
Am I wasting my time Sup Forums?

I just love working with cameras and editing footage to make it come to life and entertaining people.

Is it a waste of my time to get a degree in cinematography?

Is there no job market anymore? What are my chances of it failing like some gender studies degree?

You know idea how this industry works if you're getting a degree and asking about job market.

So a degree is the biggest waste of time. I'm a career AC and what gets me jobs is experience. Take no pay shoots from Craigslist and FB groups and network. Who your working for is prolly going nowhere, but the sound guy or set designer might be a professional that will recommend you later.

Also fake it til you make it, I've never pulled focus with a Preston before, but for this gig coming up hell yeah I've worked with Prestons. I use one and I'm totally fmailiar with the lens (I'm not). Never do school unless it's the biggest school and you're a writer.

If I were to take Craigslist jobs, would I need my own equipment? That's what's stopping me Now from doing freelance work.

What city are you in? If it's a no pay shoot nothing is really expected of you, everything you do is a bonus. Like, an AC on a real set should bring their own toolbelt and kit, but on a no pay it jus tmakes you look good. Like in ATL (where I usually work) I always bring my whole tool bag. It looks good and its really useful (I keep headache pills in it)

What do you shoot with, I shoot with a Rebel T3i and a Sony Nex 5N and they do just fine. They're not the best hd and no 4k, but clients really don't care. I shot quite a few interviews on the Rebel, and a short film on 2 Rebels because the Blackmagic burnt up. Don't do school and don't worry about equipment.

I appreciate the help user. I just looked at craigslist, and there's a lot more here than I expected.

Try and get into the "I need a PA" FB group. It's mainly LA postings but people post from all over needing PAs. Also local film community FB groups

>aggressive dangerous animals sleep
wow it's fucking nothing

What about when I don't need freelance anymore? Will a degree get me a job being a news camera man or a sit com or series camera man?

Dachshund are the most aggressive breed of dog

All little dogs have angry manlet syndrome. My labrapuppo always gets challenged by little yorkies, Jack russells, and chihuahuas


Lot's of money to be made. Do a good job for one and you may find half a dozen of their classmates will pay you for the same service.

You will need your own camera and mike. Find some photographer's backdrops.
But even a good set up will pay for itself after like 4 videos.

I'm not American, what states are dogs illegal in?

You will always be freelance in this industry unless you get hired by a studio or youtube channel. News stations pay total shit and want degrees. It's just a who you know industry that requires hard work and passion. Even if you are a sitcom series camera man, that's like a month of work.

I'm camera op on great race type show for 15 days and we're shooting an entire season. After that I have to find more work.

Dogs are shit tier animals and pets.

Pitbulls are vicious and unpredictable shitters.

Not all dogs, just pitbulls

>Dogs are shit tier animals and pets.
Found the nu-male cuck ITT

Pitbulls aren't even bad, but they fuck everything in sight, so a ton of pound dogs are mixed with pits and apartment complexes don't accept Pit breeds and they're not even bad dogs holy FUCK

>said the dog loving cuck

can I be your sound engineer? I'm just like you, except on the audio side of things.

Only girls and hicks like dogs

Nu-males usually aren't dominant or assertive enough to handle dogs, it's understandable

>tfw German Shepherd, Pitbull, and Collie Retriever all at once as a child
Am I alpha because of my upbringing?

you were fucking dogs as a kid? alpha furry right there

All this projecting, you should work at a theater.