It is what it is, Trumptards

It is what it is, Trumptards.


Nigga, go watch the current CNN then apologize for this.

praise lord emperor trump

cnn had been lying for 37 years, simple as that

I get your dad pregnant

It's the one on the left. Coincidence? I think not.

All hail the Immortal God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus the First of the House of Trump.

I read that as Donalduck the First


Yes, the left, as always

wow you trumptards really are fucking stupid

If Trump says it's fake news then it's definitely a true news.


wow you libtards really are fucking stupid
>such skills

that's probably right about your level


no one respects CNN, not even the dumbfucks

CNN has been caught more than once lying. Just search CNN lies on YouTube for all the proof you need.

I get it. Just randomly pick a post, and attack, right?

Well... CNN's job is to report facts, and they don't do thar anymore. Trump's job is president, and he's still president.

So, the answer is CNN. What did I win?

And Trump hasn't lied?

Name any non-facts reported on by CNN that we not retracted... I'll wait...

Cite your sources.

Hey OP, fuck you.



tehy still have a better track record than fox news. It's not even debatable. So why are you concerned with CNN's occasional bias when fox news is full blown propaganda with less that 50% truth accuracy?




nice try




Liberals: you're all pussies and cucks

Now pardon me, I need to suck Trump's cock
while the Republican congress fucks me up the ass.


They do report facts. It's not their job to deliver you sense enough to understand. You're just unwilling to learn much of anything you can't regurgitate from someone that doesn't sound angry constantly.


They would have moved the continent of Africa to Alderaan?


>excuse me while i cry about DRUMPF on Sup Forums

in another 4 years killing niggers will be legal because of trump

as if they aren't both garbage


The only correct answer is both. If you can't see that your ideology has blinded you.


Release the Ivanka nudes before impeachment Donny


how to convince yourself that you know everything: tell yourself there's nothing to know.


This isnt even a good troll. CNN is garbage. If they wanted to keep their good name they wouldnt do retarded shit like spend time money and resources trying to blackmail a kid for a meme. They're basically Buzzfeed status now.

confirmed for your level

>we can all play



How much Soros money could you possibly be making to spew this propaganda?

CNN is an open sewer and they may, finally, be fucked. They've deserved a firm kick in the dick for a long time for a lot of reasons, not just the recent collusion, being caught talking down to the American people, fixation with Russia even though there's STILL no evidence and on and on....



It doesn't really matter. You're trying to portray CNN as a credible news source when they (an organisation) have been caught lying on numerous occasions.

Fucking libtards goddamn.


This is easy to explain if you aren't a simple minded fool:

>March 2014
>Malaysian Air 370 disappears
>wall to wall coverage on all networks for a week
>fast forward months, it's still "breaking news" on CNN
>CNN makes a fool of themselves publicly by continuing coverage on non-issue

BUT...the plane still crashed. Not fake news.

Just because CNN has a habit of milking a story for ratings
doesn't mean it's #FakeNews.

The Trump campaign was aided by Russia in return for favorable policies. Deal with it.

you have never seen the video where a high profile CNN journalist confirms EVERYTHING trump said about them without knowing he was being filmed. CNN is self-confirmed fake news. don't believe me because you're a CNN fanboy? just think about this. it was CNN that reported they were fake news. to say it's wrong is essentially saying they are lying, making them fake news. to claim CNN is pure and unbiased is making them fake news anyway. fuck off


That is the cringeist cartoon I've seen all week, and I read Sup Forums

And Fox has real journalists, and their news stories have verified sources.

> Nate of
> native

Just a 12 year old.


The Russia story is crap and you know it. At best you have Don Jr legally meeting with a lawyer from Russia. Nobody has even proven that the Russians hacked the DNC. Not that anyone can, since the DNC won't let anyone credible look at their servers.


That still doesn't take away from the fact CNN has lied


Not enough to respond to posts apparently.

We get it. Trump is bad. Please get over it.

>The Russia story is crap

>believing anything the Trump administration says
lol fools

>Day 1: "This is the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration. PERIOD."

and it's only gone downhill from there, lol

This is in no way what anyone is talking about.

CNN ran hit piece after hit piece on Trump, some stories had as little as one UNVERIFIED source, which essentially means the source is; " I heard that...(insert propaganda here)". Who cares if 2-3 months later they issue a retraction?!? The point is they push their own agenda first and they manipulate the facts to do it.

The fools are the ones standing up for CNN because at the end of the day they're being fed lies and obviously aren't known for independent thought to begin with.

CNN producers literally said "the russia story is a nothing burger."

There's fucking VIDEO OF IT. How can you be so demoralized that you deny video evidence?

CNN just reports what the NY Times and Washington Post investigates.

If you throw out CNN, you have to throw out the entire media outside of the Fox News bubble,
and if that's where you are mentally,
well that explains a lot doesn't it?

>believing anything pic related mocks up because it fits your worldview

In almost a year of investigations there's no proof for any connection between Trump and Russia.

There are connections between Podesta the Molesta and Russia, Billary and Killary and Russia, 33,000 deleted emails involving Killary conspiring with the DNC against Bernie the burnout panders.

And Trump never said his inauguration was the largest one ever.

See kids, when you listen to CNN your facts are never right.


Just because McDonalds has been serving food for 50+ years doesn't mean it's good food.

CNN 0/10
NY Times 1/10
Washington Compost 0.5/10

And because I know you're gonna ask for it:

Fox 7/10

Your point is invalid

i lol'd

He's right. Look it up? They're playing y'all niggas. You've been warned.

>In almost a year of investigations

Ignore all those investigations! Trump did nothing! FBI, CIA, DOJ - all fools I tell ya!

>there's no proof for any connection between Trump and Russia.

Trump Jr. literally emailed out the proof of connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. "I love it!"

>still talking about Hillary, lol. like you losers say, Trump is president now, get over it

>And Trump never said his inauguration was the largest one ever.

Spicer said it, and in his job he is literally the word of the president, lol

>shit trumptards actually believe

The one on the left.

A primary correspondent on CNN recently seriously considered that the Malaysian flight that disappeared a few years ago may have been swallowed by a black hole.

Once upon a time, CNN was excellent. Now, it's complete shit with nothing but agenda stories, political spin, and idiocy. It's no longer about keeping you informed, it's now about making you angry or afraid so you tune in every night and make ad revenue for them.

Fox news uses truthful facts and stories with a hard right leaning bias that makes them propaganda.

CNN fabricates things out of thin air for the purposes of leftist propaganda, and are told by their masters what they must and must not cover.

Man do they ever love cutting the audio when someone is about to give an (((unapproved))) message about Shillary Clinton.

I'm not saying they're fools but you're correct that they are indeed fools. I'm saying they have nothing. No evidence at all that Trump did anything wrong.

Trump Jr posted the full email chain to twitter (sound like he's being secretive to you?) The lawyer he met with had no connections to the Kremlin and only wanted to talk about an initiative to help reduce sex trafficking/ missing children.

Spicer said that Trump said his inauguration was the largest? Wut?

Once again, when you get you info from CNN it's easy to be out of touch and not have the real facts.

I tried to ignore this thread, but you dumbfucks wouldn't let it go.







Both are phony. Are you retarded OP?



