So, memery aside, what's Sup Forums consesus on this capeflick?
I thought it was okay to good, not bad as the board says or "MOTY" like the fanboys, i felt there were many thing they got right (like trying to avoid the route the source material took) as many things they fucked up (the airport scene for example).
There were instances were the movie tried to be different than other movies from it's genre, like avoiding a final battle with faceless cgi monsters, but this effort is obscured by the bland cinematography and the tension-ruining jokes that are Marvel's trademark. Apart from that, the discussion of the accords was on point but for a movie called "Civil War" that poses the theme of surveillance they could have expanded more on the themes instead of moving to the next fight piece full of unnecesary cuts.
Captain America: Civil War
It didnt really strike me as anything..
Just bland and forgettable..
Gave it a 5/10.
Even my normiebook friends who loves capeshit hated it.
It was okay.
Why do you think it was good to deviate so much from the source material?
I'm not saying they should have been slaves to it, but the comic is top tier. I did like all the Wakanada stuff. And yeah, good point about the lack of faceless CGI monsters.
But for me, the tension was never really there. Did anyone even die?
best captain america movie so far
>Why do you think it was good to deviate so much from the source material?
He is referring that the movie never took the "Cap is good, Stark is a nazi" way.
I understand all of your criticisms but im a huge fanboy I guess and feel theres so much good that outweighs all of that. And to me the spectacle of all the characters plays a huge part that I understand you might not feel at all.
2/10 mediocre
Not a big fan of comic books or super heros so as a movie 2.5/10, but within the genre of capeshit something like a 7/10
Solid 6/10, you're correct.
Its so bad i didnt even see it, i chose instead to watch 3 screens of batman vs superman in a row
I found it disappointing because there was no risk involved, no deviation of the norm. Suspense was minimal at best and the humor ruined what little seriousness on the topics there was. I'm not saying be dramatic, i'm saying the heros should act like they really face these problems, not just screwing aroung blowing shit up.
4/10, it should have been higher.
ant man is best herp
>pick one
But Tony is the good guy in the comics.
that's looks like shit.
>implying he wasn't the good guy in the movie
I honestly really loved it. Possibly one of my favorite MCU movies. Though it is definitely not flawless. My biggest issue comes from the tonal issues. You can tell that the Russos wanted to make a dark, gritty movie, but had to add in humor since it's a Marvel movie. And while it worked for the most part, there were many parts where the tone would flip on a dime (setup to the airport fight, the airport fight itself being completely different than the rest, etc.) Another thing was how, while Zemo is arguably the smartest and most successful MCU villain, he's also kind of the most pointless. They could've just as easily not have him in the film and it'd stay relatively unchanged. And lastly, it being possibly the heaviest and darkest MCU movie is a change of pace that works well on first viewing, but kinda hurts rewatchability. It's not like other Marvel movies that are fun, stupid, popcorn movies; it's [supposed to be] a political/psychological drama with fun elements. Which is kind of a problem. But honestly, the good (the action, the emotional investment, the story, the characters, etc.) definitely outweighs the bad. A solid 8/10.
Just saying, I love this moment and how cheesy it is with all the costumes and such. But everyone's thinking it
>this is what people actually wanted in the movie
>people complain there wasn't enough characters
>people complain its not enough like the comic
I know he was. The post I replied to seemed to imply that the comic painted Stark as a Nazi bad guy. Which it doesn't
Piss off
Yeah, I heard that no matter what people thought of the movie, most say it's better than the comic.
>bottom panel
it's vin diesel from the fast and furious
7/10 at best. Enjoyable popcorn flick. I really enjoyed the last fight.
It was pure capekino
I think its even better than what you said because most of the flaws dont bother me whatsoever so I love it all really. The jokes dont bother me because its fitting of certain characters who are supposed to be like that. Only one i hate is "are we still friends". Its inevitable that more superheroes have to be in this one after how Age of Ultron ended, so of course its going to be more silly than Winter Soldier but thats how superhero comics are, really. Aside from the suspece it is tonally the same to Winter Soldier I feel. The third act sells the movie for me, I love it. Although on second viewings the first act is kinda slow.
It was kino
Better than Bullshit versus Spasticated: Dawn of JUST
There's no blood in the game with these movies. Couldn't even kill Rhodey, fucking cowards (and Extremis is already a thing so no reason he has to stay a cripple). I can't give a shit about these movies because everyone has plot armor out the ass. Also the last couple Marvel movies have been shot like TV shows.
>better than the comic
its because Marvel can't make good comics.
Stop forcing it.
pick one
Would be the best movie in the MCU if it had maintained a consistent tone throughout.
The more-serious first and third acts are great.
The middle section involves jokey, lighthearted quipping which feels like it belongs in a different movie.
I hope the russos can get some visual style or a better DOP. The movie doesn't look terrible, it's reasonably solid but there's a heap of room for improvement. Even Whedon improved with Age of Ultron.
Not Civil War but still
>I hope the russos can get some visual style or a better DOP
They need a better editor that for sure.
