What was it's message?

What was it's message?

Other urls found in this thread:


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Broken man in a broken world, shit gets real.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

All-Day Breakfast is not only good for the bottom line but also for society.


he's just trying to get to a birthday party

Falling Down is essentially about the displacement and betrayal of the ordinary White man in America, whether due changing racial demographics or materialist consumption.


This scene for example shows how the White man finds himself attacked by minorities for no reason (the gang sign is only an excuse though its obvious the cause of the confrontation is simply mindless violence against Michael Douglas' character because he's White). Note the choice of words. Despite his attempts to simply resolve the issue peacefully, the gang members persist in harassing him. I think the following line is probably the most important of the movie. It conveys the entire point of the movie.

>"Okay, okay. I was willing to mind my own business, I was willing to respect your territory and treat you like a man, but you couldn't leave it alone, could you?"

Basically, the White man in America, despite being completely willing to treat minorities equally, still finds himself pushed. Michael Douglas' character only wants to travel the city to his daughter's birthday party, but find himself constantly hindered and harassed. Similarily, the ordinary White man just wants to get on with his life without getting hassled, yet he too finds himself constantly assailed by imposed racial issues, which has dislocated his place in society and destroyed his identity. Despite his willingness to go along (he even specifically rebukes the Neo-Nazi, saying they are nothing alike). His good faith has been constantly betrayed, which manifests in psychopathic violent outbursts. In real life, the same effect occurs but is more likely to out itself in use of medication, alcoholism, obesity, depression, etc. (life expectancy for White Americans is lowering due to all this).

All of this is punctuated by the final line of the movie: "I'm the bad guy?". Despite just wanting to get to his daughter's birthday party, he finds himself demonized.

Stop posting this thread every day you autismal fuck

Stop reading it you fucking nonwhite

>What was it's message?
turn on the fucking AC


Good post

Its a movie that is able to be topical for its day (the white working class values dying or breaking down) and ahead of its time.
It is a must watch for anyone, and I promise you no movie like it will ever be made again.

Look at the movie Bad Ass, the events that inspired the movie. Falling Down is the epigraph of white america.

Yup, this.

>movie Bad Ass
>reality is an old white man being assaulted by blacks for no reason
>movie makes it a Mexican harassed by skinheads
Do inner cities even have skinheads anymore? A white gang in a place like L.A. just seems like an anachronism.

You've completely missed the point and so have the rest of the Sup Forumsacks agreeing with you. It's essentially a movie about alienation and everything being replaced, displaced, or expendable and just bullshit in society in general. Almost every scene involving him has to do with him being pissed at how bullshit and pointless everything is. From the Korean store overpricing him, to the gang members fucking with him, to a fast food place refusing to serve breakfast after a few minutes past a certain time, to a "homeless" guy lying to him and just expecting shit and not being happy with what he gave him, to a neo-nazi thinking he's some kind of racist revolutionary when he's really just some guy pissed at everything shitty.

He's a guy who loses his job even though he's been loyal and doing something supposedly good, and loses his family because of his anger at the bullshit. It's a movie about things everyone hates about society and someone rebelling against it, but ultimately becoming the bad guy in the process. Thinking it's about race is the same delusional thinking SJWs have.


It's a Gen X apathy movie

>It's essentially a movie about alienation and everything being replaced, displaced, or expendable and just bullshit in society in general.
And this has absolutely nothing to do with the majority of certain classes in the society literally being intentionally replaced with other races.

You're an idiot if you don't think race was a key element in the film.

What classes? The middle class which is dying everywhere? Or the criminal class which instead of Irish or Italians it's now Latinos?
It's a movie set in LA. Latino gangs and Korean stores are a very common part of that. That's many scenes where he's going off on whites, including the very white fast food place and him being angry at the neo-nazi and saying he's un-American. How is race a key element we we only see: latino thugs; a korean store owner; an unemployed black guy; and some black kids?

>Largest household income.
>Lesser criminal sentences.
>Higher life expectancy anyway.
>We're the victims!

Just stop already.

>Literally lets a black kid play vidya IRL by shooting a rocket tube at some construction equipment
>>w-white power 1488 guys, I swear D-Fens is a hwhyte nationalist like me


>What was it's message?

Absolutely fucking nothing. The guy had severe anger issues and wasn't normal. Which undercut the entire movie.

Guy loses his shit. Initially has some real, legitimate issues that he lashed out against violently.

His legitimacy falls apart, and his beef with the world gets increasingly petty, and his violence becomes the end in itself.

The cop's confrontation with him at the end kinda sums up the movie. It's a character study: we all want to lash out at injustice, but we will all realize that it's not worth it, and people who give into those urges are doomed.

He was an asshole though and completely lacking any self-awareness.
Typical white male thinking he's the center of the universe.

