If china allowed immigration, would you go there?

If the living standards were on par to America's? And you found a job there?

And do you think china should open its borders?

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Yes fuck this place

fuck off david wang, chinks are literal subhumans

Why don't you like the states?

You are Turkish and you can insult us. Lol.

I'd rather stay in America than learn Chinese and live underneath their government

>wanting to breathe clean air

If I was forced to, it's Hong Kong or kill myself.

nothing is worse than chinks


Go back to China you stinky gook. If you love your country so much why do you live here?

You realize placespecially like Beijing currently is on par with America and other places like shanghai has surpassed the states. I'm not sureally what you'd be suicidal about; perhaps you'd be sad about being a minority but aren't you currently one in different parts of england?

Except the turks, lol.

No. If its living standards were on par with the US, I'd be more inclined to vacation there however.

And for the last question, no.

And eat rat/mutton fried in sewer oil? I don't think so.

A matter of being swindled by Western propaganda. Prior to coming out, my family and I thought that money get on trees.

P.s. nowe the living standards and the wage is pretty much the same from China to america.

The living standards I many provinces a currently on 0ar with America so you won't see any of that there.

That's a lot of 'ifs'.

My only concerns are living a decent life and having a family with a decent woman in a relatively safe place.
I would probably be fine with a Chinese girl, but I don't see that happening as an outsider unless I have something unique to offer her that 600,000,000 Chinese men can't.


I hope you realise that nobody wants you here. Everyone I've talk to from other Asians, to middle easterners to leftists admit they're sick of your kind. Even Chinese that came here 100 years ago hate new Chinese immigration

>If the living standards were on par to America's?
So, never?

nope, you soulless human trash. anyone who works or communicates with chinks knows that they are worst people on this planet by far. even your people know that.

>more corrupt than jews
>lies worse than armos
>got more inferiorty complex than k*rds
>soulless than my desk

there is no other ethnicity on the planet that being rich makes them more human trash.

now castrate yourself. farewell

I've been to China a few times, of the major cities I've been to Hong Kong is the only place I would feel alright living in.

lol no

My parents escaped that shithole for a reason

I'd be leery of the Mainlanders. Overseas Chinese, particularly in Southeast Asia, are bro-tier.

Also, fuck Mandarin. I'd rather learn Hokkien Chinese...

pic related for being "kiasu"

Yeah ok roach.

Yes. In a heartbeat. China is great. Much safer than America if that's what you're into.

No one in this thread knows what they are talking about. Having been there I can say it's a nice place.

At least Turks aren't worse than Jews with business practices.

Oh wait, you're probably some retarded kid who has only been around a dozen Chinese people that came over decades ago and thinks they're good people

Depends on where. Shanghai, sure. Anywhere else, fuck that.

Singaporean/Malaysian? Been a while since I last heard Kiasu

Two of my friends moved to China and they're enjoying it.

I know they went to teach English, but I don't know what else they are doing because I haven't talked to them much since they left.

One even said I could go there and join the Chinese Air Force but he didn't elaborate.

They were both Go nerds who I played with obsessively for years.

>Go to sheltered tourist area around all the rich people with a bunch of whites
>"Guys, I've totally been to China"

I don't exactly know what goes on there, don't know any one there, cool thing about it is being next to Japan etc...

China has no concept of law as we understand it. Things are fine -- until they're not. The police can upend your world at any time and for any reason.
And the trend is that things will get worse as the economy slows and the gangster government becomes more worried about retaining power.

give them 20 years to sort their pollution out, and China will be the new Rome. They have the necessary patriarchy in place, unlike the feminist, muslim West

I'm gonna. Yeah you do realize these same middle eastern people who talk shit about us has talked shit but you too.

In order for living standards to be comparable I need to be able to criticize the government.

Rome's greatness was its stability-guaranteeing laws. The Chinese concept of law is "I have power, I do what I want."

With you we will never find out if being rich will make you more trashy because you weren't rich and never will be with ano iq of 80.

As a subversive shitskin living in the US, I believe every country in the world should dissolve their borders and allow every human being in the world to travel wherever they want. No human being is illegal, they should be able to plant their dream anywhere.

It's just a coincidence that everyone wants to live in White countries and no one want to live in the brown ones.

is that generic instagram slut you posted supposed to change my mind OP?

China's gonna be fucked in 20 years with their gender gap.

Ironic. China is the only country that's done it right. Ethnic diversity is a poison in human society.

