Sup Forumstroons will defend this.
Sup Forumstroons will defend this
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Probably a Jew. Have you learned nothing?
not exactly a rousing endorsement
filthy degenerate casino magnate kike who looks like fucking gollum and donates a shitload of money to GOP candidates
>not knowing who sheldon "shelly" sheldeonseon is
You need to be 18+ to post on this website.
Shut it kike.
Major GOP donor who gives money to whoever he think will do the least damage to Israel. So this is a big turn off if your biggest issue this election is who will be more likely to nuke Israel, slaughter the jews, and usher in the fourth reich.
I may be a jew but at least I'm not a retard.
David duke on suicide watch
How do you guys not know this fine, upstanding white™ male?
>who looks like fucking gollum
careful user, that's a dangerous comparison.
Bazinga! Glad to see Trump picking up an endorsement for the most popular sitcom since seinfeld.
If you read the article he's doing it because he associates Shillary with Obama and Israel has a personal vendetta against Obama now
Let's be honest Shillary's foreign policy was terrible in the middle east maybe, and Shlomo is starting to get nervous at what a disaster the Syrian war/Yemen war./Libyan war
Assad was supposed to be gone by now
Iran wasn't supposed to take over Eastern Iraq
ISIS was supposed to be """"le moderates""" not the biggest fuck up in history
Libya was supposed to be a first world country by now
Egypt was not supposed to have a regime change at all
Obama let the Saudis invade Yemen as an apology for the Iran deal and Neanyahu wasn't happy
Turkey is turning into a dictatorships thanks to the Syrian war
Basically everything is fucked up and you owe it all to Obama and Shillary.
Trump is actually the safe bet at this point despite the fact he's the anti neocon candidate.
>Sup Forums doesn't realize Trump is art of warring the old kike golem
It's like when Liu Bei (Trump) came to Tao Qian's (Old Kike's) aide when Cao Cao (Arf Arf courtesy name Shillary Clinton) was on the verge of invading his lands.
The lands that trump will inherit are going to be that old decrepit kikes casino
Well, if Trump doesnt fix America you know your only chance of survival is civil war.
Wow get fucked 2cow
>Sup Forumstroon
Now that's something I haven't heard in a very long time.
let them have the fantasy
He's the funnel that feeds neocon politicians. This guy plays a huge role in increasing the influence Zionism has on our politics. He's basically super rich and funds campaigns for his puppets like George Soros.
I don't know why he's choosing Trump over Hillary, but at least he's a strong jewish power during elections. I honestly don't know what to make of this myself.