What's your opinion of trans people, Sup Forums?

What's your opinion of trans people, Sup Forums?

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They are normal people just like us. We shouldn't discriminate them or anything.

What the fuck planet are you living on, you wouldn't call a potato normal, same shit. Stop trying to act like wanting to chop off your frank and beans is a normal thing.

Attention seeking freaks of nature

Agreed. People get too offended over how other people want to live their lives.

Transsexuality is a self-image disorder affecting less than one percent of the population. There are many self-image disorders but this is the only one we treat by trying to make the body match the brain instead of the other way around, because people in this country cannot handle sex. Emotion and Reason are mutually exclusive and people get very emotional about anything the least bit sexual, thus rational thinking goes out the window.

if they're pretty, fuckable, and whores at heart,
give me their digits


Dey hav aids

idk but i would transition if i was ugly. too bad i'm not. i'll ruin my appearance if i take hormones

Never met one. Don't know. Seems weird as fuck from the sidelines and I'd wager a person taking such a step must be atleast a bit mentally unstable.

I personally can't see how the positives could ever outweigh the negatives in changing ones gender. No one will think a trans person is a legitimate man/woman and unless you got a shitload of money to dump into the surgeries, you will never really look like one either in the places where it matters.


Trans aint a real thing.

Confused gay people. People with OCD who might have some kind of mixture of gynophobia and still be gynophiles.

We should correct the brain instead of altering the body.

No ill will for them at all. Occasionally pity. Some individuals are unpleasant to be around if they are "flaming" or "transtrender" types.

What I hate is their SJW (((allies))) who use the trans people as a bludgeon to attack what's left of my culture and society.

I've personally met one tranny that I know of. Fat nerdy dude wanted to be a girl. He wasn't the best looking dude as a dude, but he was fucking repulsive as a chick. All the wrong shapes in all the wrong places, eyebrows like Mario's mustache, and this odd air of smugness like he was getting away with something at all times.

Idunno about you, but I'd rather be an uncomfortable, neurotic dude than a hideous chick.

If what they are doing doesn't directly effect my life I don't give a shit what they do with their own body, or how they live their life.


It is easier to "treat" the body than the brain. Oddly enough this doesn't reduce their suicide rate.

>Oddly enough this doesn't reduce their suicide rate.
Sounds like the issue solves itself over the long run.

gay people have been shown in brain scans to have different brains than straights and their brains are more similar to females in ceertain parts. Trans is an extension of gay. Gay cannot be cured, it is who you are. Trans are just very effeminate MEN.

90% are just attention-seeking bandwagoners

The rest are just triggered people wanting to be angry about something

They all forgot one fundemental rule though: you can't fucking change your gender.

Alladem should fuck off back to the hole they have been hiding in the past ohh uhm like 10 thousand years.
Back in my dad's yuth days they would have been beat up once and case solved, they are back to normal.

mentally retarded.



So yeah, there is no real difference between male brains and female brains, or straight brains and gay brains.

Trans is not an extension of homosexuality, it is a self-image disorder. If you believe in something that is not true despite evidence to the contrary, you are delusional. Period.

I took horemones for 1 year when I was 30. It was really difficult dealing with prejudice.

I only think I did it because the pro-trans community online is overly supportive of transitioning. Ultimately I liked the idea of rebirth/starting life over and they supported the notion that gender change was the way to go (really I just wanted identity change, but getting breasts / buying different clothes made it feel real). I got fired from a job and gave up on the idea.

>I'd rather be an uncomfortable, neurotic dude than a hideous chick.
Having "victim" status is now superior to being a low status male.

Being a high status man is as good as it always has been, but low status men are in free fall, to the point where pretending to be a woman is probably a logical choice.

I think the take away from this fact is that it actually works pretty well to be tolerant of mentally ill behavior. When we medicalize harmless behavior and try to cure it, we often make it worse. If someone wants to check whether the stove is off ten times before leaving the house, let them. If they want to pretend to be a woman, let them.

>They all forgot one fundamental rule though: you can't fucking change your gender
See: medical technological advancements
No, back in your dad's 'yuth' (fucking mongoloid) they would have gone postal then offed themselves. It's unfortunate you weren't born in a country with a higher infant mortality rate. Also you type like you're in 10th fucking grade, go back to funnyjunk underageb&

I will add that horemonescare fascinating and reading people's lives xperienc S of feeling calmer in Estrogen was attractive. I wanted to give it a shot. I liked how I felt on Estrogen, to be honest. I think. Anyway, it was different and less stressful internally, but life-related stress went up a lot. Getting catcalled sucks.

>they would have gone postal then offed themselves.

Yeah, now they spend a couple years pumping cash into the healthcare system for surgeries and hormones, then get depressed and off themselves.

go back to tumblr

Idiots all of them especially the ones that realize that it ain't sunshine and kittens being the opposite gender


>gone postal

Listen my g, we had communism here; Let me give you some examples, how it worked.
>work in factory
>be 2 minutes late
>nobody on your line gets paid for that hour
>you get beaten up
>next week
>be 2 minutes late
>nobody gets paid for that hour
>police take you away
>5 years of prison
>factory kicks you out
>if you are unemployed for 3 days you go to prison
>5 years of prison
Not a single soul had time to worry about what gender they are born into.

life isn't sunshine and kittens regardless of gender
may as well all kill ourselves to avoid the hassle.

I don't really like them due to the economic and societal bullshit that came with them. Individual people can be fine, but as a whole, they really don't need to exist.

no such thing

because they arent people

Mentally ill. As a mentally ill NEET leech on society I can't really judge tbh

They need to shut the fuck up and get on with their lives.

They are a meme
I hate memes


Transgenderism is a mental illness that has opened Pandora's box because now we have officially given a child a birth certificate with the letter u instead of m or f, ultimately confusing that child for the rest of it's life. The trans movement shouldn't exist. If you want to act like a girl, act like a girl. An opinion is being politicAlly pushed as facts. It is unacceptable. If you want to to act like a girl if you're a male, by all means do so, but don't ever force your opinion on me. The trans movement is a poisen and is ruining modern society