Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums still thinks the drug war is legit
Too bad they don't teach basic arithmetic in college also.
Are you proud of this thread? Is this the best shitposting you could conjure? Scrambling a bunch of buzzwords and using ebin memes in the desperate hope of getting a 300+ post thread?
Absolutely nothing in your post is an original thought. You are literally just copying a bunch of other ideas that more creative and better shitposters than you came up with.
>ocupy democucks
>Hernie Panders
>Sup Forums BTFO
you do realise that you are a sage magnet, right?
when will his campaign fucking die already? i'm fed up of these burnouts.
>Communism = Communism
>Democratic Socialism = Communism with the illusion that your opinion/vote matters
Now someone make those faggot occupy democrats shut the fuck up.
This is actually pretty funny.
You might not like Sanders but retarded comments about how he is a communist just reveal your ignorance.
when the good guys are the "war machine" you can enjoy your /comfy/ life libcuck
when religious extremists are the war machine you can't enjoy a /comfy/ life
>war machine
Obama hasn't changed shit since Bush
Funny how their rhetoric is exactly the same. Funny how we see so many hammers & sickles at Bernout rallies. Funny how they start talking about revolutions when it looks like their candidate isn't going to win.
Sup Forums is pretty split on the issue.
you have
>muh freedom
fags who think it is wasteful. Then you have
>muh degeneracy
fags who think drug use would go up if legalized and ruin our country.
>go to college to learn the difference between two concepts that are constantly and deliberately kept vague and undefined
socialists and communists themselves can't give you a straight answer when you ask them what any of the stuff is. why would that change with bernard?
Let's say you're a 16 year old teen. You've been hearing in the news & on social media that weed is totally 100% safe and nothing can ever go wrong by using it. Then it becomes legal.
Now, as a retarded 16-year-old, are you more or less likely to smoke weed once it becomes legalized and permanently ingrained into our culture?
>we need to copy all those majority-white countries that work for their social benefits
well, you heard the man
time to make america white again
Anyone have that cartoon where the Liberal says "This homogeneous country of 6 million works with Socialism, so the USA with heterogeneous population of 300 mil will work too"?
What is this the '30s? College is a literal meme and has been since gender studies started to be taken seriously.
Let's say you're a 16 year old teen. Everybody around you tells you that weed is against the law. You blaze it anyway in spite of them. Then it becomes legal.
Now as a 16 year old you're less likely to get into trouble.
Sage goes in all fields. Now kill yourself dumbass.
>muh degeneracy
>fags who think drug use would go up if legalized and ruin our country.
Throw a wrench into that logic because Sup Forums thinks alcohol is fine. You never see threads about people wanting it banned.
Same shit happens with alcohol
Kids easily get both in middle and high school
You know what's truly ironic: Bernie isn't a socialist, and none of those people know what socialism is either.
What is socialism?
You already can go to school for free, if you're not white or asian
Racist cunt
It's where the workers own the means of production. Meaning, that instead of a board of CEOs making all the decisions about wages, working conditions, investments, and all the other management decisions, the workers make those decisions. Government may or may not be involved, but that doesn't make it any less retarded
>Democratic Slavery.
>Democratic Genocide.
>Democratic Rape
As long as the vote count reaches 50% + 1, it makes it ok!
>Meaning, that instead of a board of CEOs making all the decisions about wages, working conditions, investments, and all the other management decisions, the workers make those decisions
But a CEO is also a worker. Does he not count or something?
What is a 'worker' anyway. Are those hippy co-ops I see in my town socialism?
What if the workers choose to employ a single point of decision making, like a board of directors or a CEO?
>Occupy Democrats
That page just panders to the lowest common denominator. College brainwashed idiots and Black Lies Matter. Bernie only wants free "education" after high school so the masses can be more brainwashed than they already are.
Seriously, idiot? He was a self-admitted commie cuck before he realized that labelling it as "democratic socialism" was more electable.
GTFO faggot
>But a CEO is also a worker. Does he not count or something?
And this is where the socialist argument starts to fall apart.
>t. Mr Wonderful
>countries become rich enough to afford the highest quality education and healthcare through capitalism
>don't even try socialism as a mode of production, because they see how fucked up the USSR is
>use socialist distribution, which though inefficient, works passably due to high homogeneity, social trust and how filthy rich capitalism made them in the first place
>now those finely tuned social support systems are tearing at the seams due to immigration
>this is supposedly some massive triumph of socialism over capitalism
Bernie shilled for the Soviet Union and for Cuba when it was still cool to do so. He's a commie through and through, he's just clinging on to what can get him in office right now.
>doesnt just shoot you and take your stuff
>Bolsheviks were Social Democrats
>Bernie is a Social Democrat
>Both spew rhetoric about revolution
A commie by a different name is still a commie. Those people are regular fifth columnists.