It was ok, I didnt have a great cinema experience at all but its a 6/10 from me
>big battle stops once someone gets hurt like kids on a playgroud
>Zemo's entire plot reliies on luck, conveinence, and laziness
>bug men thrown in to sell toys
>clearly present Captain America as an asshole, but play him as a hero in the end
>just quick cut my shit up
love when the metal bar that Thor is holding dissolves into the air..
>Marvel can't make good comics
{user you replied to}
I really do agree with what you said. My criticisms are more personal (except the tone). But honestly, sitting in a crowded theatre on opening night with tons of other Marvel fans, and watching the entire movie unfold was an unforgettable experience. Best time at the movies all year. And I have to praise the climax for going with a dirty, hand-to-hand brawl to the death as their last fight scene. Rather than a stupid, ugly, CGI mess that hurts to look at (literally any CBM since Avengers).
This shot was great, as is the shot of them all lining up after it.
>nice quality
Couldn't agree more. The cinematography was by no means bad, just serviceable.
The biggest problem with this movie for me is that you can clearly see all of the writers went into it having already decided "we need a way for the Avengers to fight each other, let's make up some vague bullshit political scenario that does this" and sort of left it at that. It's not a horrific plot by any means but it was just weird to me at the time how many reviewers were acting like it was some sort of deep philosophical examination of superhero ethics or some other bullshit. Decent movie to watch with friends but capeshit is just capeshit at the end of the day.
>but the comic is top tier.
Said no one ever. It's widely regarded as bad, fuck your asshole.
The lack of faceless monsters somehow made it even less tense, since you know nothing bad is going to happen to any of the characters involved. The stakes were rock bottom.
That was an awful sequence of dumb action shots posing as a oner. More than half of it was done on a computer. It's shit.
>reviewers were acting like it was some sort of deep philosophical examination of superhero ethics or some other bullshit
It's because critics are biased.
>listening to "critics"
Quads confirm.
Nah, it was fun.
You're thinking of Civil war 2.
Let's see my dubs.
Worse than Cap 2. Better than Thor 2.
You described almost every MCU movie.
>>lack of faceless monsters made it even less tense
>being this retarded
Stop fucking posting my waifu
I don't even... I know capeshitters are autists but you must be a nigger.
Just finished it. Was alright as far as capeshit goes. Lot of action, but more entertaining than all the fighting in Ultron or really most of the other Marvel movies. The Tony Stark shit seemed all over the place though. I guess it was fine until they put straight jackets on your buddies.
Worth mentioning that it has possibly the MCU's best villain.
>no superpowers
>doesn't fight anyone himself
>goal isn't cliche world domination or anything like that
>gets by solely on intellect, "time and patience"
>motivation is clearly explained, and is fairly believable
>has sympathetic moments, like sitting alone listening to his wife's voicemails
Civil War was a hell of a lot better than Avengers 2, but weaker than Cap 2.
The film also had a one of the better Marvel villains as well. Overall, enjoyable, but not remarkable.
My point is that when both "good guys" and "bad guys" have plot armor, there's only so many ways the story can play out.
one of the best film of 2016
It makes very little sense how Alfre Woodard's character in the hallway tells Tony "you murdered [my son] in Sokovia".
Does she somehow know that one of the Avengers literally "dropped a building on him while they were kickin' ass"?
Or does she know the background of how Tony created Ultron, and thus is responsible for Sokovia's destruction, even if her kid was really killed by one of Ultron's drones or something? Does the world know what happened with Ultron, and that Tony is responsible?
It hurts the movie that Ultron is almost never directly mentioned.
To be fair, the less said about MCU Ultron, the better.
Good potential wasted.
Still, so much of Civil War's plot directly ties back to AoU that it feels weird how people seem to be avoiding saying his name.
Example: T'chaka says "when stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to build a weapon..." as if it doesn't matter that it was stolen specifically by Ultron.
I know right? I liked the movie but that's my biggest problem. No one focused on the events of Ultron and it's never revealed if the public knows about Tony creating Ultron. The events in Ultron were actually because of "causality" and could be totally blamed on The Avenger.
Anybody else thought Black Panther's voice was really weird
I know he was doing his best African accent, but it was like how you say it, speaking directly from your throat?
6/10's fairly accurate. The way everyone was mindlessly going after Bucky and deciding Steve had to go down for helping him despite the fact him being brainwashed isn't particularly secret these days was annoying, most notably with T'challa but he grew up in the end at least. Also the fact absolutely no-one mentioned all the stuff between Ross and Banner, and Stark and Widow were just happy to agree to him being the guy running the show, is dumb as shit. Action was mostly good despite some low points, best villain since Thor 1 Loki, but it still failed as an adaptation of Civil War by removing any kind of nuance from the actual argument.
No he's not you fa/tv/irgin.
Civil War is regarded as fucking awful. Clone Thor anyone?