Look what its done to America and the EU.

fuck no. China work rights is the worse

>ever going to China for any reason

They're subhumans who lack empathy. To make matters worse they're dirty as fuck.

Never trust Chink's propaganda, i warn you

>You will never be a Hong Kong Detective fucking with the Triads and the Tongs.

They'll be fucked sooner because they are at the point where they need freedom and innovation and at this same time Xi is bringing the hammer down.

Rome's power was that the father of the household could have any of the members of his household executed if he wished. Chinese patriarchy is not this strong, but it is miles away from the PC straitjacket you are wearing, right now. Men being in charge is what makes a country great.

As for Gender Gap - when it is well known Chinese men are rich, women will flock to them. You are aware how women operate, are you not?

>Moving closer to the Jews of the East

Communism? No thanks.

Europe should send its shitskins there though. They have whole empty cities sitting unused.

They also know how to deal with Muslims.

No, it's bad enough having to worry about stepping on dog shit when I go out. I don't want to have to worry about human feces on my shoes.

Why would I move to a more polluted communist nation for the same standard of living?

>Is fucking Turkish

fuck no

This. Fuck Chinks. The West needs to blow them the fuck out before they nuke us all in a fit of paranoid autism.


On one hand, the girls will immediately hop on the foreign dick.
On the other hand, their government is strict as fuck and the average chinaman manages to be worse than Jews when it comes to money

Drowning in virgin pussy isn't worth it if I'm going to drown in debt.

I just hate the chinese canadia posters.

Isn't Hong Kong a former colony of yours? I'm pretty sure they speak English there, you can still accomplish your dream as long as you take the time to get into shape.

>i hate canadian posters

>no niggers
>no spics
>no muslims

Gotta admit, on that basis alone it's pretty tempting.

fuck china and its shitty oil

>no muslims
They're there, they just aren't allowed to practice shit that interferes with the flow of things like Ramadan.

>no Muslims

there's an entire region filled with Muslims, and to no one's surprise they're violent as shit

You could historically but can't since well before the lease expired.

Now they only really do transfers to down under, cucknada, or ex-african colonies

>If the living standards were on par to America's? And you found a job there?
So in fantasy China?
Probably not. It would still be full of chinks.

>If the living standards were on par to America's
>if china wasn't china would you go there?
Yes. You're a bit slow.

sadly, they're a dying breed. it's a shame really. having white expat cops were an asset.



If all it took to make an ultra powerful nation was to have a patriarchal society with the man of the house executing anything he likes, the Middle East would be the shining jewel of utopias.

There's also a lack of women. Not enough women. No one wants a chink husband, that's why they've resorted to kidnapping.

>If the living standards were on par to America's? And you found a job there?
sure why not, but it isn't so i wouldn't go there
might as well be asking
>would you move to Somalia if it was futuristic and advanced

Post more Asian qts to sway me

Nope, a Filipino with noticeable Chinese features (or, in a more 'elegant' way of putting it: Mestizo de Sangley).

Living here in NYC, I can guarantee you that at least once every time I head to one of the several Chinatowns - Canal St, East B'way (Little Fuzhou), Sunset Park (Brooklyn), Flushing (Queens) - someone would approach me and ask me something in Chinese, mostly Cantonese. Of course, I'd respond that I don't know (insert dialect here) Chinese. But being in close proximity to the Chinese peoples in NYC, I've become able to discern the various languages on the basis of tone. Lately, I've noticed more Mandarin speakers, especially if I'm walking around Midtown Manhattan; they must be part of the uber-rich buying up real estate like it's going out of style.

As for Singapore, I visited back in 2005; and let me tell you, that place is an exemplar of how you run a city-state. Never have I seen an urban landscape in as pristine condition, unlike (gasp) Manila. It's a testament to the contrast of cultures & respect for the rule of law. I shouldn't be surprised since Singapore was once a British colony and the founding father Lee Kuan Yew was British-educated. Now compare that with the 333-year legacy of the Spaniards in the Philippines.

And even in the Philippines, the majority of commerce is controlled by the Chinese. (e.g. Henry Sy - CEO of the SM Group; Tony Tan Caktiong - founder of the Jollibee Filipino fast food chain)

They aren't expats, you dummy.

A lot of them were born there. Many have families who have been there for generations.

