>Used to love Ace Ventura as a kid
>Watch it now
>It's about a guy turning down/trying to arrest a QT trap GF
Wow. What a dumbass.
>Used to love Ace Ventura as a kid
>Watch it now
>It's about a guy turning down/trying to arrest a QT trap GF
Wow. What a dumbass.
>watched ace ventura when I was 6
>saw how everyone reacted to einhorn
>simultaneously learned that it was possible to try to live as a girl instead of as a boy and also that if I did everyone would be disgusted by me
And that's how I became a suicidal six year old
transgenders have really high suicide rates because of how society treats them, it's pretty sad imho, any bigots should be ashamed of themselves and should be treated poorly by society
They're suicidal because they're mentally deranged.
3/10 low effort
>because of how society treats them
Lol no. I can't ever fucking tell if you dumb shits are just bait/ironic/shit posting but maybe it's because they're fucked up as hell otherwise usually? Seriously it's like 90% of trannies that have mental issues that are NOT alleviated by getting gender reassignment surgery. It isn't 100% the answer for fucking anyone. Goddamn shit is ridiculous.
We commit suicide in vast numbers for a lot of reasons
>can't ever be what we really want, even if we pass as our desired sex
>most of us don't pass as our desired sex
>get gawked out, stared out, occasionally threatened with violence and death just for going to grocery store
>ostracized from family and friends
>can't have kids
>harder to get a job than a convict, most common job is prostitute
>no role-models
>pills, laser, surgery are extremely expensive and almost never covered by insurance
>bunch of other shit
>lifetime of stress and selfhate leads to other mental issues, drug abuse etc.
>liberals pretend to fight for us but instead make us look even more weird and disgusting to the average person and actually make it harder for us to be accepted
Not all of that applies to every tranny of course, and sometimes we can just 'get over it' for a few of those. But there's so many things it's basically suicide redundancy. If one thing doesn't get you five more things will.
>being humane and civil is bait
sorry senpai, i live in a cosmopolitan city surrounded by lots of odd people different from me.
once you're exposed to trannies and other degenerates you'll realize they're just as fucked up as the rest of us. being ostracized and demonized by society doesn't help them be any more """normal""".
Not a trap, retard stale reposter fagfuck.
Yeah, I think the best way for society to treat trans people is to just not care. Like, just act like they're average, run of the mill people. Why bother giving them the "soecial snowflake" treatment? They're only human.
low effort
>lives in a cosmopolitan city
I hope you enjoy always being 3 days away from starvation and food riots if anything at all disrupts the extremely fragile last minute food distribution networks that keep all of you tightly packed people from turning on each other.
Nothing you have to say can possibly be of any value if you allow yourself to live like that.
laces out
>"they're normal people who deserve to be treated equally!"
>"it doesn't affect you so why do you care?"
I want to kill the person that made this
I'm and I remember wanting to be a girl as early as three years old. When you're actually trans it's something that's always been there.
Of course some disgusting parents do push it on their children who aren't actually trans so that they can get liberal brownie points or whatever. Those people should be shot
So, do you believe gender has a biological basis even to the point of female brains being hardwired to wear dresses, play with dolls and wear makeup?
It must be exhausting being preemptively offended by everything, day in and day out.
Well there's no 100% certain proof of what causes people to be trannies so I try not to really attach myself too hard to any of the prevalent theories about it (neurological hardwiring, estrogen in the water supply, THE JEWS etc.)
If I had to say what I 'feel' is the most likely thing, I think it's an issue with gender identity development. When you're developing in the first few years of your life, your brain starts to separate masculinity from femininity with pattern recognition. You basically figure out what's male and what's female in a really vague, general way, and you sort yourself into a category (this is what psychologists mean when they say gender identity) I think people who are trans (myself included) fuck up this crucial development early on and are stuck with it for life. That's the theory that always made the most sense with my experiences
But Finkle/Einhorn was more about an insane person who was living in a constant cycle of insanity about having fucked up the play. The gender shift was just part of an insane scheme, not anything specific.
