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should of just fapped.
This scene triggered me. How much of a sadistic cunt do you have to be to do this to someone miles away going through the closest thing to hell in some shit country.
About as sadistic as the modern white woman according to the writers. The show was really hammering in that brethren before wenches message. "the only people they can count on are each other"
but that's what all army guys are like irl
Anyone in the military can tell you that women willing to marry soldiers/sailors/marines are perhaps the lowest scum on earth.
t. former Armyfag
>Gulf War
If your some poor Iraqi on the other end of the only remaining super power blowing their budget load you mean.
>you will never be the cum receptacle of a group of sweaty, dirty american soldiers
Why live
>I knew a marine who told me dear john videos are common during tour
must fucking suck
Series where the sequels BTFO the originals thread?
horrible bait
hey Satan, back to
What happened here?
>dat projection
work on your mommy issues.
Not everyone had your childhood, Jamal
What happens when you have a Chinese tier traffic jam packed with soldiers and civilians and a ton of very angry pilots with bombs come by
military personnel (at least that what they were suggesting) from iraq running away to kuwait avoiding being captured and got btfo
>military personnel
Did you even watch the movie? They portrayed the war as dull and boring, nobody even fires their weapon.
I was hoping to see The Deer Hunter but watching his wife fuck their neighbor was even better.
gg easy
It was both if IIRC.
Eye-racky soldiers commandeered vehicles - with Civilians in em- to get the fuck out of Kuwait.
Either they want to use human shields or they were in a fucking hurry to escape unnoticed.
Honestly if you actually expect your girlfriend/wife not to cheat on you when you leave for months on end, youre a fucking dumbass
>friend of mine got a dear john snapchat of the in bed with another guy
I still make fun of him for it too
>soldiers's wives have frequently cheated on them since the beginning of time
>still surprised about this shit happening
Welfare queens, everyone.
40000 people used to drive there
Now it's a ghost town
A friend of mine tried to kill himself after being dear john'd in Afghanistan and finding out his wife was cheating on him. Quite a sadistic bitch if you ask me
>Gulf War
Please, the US Air Force killed more American and British personnel than the Iraqi Army.
The point of the film is that the Marines were trained to pull the trigger but never had the chance to do it.
Freedom and liberty happened.
Iraqis steal all cars and available vehicles in Kuwait to get the fuck out ASAP after Desert Shield is greenlit.
USAF bombs the shit out of them.
Desert Storm*
When I was in boot camp one of the first things my DI's told me and the other recruits is to never get married while you were enlisted, but what the fuck does everyone do after boot camp? Get fucking married.
This and buying a brand new stupid car are the two biggest dumb shits poor dumb kids do right out of basic.
Well to be fair it's hard to avoid doing all that stupid shit when the businesses that tend to prop up around military bases are strip clubs and shady as fucking car dealerships.
plus you're an 18-20 year old kid who wouldn't think that his highschool sweetheart would cheat on him just for being apart for 2 months
This is the downfall of civilization. Retards like you thinking it's normal to act like animals.
Time to let it burn brother, there's no room for decent people any more.
There is always a guy like this.
Truth. I don't even tell people I'm in the military anymore if I'm seriously interested in them.
It is normal and it's not being animals, it's being a human being who starts to realize it's retarded to be in a "relationship" with something you're likely to not see for months and when you do see it it's likely to not be for long. Monogamy is a huge spook and it's hard enough to maintain when the person is actually there. I don't think people should break promises but it's retarded to expect that promise and expect it not to be broken.
Like Constantinople, or Rome before it......
Do you live entirely on the internet. There are literally more faithful marriages than non. Just because you hang around shitty people doesn't mean honest people don't exist.
>tfw you choosed to watch brothers instead of jarheads
wtf was i thinking..
Then break up, be honest. What's retarded is not being able to keep it in your pants for a couple of fucking months. We live in a world where concepts like love and chastity and loyalty are mocked and treated as a joke, and that's pathetic and only shows what a degenerate society this has become. And why the fuck would she send a video? That's just pure cruelty.
Most guys getting out of basic have this silly "high" from completing something mildly stressful. They get huge egos and confidence is sky high. They get married in this period, and when it wears off, it's a real train wreck marriage.
Not condoning what the wives do, but 19-25 year old army fags are some of the most unbearable cunts to walk the earth. They are good at being army, but not good husbands.
source: me and my divorced friends.
