Its happening
Putin is going to save America
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Hill shills where is your god now?
If there was anything really bad we would have heard of it already.
oh putin. don't ever change
fucking good.
Why does Putin always have a 10/10 god-tier trollface in every news article posted about him?
Thankyou for saving us Putin.
If you see this right now, just know that we're in debt to you and there is nothing we could ever do to repay you.
Putin is more or less campaigning for Trump
I love it if real
hes a slav that would explain the troll face
putin! the absolute madman
Well, she just lost. Game over for Hillary shills. lol
The dumbfucks. Trump's policies shit all over Hillary's.
Nice dubs.
You know the allies didn't really know about the holocaust until they found proof.
If you believe in that sort of thing.
>this election
You just can't make this shit up
I'm pretty sure this is fake. If Putin has those E-mails he would have presented them. I'm certain he'd do it just to fuck up the democratic vote.
Hillary's career would be over, she would never work in politics again. It would be fucking glorious.
What's the story with the emails missing from the guy who set up her server? I don't understand what that's implying. What server were those emails kept on?
>tfw Putin and Trump are bros
This election is too perfect to be real.
Why does it seem that putin appeals to us Americans more than our own politicians?
I think he honestly feels bad for us and want to help Trump get in.
Plus Putin and Trump are bros, Putin already backed Trump.
If putin didn't care about us, he'd help Hillary get in since she was selling them shit to make more nukes.
Why wouldn't he wait until late October when she can't be replaced?
bumping for interest and maybe happenings?
>implying he isn't biding his time until later in the general so it's fresh in people's mind for the vote
Fuck off, Randy.
Fuck off Randy. But nice comment.
He doesn't care about Americans, at least not enough to compromise his own people even in the slightest way. If he thinks he can deal a blow to globalists against multipolarity by releasing the emails, then he will, but it will be for the sake of Russian interests, not sympathy for Americans. Only pathologically altruistic westerners think in such foolish ways.
B-but what if Putin is an altruistic Easterner who likes Americans and wants USA to be an ally to his country?
I hate Shillary but
>Siding with a KGB dictator
Washington would be ashamed Burgers.
Too soon Nigel we have months to go
You can see the difference between slavs and Germanic very well in this picture, I'll point out some things I instantly spotted
>Trump (Germanic):
>Long Face
>Thin nose
>Round eyes
>strong chin
>lighter blonde
>hairier face
>Putin (slav)
>round face
>larger nose
>asian mongoloid eyes
>weak chin
>darker blonde
>less hairy face
By looking at them you can tell they're both alpha but in different ways, Trump looks like a natural leader who rules through charisma and stirring the emotions, while Putin looks more like more intelligent and rational who rules through carefully calculated speeches and actions.
I wasn't aware that her server had actually been hacked. Who hacked it?
Does the Shillary army just avoid these threads or what?
The whole front page should be about this, it would be like disinfectant.
I just want us to be friends. That's all.
Holy Shillary
I'm sure Putin wants to be on good terms with America which is what Trump wants as well. I'm also sure that Putin is on board with Trump's isolationist approach to foreign relations. Knowing this, when it's only Trump vs. Clintberg, the nasty of the emails gets released to fuck her over hard.
Is there a single credible source for this anywhere?
No he wouldn't. Hillary was the worst se retary of state in history and the leverage Putin holds is a direct result of and proof of her incompetence. Also pretty sure Washington was pretty cool with foreign leaders who helped us, even if they were divine right monarchs.
>Putin wants Trump to win.
>try everything to shit on shillary
If he releases them now Bernie gets the dem nomination and honestly he would almost certainly beat Trump
Friendship is based on mutual respect, and you can't respect someone who doesn't respect themselves.
lelelel this is hilarious
No you idiot wait until she seals up the nomination
If Putin really does want a Trump presidency then if he has emails with some scandalous material he's not going to release them until after she has the nomination, the convention is over, and shes picked a VP.
That way there is no Bernie and Trump is only running against whatever pandering VP Hillary picked who is now also associated with this scandalous shit.
>round eyes
>hairier face
It would be too early.
He's just waiting for her to secure the nomination and a bit longer still to make sure it's nice and fresh in peoples minds for november.
this year, russia determines the potus instead of the saudi's. how strange...
>those monitors
Trump only stands a chance against Hilary because a good portion of Bernie voters are anti-establishment who will vote for Trump or not vote at all once Bernie loses. If Bernie gets the nomination he gets pretty much all of Hillary's voters.
definitely keep considering until crazy bernie is gone for good
Are you retarded?
this. Putin is clearly trying to help Trump, the only candidate to extend Russia an olive branch
oh shit, you're right. It needs to be after their convention.
Putin doesn't have a round face nor does he have asian mongoloid eyes. He has two eyelids and no epicanthic fold.
Kill yourself, jew.
