Why is this shit making me cringe so fucking much?, and im only like 5 minutes in

Why is this shit making me cringe so fucking much?, and im only like 5 minutes in

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It's a shit movie like all of Refn's movies, only autistic Sup Forums fags pretend to like it because their ugly pig faced discount dakota fanning looking waifu is in it.

Post about it on /r/cringe

ya it made me cringe too XDD

Budget $7 million
Box office $3.4 million

It'll do fine

arthouse movie with metaphors, the sooner you accept this the better the experience will be, don't it too literally.

You're a total plen

It's pretty bad

Everything about it is so forced. But the worst part is that refn really fucked up. This actually could have been good.

But he only proved he can't actually direct or write a decent story. Plebs will still praise him for his forced "cinematography" though

Solid criticism there

I "get" that the delivery is supposed to be cold and mechanical. I "get" that the characters aren't supposed to act in any rational way. But that doesn't stop it from feeling like any scene with dialogue was written and directed by a 15 year old who just got his first digital camera and wanted to try his hand at filmmaking. It doesn't make me think about the synthetic aspects of the model world, or whatever, it makes me think "man the people behind this movie sure are doing a bad job of it." At times it felt as jarring as something out of The Room. Even the aesthetic has been pretty played out at this point. I watched Drive, played Hotline Miami, listened to Chromatics, etc. The fad's over and it's tough to really be impressed by that anymore. Still had some nice shots in it, but overall a terrible film. In my opinion!


>The wicked die young

What did Refn mean by this

Cause you don't get that this is Refn's version of a teenage horror flick.
So shut up and enjoy Elle's panties.

omg right so much cringeee i was cringing sooo hard at the start like the cringe was too strong :D

Are you twelve?

>this will never be the box art


I thought it was an interesting modern retelling of the story of Narcissus.

she's so pwettayyy!

I thought it was good up until the last third where everything just went totally off the rails

literally perfect

Try doing something radical, OP, and watch a whole movie in one sitting. Yes, really, no checking your phone. No shitposting. Think you can do that for me?

>casting couch
>she doesn't get PRODUCED.com

Well. It was Christina Hendricks at the other end of the table... Man that would've been something.

He's Australian. Shitposting is basically his life's purpose.

Thanks doc...

Well. That's our Refn!

>I thought it was good up until the last third where everything just went totally off the rails
Good thing I dropped it right after the lesbian rape scene then, with 20 minutes left.

heh. Fuck you.

>actually thinking this style over substance rubbish is good
>actually thinking what happens has a deeper meaning because Refn is 'smart'
He completely shit the bed on this one and revealed his level of perversion/autism too much.

Because it's one of the worst movies ever made

>Financial and critical failure

REFN stop making movies.

I'm fed up with Autistic film directors

Enyone else notice this? There's an eyeball on the bed.

Oh snap never saw that

Holy fuck, did this change everything?

started watching it. just in it in 20mins
feels like a fancy colored edgy chick flick... with the "I want to be supermodel" girlie dream theme. Devl wears prada 2?

>being this shallow

It's a deconstruction of aesthetics and narcissism in relation to violence.

It's a modern, american, giallo.

>Refn intended this film to be anything
its just pretty fucking colours mate. Plenty have done better on similar themes.

Starry Eyes>TND

what was the meaning behind the lesbian menstruation tsunami at night?

nop, the movie is till shit.

absolutely nothing unless you want to think Jena Malone's character was the Neon Demon the whole time who would encourage young models to eat other individuals, and recharge herself by basking naked in the neon limelight of the moon.

Why didnt she call police when Keanu Reeves was raping 13 year old girl in the next room?

It's a witch/moon/folklore thing.

did Jesse died a virgin?

Because the 13y/o would have to go back to her molesting father.

Keanu just collected for the services rendered.

Yes, that was the whole point. She was pure.

>Medieval romance and the courtly-love movement, later related to the witch cults, were strongly influenced by the Tantric tradition
>It is still specified in the Left Hand Rite of Tantra that the priestess impersonating the goddess must be menstruating

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but maybe she was an Avatar/Priestest of The Neon Demon/Moon Goddess/Whatever.

doubt it
right before her death we get to see her ugly side and how she is changed from the girl in the first ~20 minutes
she became arrogant with all that ego kissing stuff and the envy from her peers
so what died was not Jesse it was her purity

she was cannibalized, she entered the workforce of her industry and became one of many
thats what I got it from it

Jesse didnt die

>all this truth

stay classy Sup Forums

Wow, you're so full of shit.

Never met an arrogant virgin?

Jesse transformed into Narcissus and got devoured by envy.

Jesse is a dead.

>getting angry because basics he needed the basics of movies explained
sure bro
now how about that civil war and xmen

It is lesbian clit rubbing at best.

>movie about 7 deadly sins
>characters who commit a sin gets punished by one of the other sins

It fits. Ruby was the Devil.

You say that like it's a bad thing, dubs.


elle is 4/10 at best

There's also sex in her eyes.

Yup. That's why she went to heaven (credits sequence).

some girls have a thing where they randomly get a whole bunch of menstrual blood pouring out. check it out,it's a real thing apparently.
This was kind of like that, but a bit more extreme.

That's hot. I like fucking my gf on the rag.

Because you're underaged.

>forced "cinematography"

Now that the dust has finally settled, did i enjoy binge marathoning this? WTF me and my wife's son hate cannibalism now


Refn is the cringemaster

Refn knows that white women are the most beautiful thing on this planet and in this kino he subtly and eloquently points out that they must be protected from their own debased female nature for the betterment of the white race as a whole

>keanu as pedo
>joey quinn from dexter sexual harrasser
>cannibal looking model is indeed a cannibal
>necrofil cannibal lesbian
>innocent looking girl becomes a hateful egoist cunt
what did they wan to tell?
everybody deserved to die

If you cringe, it's YOU who has a problem. You're most likely Autistic.

Movies aren't all messages, morals and political statements. Some are just damn good stories.

>Why is this shit making me cringe so fucking much?, and im only like 5 minutes in

Keep posting in this thread as you "watch" then shitpost about how "cringe" it was and how you didnt get it for months to come.


Are you calling this movie a damn good story?

So this guy was just an eccentric fashion photographer who took his work seriously

This thread has trully become The Neon Dubsmen.


Why though?


It was an interesting inversion: you expect him to be the creep, as Ruby warns, but she's the real danger. He's just an artiste.

i wouldn't call this good ,though

but it was okay for one. could've been shorter


you're sick
jesse was stupid too
th 13yo could just escape again or could tell the cops that her father does the same

should've played by Barbi Palvin

>some are just damn good stories
and this wasn't one of them

The beta photog she fucked with at the start hit too close to home.

>interested in girl way younger than me
>she's completely asexual/aromantic about it
>even watched the sun set from a pretty vantage like in the movie

Is there supermodel that he hasn't fucked?

Sup Forums tricked me again

how many beards can a man wear?

Give me the torrent

>My parents are dead
>Do you want me to be your Mommy?

Movie would've been 10/10 if it took this direction.

>fantastic visionary director
>keeps in the awkward and awful acting by this woman

Should I download this or wait for the bluray release

She was good, fuck off pleb

I would honestly recommend not watching it.

What did refn mean by this?

>She was good, fuck off pleb
She wasn't meant to act like a complete autist with zero personality you know

holy shit

Nice blogpost faggot


Jesse wasn't even that pretty, just a kid with a dumb face. Ruby is where it's at.

i prefer women with a chin more feminine than mine

You must be one really effeminate motherfucker.