>all it takes to be set for life is a pair of tits then catching some dumb bastard at a bar and convincing him to marry before he ships out then divorcing and getting half his shit before he even comes home to spend the money
Lmao b-b-but wage gap and misogny and women have it hard.
Also keep in mind a lot of them hook up with especially cunty women who just want them for the military wives benefits.
>there's more faithful marriages than non
Well because most of those non tend to stop being marriages you sappy cunt.
>implying the divorce rate isnt the Hughes its ever beeb
>men fall for obvious trap because muh dick over and over again
>w-we're th-the superior gender
>its stupid to expect someone to keep a promise
T. Woman.
I don't hang around shitty people. The divorce rate is around 50% and a large percent, if not the majority, of couples will cheat at least once.
They should break up and sending a video is pretty cruel but in real life things aren't that simple. Also, stop using words like degenerate, it's meaningless and is just a blanket morally superior way to describe shit you don't like.
Regardless of what the internet might make you think, most women aren't psychopaths and they're not going to marry something just to take their shit.
I didn't say promises shouldn't be kept but to expect extremely unlikely promises to be kept is stupid.
>They should break up and sending a video is pretty cruel but in real life things aren't that simple
How is this exactly an argument. They're being cruel, manipulative cunts then. That's all there is to it.
>Also, stop using words like degenerate, it's meaningless and is just a blanket morally superior way to describe shit you don't like.
Not really. It's the perfect way to describe what we're talking about. Values went out the window, the society is literally degenerating.
>but to expect extremely unlikely promises to be kept is stupid
>expecting a spouse/significant other not to cheat on you is stupid
You're either a cheater or extremely lax about this. Either way, you're part of the problem.
> degenerate is a meaningless blanket statement
T. Degenerate millennial numale. It's only meaningless if you are so pathetic you can't see the differences. Forest for the trees situation.
> most women aren't psychopaths
Either your a virgin, under twenty, or a woman.
>How is this exactly an argument. They're being cruel, manipulative cunts then. That's all there is to it.
I'm not saying it isn't. But people tend to be cruel when they think they're getting revenge for some injustice. The movie doesn't give any reason for why she sent the video so when think she's just being a cruel bitch for no reason, but people aren't like that in real life.
>Not really. It's the perfect way to describe what we're talking about. Values went out the window, the society is literally degenerating.
Everyone from the dawn of time has said that society is degenerating because they don't like the way things are. Muh degeneracy doesn't say anything or give any arguments, it's just a way of bitching about things you don't like.
>You're either a cheater or extremely lax about this. Either way, you're part of the problem.
No, I'm realistic. Humans are not naturally monogamous and people being unfaithful is proof of that. I'm not saying people breaking promises or lying isn't wrong, I'm saying the promises shouldn't be made and lying shouldn't be needed.
Nice buzzwords and ad hominems my man.
Sorry, I don't find making a promise that I'm not going to put my dick into someone for a few months an overtly difficult to fulfill promise. I have a very healthy sex life, stopping for awhile isn't that fucking hard. It's pieces of shit like you and the rest of this fucked up society that are flushing society down the god damn toilet. Giving your word is now meaningless, honor is something ridiculed, and rejects like you accept disloyalty as normalcy and an guaranteed eventuality.
Being able to over come your animalistic traits is what society is fucking built on. I expect better of those around me and you should too.
> nice buzz words and ad hominem
Nice avoidance by using the ol fallacies card pull.
Which is fine, its basically worthless speaking to someone like you. You literally cant understand these concepts and ridicule those with better values, so you should be treated and ignored like the scum you are.
avoiding what? Your thought provoking arguments of "T. Degenerate millennial numale." or the other cog turner, "Either your a virgin, under twenty, or a woman."
Youre a meme spouting retard
>Did you even watch the movie? They portrayed the war as dull and boring, nobody even fires their weapon.
>Please, the US Air Force killed more American and British personnel than the Iraqi Army.
>The point of the film is that the Marines were trained to pull the trigger but never had the chance to do it.
That bitch didn't know that though. Besides British women have done the same to their husbands in WW2.
>avoids the whole thing again while going ad hom after whining about ad hom
Yeah. Thanks for proving my case faggot. Literal human scum, go cry about it to your community college logic class.