I mean, Buffalo Bill doesn't get shoved in with trannies because he's a deranged serial killer character whose whole weird gender play has more to do with power than dysphoria.
Gotta live your life mate. Most people don't get anything they want out of it, at least you know who you really are deep down.
I don't think she has actual feelings on the matter, it's just a way for her to get attention. It helps that they're on "the right side" so they can get extra feel good points, but really, she'd do anything as long as it meant it'd soothe that girlbrain need of being noticed
Oh yeah I know that, Einhorn isn't really trans per se, was just going through extreme measures to shift identities from ray finkle. I just meant that when I was a kid it dawned on me that if I just dressed like a girl, had my hair like a girls and acted like one than people wouldn't be able to tell me apart from one and that I'd be able to live as if I was one anyway. Which basically started me down the path to wondering if was the only person in the world who felt this way, which led to me finding out what a transsexual was and realizing that's what I was.
I want to punch every person who says "be on the right side of history". It sounds so fucking condescending.
How can someone think this:
>human bodies don't need to be specifically male or female depending on what they look like
>a self-identified female can still have a penis that """"""""she"""""""" was born with
While also thinking this:
>human brains can be gender specific and "hard-wired" to be male or female in utero
>these male and female brains can develop in the body of the opposite biological sex, leading to cases of body dysmorphic disorder
I really hope someday you poor fucks can seamlessly transition from from to the other with no bullshit in-betweeners who can't pass and have to ruin gender roles because they're bitter.
I'm so glad TERF is a thing.
This stupid fucking thread again...
The problem with transgendered portrayals in art might have to do with transgender creators in art. Art is a endeavor which is essentially all about expressing yourself as a person, what your filter can add, and all too often you see artists getting stuck selling themselves as subsidiary to an identity label, working as a shill towards "normalizing" that label (in reality, only creating discourse meant to create more labor and product in the field so as to industrialize it). That's piss-poor artistry. That's advertising. You get transgendered artists who make it their mission to remind you that they're trans and arrest you point blank with how you feel about them rather than how or what their work makes you feel, which is kinda the worst of all worlds particularly when art inherently presumes the creator a fascist. Take someone like Wendy Carlos, who wasn't interested in selling through the label but rather through the worthiness of the work, and you see that influence survive. Marshall McLuhan said the medium was the message, but it sure seems like a lot of LGBTQ folk (let alone racial minorities, and let's not get into college professors) these days are taking the reverse to be true when that couldn't be further from the truth.
>he thinks all comments bump
here's a bump
This could pass as self parody. But it's just so evident the smug self-asurance on that cunts face. You can't make this up
>in Australia
The artist couldn't even make their own artistic mary-sue projection of themselves even slightly attractive. Boy, she must be a fucking DOG.
The 90s were great. Not as good as the 80s, but still much bette than the 00s and the 10s.
A shame you didn't go through with it.
Are you talking about the pic or Sup Forums?
Nah the 90's fucking sucked and the only people who think otherwise were the retards who grew up during them.
Or you could, you know, just step up and be a man for once.
>you will fall in love with a young sean young
yea kill me family.
I felt really dumb when someone pointed out to me she's the main chick from Blade Runner.
you forgot the fact that you have a mental illness
>It's a Truman hooks up with a trap then cries in the shower episode
you has to be shot instead.
fucking accept yourself, if you've born with a dick your're a boy! simple!
literally LITERALLY dying rn
>tomatometer 45%
someone explain me why would anyone take that site seriously
comedies always have a low rating there, it's ridiculous, go look at Mousehunt and rage.
>Ben Garrison
She can be QT, but she is a criminal.
>watch it as a kid
>was confused by the underpants scene cause it looked like s/he shit herself and I couldnt comprehend that one could tuck back their penis like that