Sup Forums will defend this

Sup Forums will defend this

It would have been rude to pave over it...

Not really. I think that American Indians have had to deal with a lot of shit and really are the only minorities in this country with any claim to reparations. Personally as a white nationalist I'd be fine if the only people in the US were people of 85% or greater European origin and the American Indians. Hell I'd probably expand the Indian Territories and give them a lot of the areas that Hispanics now dominate.

>deserving rights

Listen here those brown skined faggots are nothing but a liberal invention there was no inca or maya empire, and there was even shittier civilizationa in the us, they didn't knew how to write or how to make houses out of something that wasn't shit

Is that parking lot haunted?

Why? they lost it to thw superior whites

It's not that unusual for a small cemetery to be fenced up and built around. There's one in Goose Creek or Summerville, somewhere about.

Spotted the guy who has never had to be around or live near natives.

Fuck off John

Wouldn't the indians come back to haunt the trucks that parked there though?

Because there are only 4 million or so of them left and they mostly stick to their own.
They're alcoholic fuckheads who have a lot of problem, I'm well aware of that. I think they'd do better off if they were the only minorities though and they're worth keeping around so that history doesn't look back and say
>wow they even killed the injuns

Oklahoma reporting in. Can confirm.

If anything this is what back then the natives and americans agreed on.

That little speck of land.

Other than that spot, everywhere else was free ground to take. Not exactly our fault either if the natives still live in the damn town.

It's a good idea, it's basically what we did with the welsh.

if you pave over it you're getting haunted as fuck

>claim to reparations

Man has been going to war with man since the beginning of time. Natives went to war with natives. Why should we owe them anything? It defeats the entire purpose of war. We fucking won, suck it up buttercup. If they want it back they can come fucking get it.

I can see where you are coming from, and while I don't think we should get rid of them, I certainly do not think they deserve any benefits. Where I live, the tribes could claim several million dollars from the government as land compensation, but little, if any funds have been claimed. In a sense this is admirable in that they have solidarity, but it is reflective of their apathy towards becoming contributing members of society. They do not want advancement or education. They prefer lives of crime, drunkeness and wanton disregard for the safety of other people. They may very well have a heritage to take pride in, but the ideal is far removed from the reality, in my opinion.

Western South Dakota here. This would be the best part of the state if it weren't for the natives.

I read that the land was not very accurately surveyed -- so chances are good that if you're parking near that cemetery, you'll be parking 6 feet above a corpse.

fucking tico

Agreed, I'm a full on national socialist and I'd remove every foreigner

Key word Foreigner

I don't see a nationalist argument on a colony against the natives existence.

I don't support it, but then I don't support suburban strip-mall sprawl in general. It fucks with my aesthetics.

Yes. Yes I will

Oh wow, has it already been 4 hours since the last time you posted this thread prairie nigger?

Don't sacrifice your kids so my kin and I don't have to wipe you off the face of the earth. Feeling bad for savages will never be a Sup Forums feel faggot. Morons use to get destroyed in past history. Now we have to tolerate all the degenerate behavior. Just like this grave site, a reminder of our new found tolerance. Be glad it's not the 19th century and I'm not riding after a horde of Dothretards who think trees talk to them.

>Machu Pichu doesn't exist.

Look at all the poor Indians that died here! This is a shame!

look at this fucking nigger probably took a DNA test and was only african and spaniard with 0 native like a lot of these south american niggers are and hence landed on this deluded perspective he has now.

Ahahaha. You've never met a chug, have you?

When will we finally stop pretending to care? Shitskins should fear the day white society reaches its breaking point

>park car
>possessed by ghost
>car now runs without fuel
that's how tesla does it

living in indian territory oklahoma, that is hilarious

Nice post "Chief Types With Anal Fluid"


Is this what Elizabeth Warren is mad about