Let's say there's 100 people on a deserted island, and they're stuck there forever

Let's say there's 100 people on a deserted island, and they're stuck there forever.

25 people want to establish a government. The other 75 are strongly against the idea.

Any laws passed by their government will apply to all persons on the island. Anyone who disobeys their laws would be punished by force.

Is the authority of this government legitimate?

Not an argument

Throw 75 people off the island and build a wall

Governments are only considered legitimate if the individuals recognise its power.

>Governments are only considered legitimate if the individuals recognise its power.
New zealand knows.

If the government has enough power to enforce these rules, then it is a legitimate government.

If they approach somebody and they get told "fuck off" and they say "okay" and go home, then its not a legitimate government.

obviously I would try to kill all the males and also all the government-wanting females. leaders would not be appointed because there would be no resources on a deserted island - pretty much whatever girl catches a fish for me first can have the d.

pic unrelated, in real life situations only ugly people get tossed onto deserted island

At some point, the guy with the stick decides what is legitimate and what is not.

If the 25 organize, they can use force to divide and timately conquer the others. Or the ut can temporarily pool resources to eliminate the 25. But this will likely lead to some power structure among the 75.

A hierarchy will emerge over time.

Legitimacy is irrelevant.

Post a picture of your own women instead of nordic ones, Kangaroo Jack.

Gotcha senpai

You don't have any room to talk considering you're entire country is a socialist shithole that Muslims treat as their personal whore house.

whoa there princess, I hate to force some learnings upon you, but we're actually 100% asian.

Rule #1. All politicians are now considered food.

There are no laws in nature except for migth makes right.

If 10 men decide to rape a woman, it is the majority deciding - democracy. There is no justice or laws inately in nature. Survival and desire furthers offspring, but there is no purpose beyond reproduction. No gods or morals excist beyond those that we create for ourselves.

Say I'm an user and I start a thread on Sup Forums. I want it to be serious, but everyone else shitposts. Is the thread legitimate?


Governments typically don't form in social groups small enough for everyone to know everyone else. Believe it or not we are actually pretty good at getting alone in groups of that size.

A government will eventually form Whether they like it or not. Eventually someone will steal from another and that person will get mad.

>using meme arrows wrongly

Might makes right, dipshit.

Governments have a monopoly of force.

You are a dumb fuck that thinks that you said something profound, but really you are just a cocksucking faggot.

What are the ages of the various parties involved? If the 75 dissenters are babies or annoying tweens, then they can fuck off.

OP just wanted to tip his fedora.

who are you quoting?

Why don't you ask a real question next time?