I doubt they show their faces in LA, but they definitely exist in the south and the northwest.

>It's a character study: we all want to lash out at injustice, but we will all realize that it's not worth it, and people who give into those urges are doomed.
Good little goy here's a crumb :)

Use your brain, dummy.

Except the wife and society were entirely at fault for him blowing up the way he did. Like he said, "I did everything they told me to... they lied to me." He was trying to be a good father and husband but he couldn't live up to the standards imposed on him by others and at the same time his reward for trying to live up to those standards was economic displacement and divorce. He had every right to be upset and the wife was shown to be a liar since he never actually physically abused her while they were married.

>implying violent outbursts like the LA riots weren't encouraged by the Jews and White Elite.

Okay yeah I'm sure you'd love another rampage killer than legitimizes the gun control you're trying to foist on us.

no no goy, stay docile, you are a good one :)

Does it have to have a message? Its just a story that shows what can happen to to a person that gets viciously resentful.

Yah bwana don't wanna upset da massa hena wipp us all :(

There is a vital aspect that you are missing which is that the main character had a extreme ego and was seething with pride and resentment and in all those instances that he found him self in he chose the road of more resentment, pride and anger.

he wasnt a racist, because he respected the other displaced black guy in the movie and he didnt get along well with the nazi.
but, his wife was a piece of shit who took his house , reputation (lying about abusing her ) and his daughter- and in the end he got killed by the systems in place that worked against him

That's definitely true. It shows what we'd all like to do but what would actually happen irl.

Calm down, cowboy!

Every human probably has that demon inside them that can be resentful and angry and just want to fuck shit up like that. The name of the movie is "Falling down" which hints us of "man falling from grace" which is a religious or mythological motif. (or psychological ) Its when a man loses all hope and moral and just falls to his inner demons and decides to fuck shit up. That kind of thing

Wrong man living in the wrong time period

Yes, it wasn't really his fault. But he also wasn't sane, which diminished the impact of what he became.

It's more of a tale of mental health gone wrong than "normal man blows his top"

Kind of like the film version of the Shining, I guess. Even when they're driving up to the hotel for the first time as a family you can tell Jack (as played by Nicholson) is already slightly unhinged.

Haha yeah wanting a normal family in a normal world is le insane /r/upboat

He's obviously mentally ill and unhinged. He goes to work everyday to a job he doesn't have and gets violent and outraged over a $2 soda or breakfast not being served anymore.

White males like him built this country. He has every right to be upset that everything he worked so hard to build up is being dismantled by the very people he thought he was working for.

Le recommending you for le mod you're the most virtuous amongst us #freebleedforautism

a lot resentful people in here that relates to the character. That is interesting to see. Resentment almost seems to be the primary motivator behind ideology. (example: see feminists )

>you can't even wave your gun around at minimum wage employees because they won't give you the menu item you want and it mildly inconveniences me
>what is this world coming to, someone think of the white man

Stop it.

Nice try leddit, that wasn't the implication of that post at all.

>Resentment almost seems to be the primary motivator behind ideology.
Well, if you're not living in great conditions so you can develop yourself fully as a human being and express yourself by changing the world around you, what the fuck else would be the primary motivation? Maslow and all.

>the cop who didn't fall for her shit

resentment makes things worse

so is he in a punk culture?

That was classic.

Also, pay attention to the the dog (the puppy in the home movies). When D-FENS returns home the dog is happy to see him, sits with him, and when he dies the dog is laying down looking sad. Also the daughter is happy to see her father again. Really makes you think.

For the ruling class you mean? Because the alternative is the buddhist bullshit where you accept you're a loser slaving your life away for the winners and convince yourself that you're totally happy with it.

That...that's actually pretty good. An actual insightful post for once.

I noticed it, user. That made me mad.

Well, a content person isn't going to want to change the way things are or think about what they should be changed into.
That's true; good things cannot come out of negative motivations. But resentment is understandable.


You can see that things should be changed and want to change them without negativity being your driving force.

Ok, how?

By caring more about the people you're fighting for than the people you're fighting against.

That doesn't preclude righteous anger for your cause, though.

For the resentful individual.

And someone as resentful as the man in the movie they will make things worse.

Things can come from negative emotions, but so can negative things. And especially resentment is the most destructive emotions. (which is why one should be very weary to listen to resentful ideologues, they often don't want to make it better, they want to make everything worse for everyone.)

This movie is about globalism, captlism, and the way it effects americans, the main character takes this out in violent methods to make the movie more interesting.
Any person who isnt an idiot knows we live in an oligarchy, the politicians are puppets of wall street, lobbyist groups, and corporations.
The globalists want to destroy cultures and peoples and countries and borders so they can have better trade deals.
Mass immigration, outsourcing, these are sources of cheap labor so the elite can save money through slave labor, if you speak out you get called a racist, mocked for being a stupid white trash who wont learn his place.

