So is it just me or this show losing steam? I thought the first season was solid but season 2 has been so boring. they're trying to hard to top season 1 one the Elliot in prison twist and now we're having episodes without mr robot at all. Apparently they just killed Tyrell off screen one of the more interesting characters. It seems like this show is going around in circles. Im considering dropping it. Anyone else feel the same?
Mr Robot
last two episodes were good
Last episode was cash, one of the best in the show imo.
A friend convinced me to watch it. Just caught up to it and jesus fucking christ, it's bad. Everything is a ripoff of some movie and I'm not even talking about obscure movies that only we like, but major ones. The most obvious being Fight Club, of course. Don't come with the "homage" bullshit. The show feels like it was written by a teenage boy who just recently saw it.
Then there is always something stupid happening or some stupid "twist". The scenes are awfully directed with stupid shit like artificial suspense, tension, etc. It's cliché after cliché, stupidity after stupidity and the worst part is that NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS for ages. The story keeps backtracking instead of moving forward, it's redundant AS FUCK (elliot is hallucinating! he is crazy! oh my god elliot is crazy! let's waste 25 minutes of this episode to show you he is hallucinating! let's do the same every episode as well!).
It's so underwhelmingly repetitive, insanely self-indulgent and it thinks it's smarter than it is. The worst part is that I got into the show because I wanted an interesting show about hackers trying to do some crazy shit. Instead of that I got a fucking soap opera about crazy protagonist losing his mind every single episode and his pseudo-punk sister's shenanigans. This fight club shit is so overdone that it's painful to watch.
The show died once Tyler Durden happened. It all went to shit. I was robbed of the young paranoid guy getting involved with a dangerous anarchist and teaming up to wreck some havoc. The plot wore so thin that I can't possibly tell you what season 2 is about. 9 episodes in and nothing substantial has happened.
Oh no, wait! I know what it's about! It's about ELLIOT BEING CRAZY! Ooh, I'm so excited. That's news to me. I wasn't paying attention for the last 19 episodes. Please give me more of that and fuck the hacker stuff. I don't care about that. I'm hooked in!
PS: Angela sucks and she makes me want to skip whenever she's on sreen.
I haven't started watching season 2 yet, is it good? Can someone give me a general synopsis of what's going on? I don't give a fuck about spoilers desu senpai.
First season was about the big hack and setting up the big twist. Also, the show was about Elliot.
Second season has been about not much really, other than the strong theme of "the masks we wear" (FBI lady is a literally Sup Forums, chinese minister is a lady, Angela is an emotional wreck disguised as a confident professional incompetent young woman) and dealing with the fallout of the big hack. And in some episodes Elliot barely/doesn't even show up.
Not much happening in the second season. In the first season, there was so much happening per episode. I'm rewatching season 1 and by episode 3 all the main characters have been introduced, Bateman is on his way to becoming CTO, Vera is already in jail, Mr Robot has pushed Elliot into the rocks, and the big hack is already started.
100% pleb thanks for the copypasta
I remember skipping most of Angela in S1 and most of S2. Late episodes i've started watching her parts for some reason. She's completely disconnected from the story, not much point in her, and both her character, storyline and the actress kinda suck
Overall the second season is decent. There's a twist that Elliot is in prison, E-Corp is in bed with the Dark Army and tensions are growing between them, one of the hackers was killed, FBI is getting closer to fsociety.
>Hello, Honey.
>The most obvious being Fight Club, of course. Don't come with the "homage" bullshit.
They literally play Fight Club's theme song at the end of that episode.
What the fuck? Was Elliot hallucinating while in prison? How else can a twist like that possibly be setup?
This is a show that should be watched on a computer after pirating it, not on tv. I'd go crazy if was forced to watch that fucking terrible cringe-worthy scenes of nothing (the director thinks that deep) and the repetitive shit all over again. I actually skipped through the entire sitcom bullshit we got a few episodes ago.
Skip, skip, skip. That's what season 2 is all about.
You mean Ollie, not honey.
Yes and I read in an interview with Esmail that he did that to make everyone know that he IS doing that. Like...
>we know! we know! just go along with it
As if that was gonna save him. It's not a ripoff if you acknowledge the ripoff.
Elliot only went to a few places in most of season two. And everyone who came to talk to him talked to him at the same table in the same room, which was of course revealed to be the visiting room in prison.
And I don't think Elliot was really hallucinating. More like he was just trying to cope by pretending he was somewhere else.
Anyone know why Elliot pleaded guilty and acted generally retarded during and leading up to his trial? I either missed why, am supposed to invent my reasons or it hasn't been spelled out
Oh no, sorry. Actually it's because it's a twist! He knew about stage 2 all along and was just acting according to the plan.
He allucinates and has split personality, but he's not illogical, his actions always have a reason, so no.
He talks about it in one of the episodes. He thought he could get away from Mr. Robot w/ the routine.
this. it already LOST steam and now it's picking up again. Too much psychological crap that was irrelevant
What we have seen is only phase one.
I promise
Phase two
Will be great