6,316 km
Distance from China to Israel

10,853 km
Distance from United States to Israel

ha you were right

read the scmp article i posted, stupid.

most probably all of the white personnel in the HKP are holdovers from the RHKP who did tours in HK usually after serving in the army or transferring from a police force in the UK. when they retire, they go back home. they're expats

> thinking Islam is masculine
> thinking collectivism is masculine

were you aware that the average Chinese Middle Class pays roughly 3% (three percent) tax?

Probably not

Niggers of the East.

>go to a land that is killing itself
>some areas you cant even see the Sun at midday
>1/3 of its once arable land is now dead from pollution
>the desert is encroaching on areas that were originally forests- they were all cut down for firewood and GRAVED THE FUCK DOWN by goats and pigs by the populations
>government cant detain you if you display "hatred" for communism- aka bullshit

ya, no. I the next 20-30 years another 1/3 of uts land will be dead, in a century the whole of china will be one big dead zone- Soylent green tier

>Rome's power was that the father of the household could have any of the members of his household executed if he wished.

What you described is modern day Middle east.


>"They only pay 3% taxes!"

Oh boy, now I can keep my 3 grains of rice. Thank God I don't pay for any of that "sanitation" bullshit, like regular trash pickup and sewers. Who needs that when you can use a can, in the middle of the street, and the local river we draw water from. All those toxins make us smarter!

>if china allowed immigration, would you go there?
They do allow immigration, though I think you have to live there 5-10 years consistently first. I'm actually leaving in 2 months to teach over there. The cost of living is ridiculously low for Westerners and you'll basically life like a king making the equivalent of 20K a year in US dollars.

And don't forget where those 3% taxes do go, right into quality, party approved constructions, like trash bridges!

Clearly, trash is the new roman concrete, a civilization that will never crumble!

No, the Modern Day Middle East is National Socialist, all bow to the God King, who can kill anyone he pleases. Taxes are high, free this free that.

Totally unlike China. I suggest you get out of your mother's basement and... ah, forget it, you won't

I would visit China.
I would even live there for a few years as an expat doing gwailo work.

I have no interest in becoming "Chinese".


fuck no

I hate their culture

I'd probably visit, because they have a beautiful and exotic land.

Couldn't care about the dog eating chinese though, I would love for them all to just disappear.

>Also, fuck Mandarin. I'd rather learn Hokkien Chinese...

>Fuck English! I'd rather learn Australian.

*tips fedora*

>beautiful and exotic land.


>Middle East
>Not a tribal shit hole where everyone fucking hates each other and when the country calls for arms they all abandon the second the get a gun

Saudi Arabia has a 0% personal income rate. Most of the ME is too incompetent to collect taxes.

Fuck off Chink, you're retarded. I'm sorry the pollution did that to your brain, along with your eternal peasant genes.

Have a look at the place. Its too dirty to live in currently.

This thread shows us clearly why the USA is quickly becoming number #2 - complacency.

You are quick to condemn the "Liberal Media", except when it feeds your soft heads the information it wants you to think about China. Why is that? Why are Liberal Journalists trashing China?

> spoiler: theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/mar/04/china-bans-gay-people-television-clampdown-xi-jinping-censorship

>I have to read your link to reply to you

>linking to the SCMP like it isn't just a slightly less-obvious version of China Daily

I'm not in the least surprised that South China Daily Morning People's Post is getting excited about less white police. But they are very unclear in their article by what they mean by "expat". Is this all Brits? Or Brits who weren't born in HK? What about the ones who were? Are they counted as expats, too?

The article doesn't say clearly because it is pushing an obvious agenda, as you would expect from a Communist Party dominated newspaper.

A lot of the white police in HK aren't expats. And neither are many other white (and Indian by the way) people in civil service roles. It's commie brainwashing to lump all of HK's white guys in to the expat category.

I like to imagine I'd enjoy the Chinese countryside. Escape to some small town away from all the corruption and enjoy the qts and live a simple, honest life.

Dunno if I'd ever make the leap, though.

I worked in Saudi for two years. Its a beautiful place, with very low crime. It's hardly the Middle East though

fuck no, I wouldn't want to be Chinese.

There's major profit to be made there, and some cool shit and history, but I'm glad I'm not chinese.

If China's so great why do they keep coming here?
Checkmate chinky.

>escape the corruption
>in the PRC

>Chinese peasants

Yeah... good luck with that.

you're retarded

great argument there Chink

get out then

Oh fuck, it's the Australians retarded cousin chiming in.

this. China didn't seem too bad other than the communism, but this really changed my attitude towards them.

Clearly culturally inferior.