Mdma makes me way too horny

mdma makes me way too horny

why does it do that? theories? science?

talk to me b. I'm rolling balls. I have too much energy.

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That's kind of what MDMA does to people. Some atleast.

You feet looks great. Show us, boi.

Reward centers of your brain are firing off. Naturally, your body wants more. You're wired to seek sex.

Is OP a grill?

trips confirm, must show more boyo

I too, wish to know if op is grill.

sorry guys I got distracted!
yeah but why?
thank you!
I'm a boy

Look at that leg. If they are a girl they are either Greek or Mexican

i like this theory! I've never thought about it like that.

nice legs, do you also posses a cute butt?

my boner is gone op

yes I do, it's one of my only traits I'm not humble about


I worked really hard to get this bum

you had a boner right? I highly recommend ignoring society dude. you will seriously enjoy life 100x more if you follow your own path, with logic, and desire and experience at the helm.

if you're attracted to a boy, so be it. don't call it anything. just be yourself.

life's too short to worry like this user!
it's okay to like all humans!

we are social creates. pick up any history book!

don't limit yourself to half of society.

Damn, no way to you be a boy. That feet and legs are too girly and smooth.

like I said about, don't worry about it. I'm not! unless you're trying to breed, that won't work :)

>yes I do

well lets see it then

love the way you talk man, keep on rolling


Has a boner

choose one

Idk, mjyt.

just gotta concentrate :)
I'm so hyped right now lmao

you jump right to the point lol

I jump right to the point cause I'm an eurofag that has to hit the sack and I want to know what your qt ass looks like so go ahead and show it to us

I'll post an old one so I'm not spending 10 minutes trying to take a picture

Why don't you show us it then

You can clearly see his balls leaning every which way at the center of his crotch.

i did
i like you. you're observant