What would you do if you were in his position?
Hollow Man (2000)
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I think the question is what wouldn't I do.
I drive
What wouldn't you do?
2 chicks at the same tjme
It rhymes with tape.
First, I'd rub one out to see if my baby gravy was invisible too. If it is, then it's on the the rape.
Why would that matter? You'd already be an invisible rapist ghost, the police will probably catch onto you if you do it a lot. Even if they found visible semen, no one would believe the girl that a ghost raped her, and how would they track you?
You disgusting pig.
dumb grapeposter
Tell the others i wasnt feeling right. Prefect process. Profit.
I'm not familiar with this, does he always look like that, or is just a latex skin suit?
If he just always looks like that, I'd just mess with people. I'd creep into backyards and just stare through windows. My first target would be my old ass neighbor, that dude's already a creepy fucker that sits in his garage and stares at you all fucking day, even at fucking 2am.
I would sneak into nuclear missle silos and start a nuclear war. I would then wait it out underground, and once it was all over, I would fucking murder any survivors.
He's invisible, it's just a suit
Maybe he's just curious. He wants to know if facials are worthwhile.
>chick drying off after shower
>sitting there, brushing hair
>hears heavy breathing
>can swear she senses someone else in the room
>suddenly jets of semen appear out of thin air and fly towards her face
>ropes of cum cover her face and chest as she struggles to understand if a ghost just came on her
Hell, that could have prevented a rape
I'd go on Facebook or some shit and make one of those posts chains that are mimilar to old emails you used to get, the ones that say send to X amount of people in the next 24 or something bad will happen. One of those but say that they'll get raped by a ghost if they don't post it as their status, then i'd go around raping everyone that didn't post it.
But user... The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
You've bested me
Lol looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays
Steal a lot, a lot of money.
Learn how to do make-up very well to create fake skin tone and get some contacts,wig, clothes, ect... so that I can still go into society from time to time.
Buy safe-house.
Start my life of insanity.
idk man, nowadays thermal goggle isn't that uncommon
they probably get me in couple days or a week top
also cops in america probably empty all their shit in my general direction if they think im over there
I would become famous as the invisible man and enjoy my celebrity life and have consensual sex.
Your neighbor is a ghost.
Seems like it would be safer to steal credit cards and buy stuff online at Amazon. Yes there'd be a digital footprint but you're invisible, if the cops show up it's not like they'll see you before you see them. Any cash you steal wouldn't be invisible. A card you can easily tuck between your arms and render invisible. Also you have to physically spend cash, or if you deposit it at an ATM, that has a camera recording your ghostly presence and an ATM being operated associated with your bank account.
There's probably a jap porno where this happens
>I would become famous as the invisible man
desu the government probably gonna kidnap your ass, deem you to be potential terrorist or whatever the fuck it is. then they will have their scientist have fun with your body
the worst part about this is since you are invisible, nobody even know if you are gone
Made me laugh. I was expecting rape to be one of the early answers.
I always wondered what would happen if he had kids.
Would they be transparent?
Would they be invisible?
Or would they be normal?
Oh, so it's just another invisible man movie.
I dunno then, I'd probably still just fuck with people, maybe steal a little a bit because I could use the money right now and it'd be stupidly easy to get away with. Probably all the usual stuff.
shitpost on Sup Forums
I'm already invisible :(
The invisibility isn't genetic so his kids would be normal.
>desu the government probably gonna kidnap your ass, deem you to be potential terrorist
They probably wouldn't even bother with the latter part of that, they'd just deny you exist and you'd spend the rest of your life either a mile below the surface in a lab being experimented on or spying on other countries after they've brainwashed you through torture.
but if his sperm is invisible and it forms part of the zygote the zygote would be partially invisible
We don't know if his internals are invisible. But even if they were it wouldn't affect his genetics.
>but if his sperm is invisible
i don't think this was the case in the movie
because at one point he was crying and the tear streaming down his face
anything that coming out from his body won't be invisible
doesn't matter, it's clearly a permanent treatment otherwise his skin would've started becoming visible as cells divided to replace old skin cells
the zygote being partially invisible would then divide and continue to maintain that partial invisibility as the cells proliferated
this movie's so fake!
if he was invisible he wouldn't be able to see because he wouldn't have the visible pupil lens needed to refract light upon his retina! he wouldn't even HAVE a retina. he'd be fucking blind, dumb movie
Is it just his skin that is invisible? Or his entire physiology?
Memoirs of an Invisible Man was the better picture.
Pretty sure it's everything, when it happens you see his skin, then his muscles and then his skellington, so it can't just be his skin. I could be remembering it wrong but i'm pretty sure you see the muscles turn invisible.
No user, he got perfect clairvoyance that mimicked ordinary sight, along with invisibility.
Instead of groping that one woman's titty, I would've sucked it instead.
I'd go around looking for men standing behind women in lines at stores and grab the woman's ass.
But you'd be a man standing behind a woman
Not if i go in on the side
I would pull pranks on people, publicly masturbate and run around quoting The Invisible Man - which is the only horror film about invisibility that you need.
Impossible to say since the serum makes you crazy. But definitely rape.
Like when he eats can you still see the food?
>slowly watch your food turn into poop
would do/10
>not wanting to rape
What a waste of invisibility
Apprehend rapists.
post about it everyday on Sup Forums
spy on politicians
Steal shit.
I can get pussy while being visible.
I'd watch Angela Merkel taking a dump
Would be better if other people passed through you.
But you can still touch them.
Are you not scared of being arrested though?