Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

Ask a trans chick anything

Can I see your cock?

So you gonna chop your egg roll off

Do you see yourself as gay?

What's the best baking soda?

Fuck off and die, Jew porn faggot.

Fuck all Jews, especially those who dump faggot porn on Sup Forums. It's been a year now and I'm fucking sick of it. Fuck you, fuck your mental illness, and fuck off out of here.

>trans chick
you mean "male with mental illness"

would you be into CBT while I spit on you?

are you attracted to women?

Want to hang out?

Why should we accept your mental illness?
Kill yourself, faggot

what is wrong with you

exactly a year? or around a year since the jew porn invasion?

Do you actually shove things inside you to prevent your pussy from healing?

would you post moar please?

THIS GUY knows his Jew porn.

Maybe in the future
No idea m8
No idea what cbt is lmao throw some diapers and baby roleplay in and its a deal

Yes but im more so attracted to men

It's Lena Dunham.

You dont have too, you just have to ask me questions

Sure :) come to cleveland

have you started taking hormones yet?

do you think being an ugly woman is any better than being an ugly man?

>trans chick
You mean ask a man anything

When are you getting help for your mental disorder?

I wouldnt know i havent had SRS yet :(
No im molly


So do you just bottom then? If getting an assload of spooge and having a penis isn't gay then I am truly lost.


Nope :)
Im strictly bottom yes lol

how are you titties coming along, have they started budding out yet?

When are you going to get help for your mental issues?

Yes quite abit haha

I asked when. Not are you. Jesus christ, you're as dumb as thinking you're actually a woman.

Never :) im happy with the person who i have become



had anyone suck on them yet?

Can't argue with that i guess.

can you and your trap friends leave Sup Forums forever? you have your own board


So you finish from ass play then.
My question is if you feel as though truly you are a woman do you feel cheated that you have to experience pleasure through your penis? That is to say apposed to a person born as a woman.

I doubt it, Sup Forums is a porn board now, have you not noticed lmao

tits or gtfo

bet you lost your mind when you had it first done to you

i used t date a transsexual and she used to scream the house down whenever i did it to her

Not really, its still hot as fuck to have your hair pulled, ass spanked, and cream pied like any other girl

Show your boi pucci

You are just a dude with a wig and dress on.... Quit the fag acts you fucking faggot.

Do obviously a male. Who are you trying to fool? You're more of an amateur crossdresser. You need WAAAY more work.

Everytime i try to hold back my squeels and screams it just uncontrollabely becomes harder to hold back so theres some truth in that in sex lol

Jesus christ ahahah

Thank you for your opinion user! :)

Its my real hair lol thanks for thinking its fake, it really does look blonde and beautiful doesnt it lol

Stunned by my huge smile? ;3

Your face has no feminine features at all. Just looking at your face I can tell you're a straight up faggot male.

Actually my smile is way to huge in that, deleted

Can we see a picture of your tits

>atilla the hon

Why did you delete the pic of you smiling?

Thank you for your opinion user! :) thats why i keep coming back ^~^

Can i see a picture of your ass in a thong?

Because my smile is far too huge lmao

But your not experiencing the same orgasm. The question wasn't weather or not its hot. It was more about cognitive dissonance which makes me feel like there might be some.
Hormone cycles drive "hot" factors and after release you get your moment of clarity. My question is if you feel truly to be a woman is there a feeling of resentment for nature itself? How do you reconcile the differences in your current existence between the one you feel to be more real.
Does semen in your anus and prostate stimulation constitute a "female human" orgasmic experience? Does your current enjoyment of your physical state make your claim of being a woman less real to you or us?
Just questions mang.

Would definitely bang

Who chopped off your finger?

You look good in lace.


Im happy thats all that matters
No one lol

what age were you when you first felt you should have been a woman?

Mate, I honestly think it's time to pull out grandpa's shotgun and just blow your brains out right this instant. You have an incurable mental illness and we don't want this in society, just do yourself and everyone else a favor and kill yourself... Please.

Be honest, is this a butterface thread? I dont like trannies normally but you're actually not bad.

Post more of your ass pls

When you going to kill yourself? You transgenders are always offing yourselves.

I feel bad for you, delusions are bitch. My uncle is schizophrenic and thinks he went to Vietnam. We all have to pretend to believe him when he starts telling stories.

More pics plz

Why didn't you answer me you fucking faggot. I asked if WE CAN SEE A PIC OF YOUR TITS

Hands are manly. That's a guy. Trannies have huge frying pan hands.

you're cute as fuck

would procreate with

Show us your axe wound

Are you a dude with tits?
Or a chick with a dick?

And, do you feel there is a difference?

It started at a very young age like 5, and really understood it at 12
I have my own guns and i dont plan on blowing my brains out ever, i love life too much :)
thanks i guess lmao

What was your real name? You look like a Bob to me.

Happiness will always matter but understanding is the only real path to happiness. You side stepped all those questions, and they are legitimate. Because if there is some kind of unrequited resentment between parts of your psyche then your body and the people of your life will suffer to appease your momentary infatuations.

were into moar girly things when younger like dolls and what have you?

You're in the 216?
Bet you are suburb girl...probably 330 or 440

Geez why so hostile?
Thanks for your opinion user! :)
Im cool as hell thats what i am lololol

For some reason I see Kari Byron... Does this mean Im gay now?

why the fuck are you so manly and ugly? yeesh

god its hideous and manfaced

Correct, 440 lolol
Definitely played with barbies and their play houses but again i played with legos

I just came out of prison last year, and I have to tell you, stay out of prison, because people like me and my buddies back in CST will kill to have a peice of your ass.

>diapers and baby roleplay
What's with so many trannies being into that shit. Lifelong role playing as the other gender isn't enough?

Thank you for your opinions user! :)
No you just have good taste lmao

OP quit pulling off photos from your friends Facebook. How didn't anyone ask for a timestamp yet?

No problem. I bet you could palm a basketball and dunk on real women. Its funny when men who pretend to be women want to play female sports and then dominate.


Cause they're all beta faggots.

Nope :) gotta get kinky and shit some diapers while being fondled
Thanks xD


OP answer some questions here.

Beta for not wanting or caring to see a tranny. It's called being heterosexual. Op is a man. Don't need any pictures or time stamp.

whoever this girl is, I immediately fell in love,she's gorgeous. She resembles my current gf if she worked out.