What's awful about that? It's just the standard shit that's always popping up in comics. The story itself, and the way it sets up the debate, is great.
am I the only one who thinks cgi in marvel movies aged like milk? CW in cinema looks good but when I watched in home it looks way worst
I thought it was great desu
Looks like those quints prove it was kino
Quints have spoken.
was alright
more enjoyable than SS and BVS
not quite deadpool level though
Consider suicide.
Worse than the best MCU movie, but better than the worst MCU movie?
You didn't tell me anything with that statement.
I don't understand how people can use "Worse than The Winter Soldier" as a complaint.
The Winter Soldier is the best MCU movie so far, being worse than that isn't really saying anything.
>fucked up
>airport scene
It was the hypest shit, what are you saying?
>tension-ruining jokes that are Marvel's trademark
I thought it was Ahnold and Bond who came up with it.
Well it's a sequel to Winter Soldier, so of course people are comparing them.
I think a lot of people were expecting it to be even better. I lowered my expectations as soon as I heard they were adapting Civil War and were shoving every Avenger in the movie, that way I was still able to enjoy it and thought it was entertaining for what it was.
The story was really bad from the ground up.
How can people get mad at the avengers for saving the world?
How is collateral damage a main point in their story?
They made BLM a main part of the storys point.
And where was the Hulk?
Did they finally realize that the Hulk is the universes most OP character and that he'd make the airport fight completely onesided?
I watched the movie yesterday and I don't even remember the villain.
>How can people get mad at the avengers for saving the world?
Because that's what people are like. Really.
>And where was the Hulk
With Thor?
I think it would've been interesting if they found out at the end that Ross/the government made the Accords just so they could control the Avengers and send them to do their shady plans or something.
I guess that would've been too similar with TWS with the whole corrupt organizations and shit. You're right that the collateral damage thing doesn't make as much sense in the context of the other movies.
No it isn't. Just Marvel.
I'm far from being overall intelligent but movies like these are literal insult to my brain.
I honestly don't understand what you can enjoy about it when it's the same retarded shit every time.
Everbody is a cool joke machine, anything that happens have zero impact. Hell at least Raimi's Spiderman made me feel something.
And yet you've watched 13 of these movies.
Yeah but the viewer doesn't feel the same way the people did in the movie.
I'd understand if Thor didn't bother picking a side of this fight since he understands its a childish fight and he has more important things to do.
But Banner is at least one of the smarter guys on the team and there could have been some good conversations with him and like, Vision.
And speaking of Vision, his power is still being held back.
He has one of the dragon balls inside him, right? That makes him the strongest on the team.
The "civil war" should have been between the government and the avengers as a whole.
So at the end when the villain does his "lol its not over" you see the government distancing and protecting themselves against the avengers, while the avengers are being sad being seen as villains by the population.
You don't have to project on me. I mostly "skip watch" these so I can form an opinion and not talk into the air. But honestly I don't even have to watch them now because it's based on formula so much.
I'd give it a 6/10
was pretty bland and boring, had some cool shots, that's about it
I had fun watching. CGI was too obvious on many scenes. Iron man vs Cap argument was weaker compared to the comics. Needs more cute girls.
>the viewer doesn't feel the same way the people did in the movie
Which is why you're on Team Cap. Also Banner doesn't want to be there anymore. He wanted to get away, because he Hulked out and fucked up Johannesburg.
>project on me
Don't use words you don't understand.
>I mostly "skip watch" these
>I don't even have to watch them
Why are you here?
Someone post that screenshot comparison of the final fight in the comics and the one in the movie
Because I try to understand why people watch movies that are based on a formula and bring nothing new to the table.
>why are you here
I can't be interested in things that I don't like? Capeshit is the golden egg of hollywood now and I honestly don't understand why it works every time.
You don't understand how fun action movies with characters people have been reading about since the 1960's are successful and well-liked?
Alium please go and stay go.
It wasn't stolen by Ultron. Ulysses Klaw stole it. Ultron only bought it from him.
Vision felt like a coward in the argument, he sort of sidestepped it while chiming in and immediately backing out of the argument, and so was Tony and the government, they barely discussed it, the avengers are surprised with (oh is going to be approved in 2 days), this is bullshit, how did they not know or were informed considering all the nations involved, it should have been bigger than the TPA.
This is my main problem, not enough debating, the US government, from the face we are given of it, seems to imply that Ultron is the collective avenger's fault, or the destruction of New York, completely forgetting that they wanted to NUKE the place, a fucking NUKE, which would have meant making what, an entire city a huge block anyway, completely inhabitable for decades.
The hellicarriers, that was a problem with corruption, given the problem, what would they have done? They would have probably nuked them
I liked the Shield as an entity, in the various movies, Iron Man, Thor, it was there, they were doing their job, they were in the know and actually helped.
I felt like they never brought forward arguments that didnt made it look like the justifications for a fascist or police state, Tony Stark is probably more dangerous than the other avengers.
Civil War is a terrible comic that I'm sure you only read after the movie was announced. Millar is shit.
I haven't watched it, because I'm Sup Forums as fuck
Honestly, one of the best movies of the year, no question.