Why are Trump chicks so much hotter?

It's a bit of a meme around here, but it seems to be true. Is this an issue of TEST? Higher TEST is attracted to Trump, and hotties are thus attracted to the high TEST Trump fans? (this is a HIGH TEST thread)

Other urls found in this thread:


Women are attracted to men with charisma, confidence and of course, money. But even if you don't have money you still need to have the sauce. Because if you don't have sauce, then you're lost.

good looking people generally have higher inelegance quotas

heh whoops

do you faggots speak in memes in real life?

Both Bernie and Donald have attractive female supporters, it's just that the ugly ones on Bernies side are see more.


>do you faggots speak in memes in real life?
you mean you don't


exactly!!!!!! True Pollacks stand up

I literally have replaced most of my dialog offline with memes.

Most of the time they are really obscure ones from places like /vg/ and nobody knows what I am saying.


This really makes you look autistic. Although I do it all the time to my gf and eventually she understands the context after a few times

nah I'm 6' white, great teeth, fit, excellent facial features, size 13 shoe, and I wear tight pants that show off my above average package.

I can get away with this kind of shit.

what is a TEST?

confirmation bias?


oh okay, got it, thought it might be an acronym for something.

something you failed, nigger

This I lost all my friends and my girlfriend broke up with me. Please help.

high TEST = girls who are curvy and bigger and just yummmmmmm

Spend less time on the Internet and put yourself in socially challenging situations. Volunteer. Donate to charity. Do something, nigga


make user great again!

no m8 high test is in reference to the men that like those women.
this is a /fit/ meme

A meme pushed by the SJW fat acceptance crowd to trick men into lowering their standards enough to find overweight women attractive.

It's working pretty well too.


Is that supposed to be an example of an attractive female Trump supporter?

Because she's fucking fat. She has two chins.

An attractive liberal.


no faggot, they aren't overweight, they just aren't coke whores/jail bait

low test reply

>posts a fat chick

Her tits are bigger than her head. Unless they're filled with air her BMI is probably like 30.

In other words fat.

Just like clockwork.

Low test, go see a doctor to fix

Not liking boobs. Extremely low test

confirmed faggot

holy fucking faggot confirmed

All of those women you posted would look better if they exercised and lost a bit of weight.

Except that last one, may be beyond hope (just like you, leaf).

Conservative women have always been hotter.
Democrat voters all look like genetic rejects from the shallow end of the gene pool

Except for this one.

damn I wish I had like 20 of these bitches smothering me with their tits

post Trump chicks

post yfw when you're not low test

I'm literally a faggot, I go to gay bars and that shit.
And I yet still find you to be a massive faggot.

This is really disturbing. His face is cg right?

We Trump niggas are the political bad mofos, the rest can suck a dick

Trump Rumps are best rumps

Don't mind me
Just checking in

My nigga


I definitely see where you coming from.

Ayyy lmao looking kid.

1) Bandwagoning brings out the attention whores who want to stay on top of the societal pyramid
2) Commies and leftists are generally ugly and disgusting by default with leftists that aren't those things usually being closer to centrist


this nigga is scary as fuck


I wish I had the webm instead of this vine shit

that is fat sir, what is wrong with you?

Because we want to make America great again in every aspect whereas leftists are dumbasses that want American women to look like obese pigs and have obnoxious troll attitudes.