>being this booty blasted
Clearly a woman.
i asked pta if he coppied his fire oil scene from this movie and he looked so fucking pissed at me and walked away
Leaving to the military in a relationship is fucking regarded. I barely trust any of my girls when I'm around. The moment I'm getting shipped out I end that shit. Most people don't have the self discipline to not want to fuck others, or to not want companionship.
You're just wasting each others times imo. I can't remember a time when Every single girl has said that they'd wait for me. Never once have I believed that shit to be genuinely true.
>I'm not going to put my dick into someone for a few months an overtly difficult to fulfill promise
You make it sound so simple and one dimensional. It's not simply abstaining from sex, it's trying to maintain a relationship with a person who is never there. Eventually a person is going to realize they'd rather be in a fulfilling relationship than keep a promise.
>It's pieces of shit like you and the rest of this fucked up society that are flushing society down the god damn toilet.
If you are so quick to judge me as a piece of shit then you're judgmental is very shitty indeed. The worst problems in society are hardly people sleeping around or breaking promises.
> Giving your word is now meaningless, honor is something ridiculed, and rejects like you accept disloyalty as normalcy and an guaranteed eventuality.
No, I expect humans to be humans, especially when it comes to a drive as strong as sex. A person's word has always been worth as much as the person giving it. Honor is a word that means a million different things to a million different people, so I don't know what specifically you're referring to.
>Being able to over come your animalistic traits is what society is fucking built on. I expect better of those around me and you should too.
Humans are animals and always have been. Everything you say and do is from your "animalistic" nature and you're not better than others just because they're exhibiting different aspects of their nature.
>Nice avoidance by using the ol fallacies card pull.
I'm not avoiding anything, I'm simply saying it's bullshit and meaningless.
You seem incapable of trying to actually get what I'm saying and not just seeing my words through the lens of a strawman. You also seem to think I'm some scumbag who doesn't believe in virtues, which is as far from the truth as possible. You cannot see past your own narrow perspective and try to understand what another person.
Not me. You seem to be getting very angry and illogical, dare I say, animalistc. Better control that m8 or you're going to contribute to the degeneracy of society.
>the worst problems in society are not people breaking promises
Since that's basically the entire premise society is built on, I beg to differ.
People have always broken promises and civilization hasn't collapsed yet. A peaceful society is ultimately based upon people not starting shit.
Your entire argument is based on the ''humans are animals meme''. By that logic we should have no problem with murder, rape of theft, as the law of the jungle permits these things. Do you just draw the line where it suits your argument?
I draw the line where actual harm happens. No one is harming me or anyone else when they fuck someone. Saying their behavior is animalstic and bad and yours isn't is inconsistent and arbitrary.
This scene was just depressing as fuck. What movie was it they thought they were gonna watch again?
I got married a couple months BEFORE boot camp. Virtually every other guy throughout boot camp and tech school that was married ultimately found out he was cheated on. It made me so paranoid that even though I never had any proof, I was certain my wife did too, and I ended up divorcing her.
Marriage that young was a mistake anyhow.
>lmao we should just expect people to act on their base instincts and its excusable for people to break promises and sleep around and boohoohoo not having relationships be close is hard how dare you expect someone to keep a long distance relationship and excuses for why people are shitty
Yeah, people are shitty. But they choose to be shitty, and they certainly dont have to be and just because its your nature is not a fucking valid excuse, ita a cop out. The fucking entire point of civilization is the BETTERMENT of human kind. Letting people get away with the excuse of
>b-but it's our nature
Is fucking stupid.
And yes, hiding you as a piece of shit after the lines of bullshit you have given is a fairly easy call. Bug that's okay! You are just being a piece of shit like the majority of society, and it's okay to be a piece of shit of everyone else is doing it, right?
The deer hunter
Civilians not being immune to bombs and guns, so blame them.
>No one is harming me or anyone else when they fuck someone
Why draw the line at physical only? Should emotional and psychological abuse be allowed then?
>No one is harming me or anyone else when they fuck someone
>''Emotional damage doesn't exist, suck it up you pussy''
Hahahaha holy shit. You're either a retard or legitimately emotionally stunted. Either way, i'm sorry. Did something happen in your life that turned you into a robot?
>trying to speak logic to someone that either is a woman or has the though processes of one
Literally a pointless effort. Always an excuse for degeneracy, always something to allow their disgusting behavior. Better off discussing ethics with a brick.
Literally this.
>either a retard or emotionally stunted
Well, its a woman. So that's a given.
