Oh hey there, don't mind me. I just singlehandedly redeemed the show.
Oh hey there, don't mind me. I just singlehandedly redeemed the show
You could really apply this to either Buffy or Angel
She should never have become a main character. He went from loves bitch to everyones.
Was William the Bloody's personality so dominant that he overrode the demon possessing him or was the demon actually a good guy?
Which show?
Yes, he saved Angel.
No, he was the worst part of Buffy (sans Trio)
He ruined Buffy and saved Angel, so I guess he's even.
how did he ruin buffy? i'm mid season 2 atm
He was the only character on the show with any actual charisma. If you disagree, rip out your rose-tinted eyes.
Did he really save Angel, or did he just happen to show up at the beginning of the season that turned out to be the best in the series independently of him? Yeah, his banter with Angel was great, but other than that did he really add that much?
you'll see in a couple of seasons.
Xander was alright, in that "i'm actually just a normal guy with a weird sense of humour" way. Everyone else was literal mary sue.
Just keep watching and see the horror unfold for yourself. It starts in season four.
You raise a good point, but the Buffyverse relies on having a certain amount of comedic relief that would be sorely lacking from season 5 (for the most part) if Spike wasn't brought back.
Am I the only one who thinks Angel was the better of the two shows? Seems like it did more with less.
Also, am I the only person who actually liked season 4?
>The Beast
>Cordelia and Conner fueling my mommy/older woman/younger man kink
>Wesley becoming alpha and hate fucking Lilah
I gotta watch Angel again.
Angel was by far the better show.
I am willing to agree with you on this, even if we include Punished Xander when he got his eye ripped out.
>Wesley becoming alpha
That shit was hilarious if you rewatch Buffy and see his firt appearance as a whinywhiny bitch, and then at the last season of Angel he kneecaps one of his own employee just because he did not liked what he sayd.
Yes you're the only one since I also remember. Season 4 was why Angel got early cancellation.
I love buffy and xander but you're all making really bad posts which are not worth replying to, like the context is just putrid and it almost justifies the hatred of these shows, you guys, you are responsible.
Back to tumblr no one cares.
This is factually incorrect. It got canceled because Joss Whedon was an impatient little shit who demanded that WB give the show early renewal. He basically demanded it right then and there and the exec, who has since been let go, basically said "Okay you're canceled"
Do some research next time faggot.
Waah go fuck yourself no one cares about this ancient show you faggot sjw tumblr fuck
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
Does your mommy know you're using her computer this late?
spotted the reddit
Mods pls
Conner ruined Angel every moment he was present.
Buffy was simply more likable and got shit fuckin' done, had a better skwad, and better big bads.
>TFW Glorificus was the best bad guy, but ruined by her having her human dude side
t. Redditors
If you even ironically call shows from the late nineties ancient you should commit sudoku.
Fuck yeah it was. That scene where Angel actually tries to straight up murder Wesley was GOAT
I wish I could go back to the moment I first watched that scene....it gave me fucking chills.
>Only good character in Angel
>Forced romance with le quirky nerd trope
>Butt of all jokes even after going hardcore
He's the dark half of angel. There was an episode in the class room about othello and desdemona and they drop a theory that hints at this.
There was also another episode speaking of the plague being used as a form of early germ warfare by the joos
It reminds me of when Worf showed up on DS9. The show was already getting better, so it was just icing on the cake.
you're way way off you stupid fuck
t. tumblr
guess we got a website war on four chan, for our sjw feminist showd
Xander is the ultimate JUST
Don't mind me. Just stopped by to post the best character.
>it's a Giles becomes an edgy teen episode
good times
I wouldn't call it dominant as much as hopelessly autistic. He's the supernatural equivalent of a Sup Forumsack suddenly finding out he's Jewish.
>TFW Glorificus was the best bad guy, but ruined by her having her human dude side
It's almost like you didn't want Giles to have one of the most based character-defining moments in television.
This. When Spike staretd being a miserable shit (season 5 i think) so did the rest of the show. He was brilliant in Angel but it was good already he didn't really save it.
Angel was decent to good for most of it's run. Buffy was meh to bad for longer than it was good.
Redeemed it? He was consistently the best thing about it in the later seasons after 5 and his appearance did signify a shift in quality during S2, but not sure about that.
>Dont mind me, I'm just the undisputed best girl from either show
if you watched this and you were not a 15 year old girl, you're a faggot
Right actress, wrong girl.
Fuck this thread takes me back. I'd watch Angel again for based Lorne if it wasn't for Connor, the "apocalypse" of everyone loving some chick and whatever the fuck the last season was.
How did he 'redeem the show' when most people agree it went downhill since season 4, which is the season where he became a main character.
you can't be best girl unless you appear in at least 10 episodes. it is known.
Has Amy Acker ever NOT been best girl? Every show she ever been on she always makes the other women on the cast look like disgusting hags.
That was excellent. Fucking Giles man. Best character on the show.
Tfw there will never be a season 6
tfw we'll never see more of best girl
tfw no more spike and angel hijinks
Fucking shit why did Whedon have to fuck everything up
Because hes an overrated egotistical hack and his shows were good in spite of him, not because of him. Just look at the trainwreck that is the Buffy and Angel comics he wrote.
>it's a Giles was already at Buffy's house before she woke up episode
>watching Buffy
>absolutely no one owning a gun in Sunnyvale is stupid as fuck
>watch Angel
>everyone owning a gun is fucking stupid
I enjoyed the first two seasons of Angel but the beast arc dragged way to long and then they killed Cordelia.
Speaking of cordy does anyone have a webm or pic of her in the bikini?
is that what Cancer Bowie's final form would have looked like?
>Hey you guys , this is me : Piccolo , remember ?
Delete this. We don't mention anything about that abomination.
He's like George Lucas. His limitations and people around him are what made his works good. For example, if it was up to him Angel wouldn't have been a character to begin with. David Greenwalt had to convince him.
Definitely best girl.
God dayum she's aging like fine wine. 10/10 would marry and have many children with
That's an old pic
In fact half of this thread is filled with pics from early 2000s
>tfw we never got a Dresden Files film series with him as Harry
I'm still early in watching, but I can't help but feel like I'm already starting to only watch for Giles.
How old we talking here? I doubt she looks much worse than that, Person of Interest just ended a couple months ago and she still looked great there.
Not prime Amy, sure, nothing can match prime Amy, but she's still beautiful.