Fucking stumped

Fucking stumped

>Implying seeing 2 equally powerful men that I admire getting their gay on with each other isn't arousing
What was the point of this thread OP? If you wanted to get me aroused you've succeeded...
What's your next move? Are you going to post more or is this going to be your only post?

Whats wrong with being gay? Are you denying the power of {current year}?

>The liberals are eating themselves

It was inevitable. They always have to find someone to oppress them

I think this just turned me gay

>Be an SJW
>Apparently advocate for "equal rights"
>Use an act of homosexuality to mock others

So do they or don't they like gays? Because this is implying doing gay things is wrong and that would go against their beliefs?? Is gay kissing only wrong when Trump does it?

It triggers you cucks, that's the point of it

Being ruled by racist, fascist faggots would still be an improvement.

But it isn't? I'm gay. If your plan was to get me hard it worked.

Not really. We (Except Russians) like Putin, and we (except cucks) love Trump. If a gayby could be made we'd support it too

So being gay is an insult?
X Liberal
□ Logic

>liberals using homosexual imagery as a derogatory attack

Full circle.

>implying Putin x Trump isnt the best ship since Putin x Bush

I want doujin, STAT

Libs calling them faggots as an insult now?

The most important question:

Who's the man in this relationship?

im a #cruzmissile now

Putin: 5'7
Trump: 6'2

I'll let you take the logical leap.

yes, they hate gays now

Why do you immediately assume its liberals? It looks like people just generally mocking power to me.

liberals paint murals
its a libshit thing to do

Graffiti is the muffled outcry of the oppressed.

Lol they are wearing those Slavs adidas jackets.