I'm not saying it's okay to break promises, I'm saying it should be expected when the promises are unrealistic. It's like expecting an alcoholic to stop drinking the next day when they're hung over and they promise they'll never drink again; the promise is exceedingly unlikely and you're stupid if you believe them, that doesn't mean they shouldn't stop drinking or break their word.
>civilization is the BETTERMENT of human kind
How is monogamy better for humanity?
> Letting people get away
I'm not letting them get again, I'm saying it should be expected they're not going to keep a specific promise. Just like you should expect to get robbed if you're going in a bad neighborhood flaunting money around.
>a person disagrees with me and sees things differently
>they're a piece of shit even though I know nothing about their life or their actions
Because when someone does something with their life that you don't like and it causes you emotional damage, the fault is on you, not them, because you're the way choosing to think that way. Basic Stoicism bro.
Emotional damage does exist, but it's usually the blame of the person inflicting it on themselves. There are emotional abusers, but a person doing something you don't like with their own life isn't emotional abuse.
>better say my opponent is a woman so I can discount what they're saying
>that'll prove I'm better than them
But user, if I was a woman wouldn't I be the one saying emotional damage is super important and people are shitlords if they do something that hurts my female fee fees?
Ok, i went out of my way and gave you extreme benefit of the doubt, but it's clear you're a piece of shit and the human race would be better off without people like you.
No, user, I'm the one giving you the huge benefit of the doubt and not stooping to insults or assuming you're a bad person. Hopefully you will change for your own sake and stop viewing others so negatively.
M8, you are either a woman, a robot, or an alien. That's all i can truly say about you.
And why do you think that?
>women are all illogical, emotional wrecks
>yet they're also as extremely logical and calculating as robots
I live next to an army and airforce base. Loads of shitty hotels filled with hookers on the main road coming out of the base then theres a bunch of bars and gun stores and a stripclub. Online dating is full of young sluts living with their parents on base looking for cock or married military wives seeking discreet arangements while their husband is out. 3/7 women I messed with from online dating told me they were military affiliated but only AFTER.
I feel bad for both parties getting in a relationship while one is deployed, I just don't see how it can possibly work out when you're not together 90% of the time.
Cause your approach to someone being cheated on is ''suck it up you fucking pussy''. So either human emotions are legitimately incomprehensible to you like your posts suggest, you're been terribly hurt before and are now stunted, or are a retard/woman being apologetic.
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that they're the ones who are causing themselves to be upset with the situational. The difference between a swinger and a normal guy is entirely how they think about something. Now, that doesn't mean someone should cheat instead of just breaking up and they're not partially guilty for upsetting their partner, but ultimately the reason the person is upset is because they're upsetting themself. As Epictetus (Or maybe Marcus Aurelius) said: hurt comes from the person thinking "I am hurt" and not the object they're blaming it on; remove the "I am hurt" and you remove the hurt
Like i said, ''suck it up, you pussy''. You do realize that in order for normal people to actually function like that, as in, instantly and completely cut off all connection to a loved one as soon as they betray them, they'd have to either be incapable of emotionally committing to anyone on any significant level, or have literally Budha levels of control over their soul and emotions. The first is very sad and makes one a shell of a man and the second is retarded to expect on anyone. What you're talking about is instant rebound, and that's just bullshit. Have you actually ever had a real connection with someone? Because that requires you to open yourself up and leave yourself vulnerable. So if they do betray you, they hurt you bad.
I'm not saying suck it up, I'm saying change the mindset so you never need to suck it up to begin with. A swinger doesn't see his wife sleeping with another man as betrayal, nor should anyone else even if they aren't a swinger, because being upset at something, even legitimate betrayal, is pointless and just harms yourself. It's obviously possible because people feel differently about different situations. I've never had anyone betray me, but the closest personal experience I can think of is pets who I cared a lot about who suddenly died but which I was tremendously bothered by. I know I emotionally invested myself into my pets, obviously not comparable to a human, but the idea still applies, that there can be investment and care without allowing yourself to be vulnerable to outside situations.
but which I wasn't tremendously bothered by*
>because being upset at something, even legitimate betrayal, is pointless and just harms yourself
That's maximum logic and reason over emotion. Pretty easy if you're a robot, pretty hard if you're human.
>I've never had anyone betray me
I truly hope you never do. I don't think you'd be able to put your money where your mouth is.
America has the coolest names for their military operations
I drive