Sp. Agent Jason Smallernose, the jew hunter
the more interesting question is whether she is getting a bunk besides manning, or is she above the law?
i honestly cant wait
Meant for
Trump has brown hair naturally.
Thanks for the facial analysis user.
look at his face you can see he has more hair molecules
Putin and slavs have rounder faces than germanics and puting a little bit of an eye fold
>Thanks for the facial analysis user.
atleast you appreciate, good manners poland, I've always liked you guys and i think you look more germanic than slavic but neither is a bad thing both have good and bad qualities
god damn i wish i was an american right now
Just the fact that the Kremlin stole 20k emails should be enough to indict her.
She moved government information onto an unencrypted civilian server that was compromised to foreign nations.
>EU saying it's awesome
They don't know. The poor bastards. They'll never know what hit them.
Hillary is a powerul monster, shes hidden big stuff for decades, im sure shes doing a good enough job burying it.
If putin got some saucy dirt on clinton he should not release it until later. If released now for example the democrats could still get another nominee.
Fucking please.
I feel it in my bones a new super powerful union of america and russia, the world will tremble. Fuck all these freeloading countries. Lets arm the fuck out of russia and carve up the world.
Hillary was actually one of the best and most accomplished Secretary of States in history
I know way too much about the history and methods of Russian information warfare to take this claim at face value
they claim that they hacked the Romanian who claimed to have hacked Hillary's email server and obtained 20,000 emails, but provided zero evidence
most likely neither of them had anything and what the FSB will do is forge a few sensational emails, which is incredibly easy to do, far easier than the official documents they used to forge for propaganda purposes and to trick foreign leaders
that being said, if you want Hillary to be taken down with any means possible, the truth doesn't really matter, does it?
t. Merkel
Putin is the next Caesar.
Plus the fact that Hillary and this WH put Russia into a deep recession.
Trump will help the Russian economy by lifting sanctions to return the favor
You aren't wrong but did you mean follicles?
Trump and Putin being bros would be the greatest alliance to grace the Earth.
The only two politicians with the balls to speak their mind and not pander to whatever party/movement/corporate bashing that are incessantly thrown at them.
>Siding with the country that repeatedly steals our information sells it to the chinese and attacks us whenever they feel like it.
>Siding with the dictators who fund most of the world's terrorists.
>Overthrowing democratically elected governments when they do something we don't like or won't do what we want them to.
We have plenty of sins to answer for, trying to play nice with Russia will not be among them.
Any updates? How scared is Hillary right now?
He was being paid by Clinton on the side and the federal government to set up and operate an incredibly shitty server for four years. Only reason he isn't in jail is because he was granted immunity to testify.
guccifer, and according to him everyone else too.
I think it's a sad state of affairs for America that we're almost a third world country now where someone that's a criminal is this close to becoming president and there's people that vote for her.
When Hillary gets paid $200,000 to do a speech do you really believe she's getting paid that much because she's such a valuable speaker? She's selling state secrets and political favours and she collects payment by doing a speech that's already written for her that no one actually cares about.
This is hot air or else he would have done it already. Still it makes hillary look week since she's losing to Russia before she even gets nominated.
Putin doesn't care about Americans. If he releases the emails its to help Russia, not to help America.
They are going to use it as leverage against hillary if she is elected.
>you will never click to win a free lobster dinner
>Putin's face vs Hillary ' face
Putin has the smug face of a man who knows he's going to fuck up her day, while Shillary is dead scared.
Bullshit. I'm not a fan of our invasion plans but that doesn't make me blind to failure. Libya has become an unusable heap due to her incompetence at 'regime change', she outright failed in Syria and in Ukraine. She's cost us billions and failed to secure even a single country in her rampage as Secretary of State.
Not to mention that her failures have had drastic effects in europe, causing millions to flee the violence that she causes when she fucks up all over sovereign states.
Evil is one thing but flat out incompetence is quite another. We're used to having our government overthrow other nations for questionable reasons, what we're not used to - and not okay with - is this complete and total failure to do so.
Have we ever had such a string of failures in covertly overthrowing nations and installing our own puppets? She threw billions at 'freedom fighters' and NGOs and still she could not deliver even one success.
Russia is no longer significant.
What does a secretary of state does and why do they choose the political regime of other countries?
He loves to fuck with the weak. Merkel admitted a fear of dogs and Putin made sure to use that to his advantage. Their faces in the photos are priceless.
5 star post
Secretary of State deals with foreign relations.
The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense of the United States quite literally get to decide who stays in power across the globe.
See: Iraq, Syria, Iran in the 60's, Latin America, etc
Besides this, the Secretary of State needs to strategize on how to REACT to the political regimes of other countries. She's done that extremely poorly because she wasn't interested in doing her job. She's just been preparing the for her campaign this entire time and whoring her authority out for money into her "charity" fund.