buddy
You clearly do not see my point. America is a Democracy and Democracies ALL, ALL, ALL plot a course inexorably towards Tyranny just as Tyranny inevitably loosens it's grip and power flows back down the pyramid in the same pattern it has for all of western history. Someone will be the one to do it and with tensions as high as they are this election cycle I am saying that this might be that time for the American Democracy.
I get my Canadian politics from the actually.
>inb4 whats the difference.
What the fuck are you applying to? They literally take in anyone at McDonalds or any big retail store like Target as long as you make yourself available all shifts or overnight because they love that shit.
This movie was terrible, just plain awful
t. Mexifag
Liberals are the most racist people on the globe. I hope for once we see a sjw cunt getting beheaded by the Jr cartels
I feel your anger. Liberals hate identity and if something hispanics and especially mexicans are defined by it.
Watch at how shamelessly they scold and condescend at the thought of Mexican identity. When you question their grandiloquent stupidity they will label you as a third worlder
>its a Sup Forums false flagging episode