WTF is wrong with her?

WTF is wrong with her?

look at her arms


I would rattle her ribs with muh dick

thank you mrs skeltal

Bitch needs to gain like 15 pounds.

Somebody get her a couple trays of pizzas.

>those feet

does she have social media? someone send this to her. to bully her.


anorexia is terrible

>people find Nancy attractive

She is not American.

At least re-align the letters in the background when you photoshop you fucking ameteur.


Jesus christ.

>anorexic with fat feet

Can't anorexics' families just have them eat/drink nothing but pizza, brownies, ice cream, soda, and beer for a couple of weeks to fix the problem?

That picture has been fucked with you cock doctor.

>that ankle

so legit you guys

I can tell you but its quite lewd

just skinny

no bully

she looks like a caricature of jennifer anniston

>he thinks she's attractive

wtf she didn't look this bad in the show

Severe eating disorder.

This isn't real is it?