This effects niggers as well, black americans would be filling the jobs at factories, that get outsourced to third world shitholes.

Once clinton is in office she will sign the TPP, gutting the middle class and sending more into poverty, much like her husband signed NAFTA.

Pol is similar to the character but they take out their anger by being hackers and posting meme's and pointing out contradictions in globalism and leftism.

That's just feelgood new age bullshit. When you're confining yourself in this vague humanitarian concept, you're playing by the ruling class a.k.a. those who make the rules. You're playing with a handicap.

>implying there's anything wrong with globalism or capitalism
Are you a Marxist? Do you just hate freedom?


Unless you are an elite you have no reason or justification for defending their raping of America and the West.

I don't think I'm a resentful person but the movie is made so that you have a lot of empathy to Douglas. He gets into problems that are very universal and that are no fault of his own.

I've lived in LA as a white man and yes as a straight laced looking gringo you can be treated like shit there because people there have huge chips on their shoulders. I've been to disgusting restaurants that have served me burnt food and when I complained the manager accused me of trying to rip them off.

No I would not go a spree of chaos & destruction over this. But it's moments like that where you want to take a baseball bat and wreck all their shit.

Haven't seen Falling Down in a long time but I think the only time Douglas fucks with totally innocent people is the McDonalds scene. Everyone else pretty much got what was coming to them.

Why don't you just work hard enough to become the elite? You have more freedom than anyone ever in history, it's not like you're in a caste system.

You don't think the ones in power want you to get pissed off and riot or bomb shit? Of course you do, that discredits you and makes them seem like rational protectors. The elites can play without the handicap, but they'll always lose simply because the can never make themselves happy with their greed. True change can only happen if people are as different from their enemy as possible. What's really feelgood is getting pissed off and angry and wanting to wreck shit, but that won't change anything and just spread more negativity within yourself and others. I'm not saying violence or destruction doesn't have a place, but when the reasons it's done is for the wrong reasons then nothing good will come from it.

I hate jews, and i am under no illusion they work in the interest of the american people.
They are 5th column working in their own ethnic self interest and against the goy.
Then they have the gall to get exasperated at the rise of pol and the alt right.


>I hate jews
That's not very American.

>inherent money
>just pull yourself up by your bootstraps like i did
>rich fag logic


fuck this disinfo shit movie

What was disinfo about it?

Violence is not the answer. It is a question, sometimes the answer is yes.

~ Yung Ghandi


The message was that white males, even the most seemingly normal ones, are mentally deranged and can lash out at any time.

Have a good time!

I see no problem in the protagonist being black. So I think you're wrong.

It would be a much different movie, actually.


How so? Pretty much only thing that would need to be changed would be replacing neo-nazi with with black panther or some other sort of we wuz kangz n shieet loonie.

i just watched the movie, because of this thread. i saw it once before ages ago.
good film, but i think some people here are looking into to it too much (not that there's anything wrong with that). i think the premise of the movie is actually very simple. some people have bad days and get pushed over the edge.



we have no more tendency to violence than anyone else; we're just intelligent, so we can do it effectively and in mass numbers.

I don't know why anyone would want to fuck with white people.

Congrats. You responded to copypasta.

I agree that it's not inherently racial, but much of what's brought up is true.
It's less about the "White man" having put up with all this, it's more the "every man".

Let's not forget that he flips out at rich people too who have huge golf fields in the middle of cities where there could be community parks, housing, anything for ordinary people, but instead it's turned into a bastion of wealth and luxury.

There are acts that are shown to be wrong, and are racially charged, but those same racially charged disputes are only maintained because of the same desperation that the minorities feel, that the protagonist has to put up with. Only the easiest perception of the cause in all this, is different for them.

There was literally no reason for the latino gangbangers to attempt a drive-by on D-FENS.

>People responding genuinely to a copy paste intended as a troll, even going so far as to marvel at the 'wisdom' it contains

I forgot it was the weekend so all the kids are using Sup Forums right now

This copypasta is absolutely true, the movie was specifically and obviously about this.

The copy paste is full of shit because it neglects the fact that Douglas is also alienated from his own family rather than just being displaced from society by le spooky minorities.

That aspect is about feminism's destructive role.

How the hell do you get such a big hole in your shoe?
Not very realistic if you ask me

honestly familia whites are letting the rest of the world walk all over them right now. there's no point in having a great military if you allow your countries to be intentionally rotted away from the inside. white people are losing ground in every single field, and it's whites that are actively making that happen. (no it's not the jews, they're parasites that wouldn't be a threat if whites didn't roll over for them)