>In 1990, Trump testified in a court case that “I believe on occasion I used that name.” He did not respond to a request for comment for this article.


>In a phone call to NBC’s “Today” program Friday morning after this article appeared online, Trump denied that he was John Miller. “No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all,” he said. “I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.” Later, he was more definitive: “It was not me on the phone. And it doesn’t sound like me on the phone, I will tell you that, and it was not me on the phone. And when was this? Twenty-five years ago?”

>Then, Friday afternoon, Washington Post reporters who were 44 minutes into a phone interview with Trump about his finances asked him a question about Miller: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?”

>The phone went silent, then dead. When the reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now. I don’t know what happened.”

>Trump has never been terribly adamant about denying that he often made calls to reporters posing as someone else. From his earliest years in business, he occasionally called reporters using the name “John Barron.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mr. President, the Wall's set to cost forty-two billion dollars. We've already bought thirty vessels and twenty thousand tanks this year for the Invasion of China and we simply don't have enough cash left to pay for the Wall.

>Well, I made a yuuuuuge promise to all my voters, who I love, very, very, very much by the way. Believe me, I do. But anyways, I made a big promise to them and I intend on carrying it through. I mean, all these bigwigs - big influential tough guys who think they're smart - they say "oh no, oh no, there's no money in the treasury to build this thing". But y'know what? Why don't we just build the wall out of money? It sounds crazy at first but it can't be expensive if it pays for itself, for example, I have a Doctor friend and he says it'd be very, very, very feasible to build a wall of solid cash along the border. We'd even let the laborers take a few bricks home! It's a really good idea, folks, this wall will be BUILT.

He was trolling before trolling was a thing? Wtf


>mad liberal detected
Cry more

Sorry guys I'm a #Cruzmissile now

As an objective outsider i was actually supporting trump mostly until i heard he hired the dude from goldman sachs as well as starting asking for money. Like are you kidding me im sure he has more than enough money to fund his campaign

>.02 cents has been deposited into your account

If this is the worst you faggots can come up with against Trump get used to saying President Trump

This is how he's going to win, get all the idiots to give him the nomination of the dead party, then play to the center and the left to get the intelligent votes. Don't blame Trump for taking advantage of a system that YOU tolerate. He's playing the game that you force him to play by not demanding a legitimate government.

wtf i hate trump now
i am now a #cruzmissile

Fucking #cruzmissle

I wonder why he denied it. That's definitely him on the phone.

nobody cares, UK faggot

thats it I'm a #cruzmissile now

>Then, Friday afternoon, Washington Post reporters who were 44 minutes into a phone interview with Trump about his finances asked him a question about Miller: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?”

>The phone went silent, then dead. When the reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now. I don’t know what happened

>implying he didn't do this on fucking purpose

WHEN WILL THEY LEARN. He hangs up and makes them turn literally nothing into a big story. Trump has yet again made the headlines.

I used to support trump but due to his constant lying I've become a #Jebhead now!

Jews are good with Jewgold. Wah.
His tax plan sucked in the 1%er fags. Wah.
Single-payer is the best way to do it. Oh, I guess your $2,5000 / mo health insurance premiums (without $20,000 annual deductible) are no 'tax.'
Mininum wage is way too low.
Can't self-fund forever and beat the Hillmonsters gold reserves.

Don't defy our God Emperor, homo.


Looks like Im a #Jebhead now

wow the hillary shills are all in full force on a friday night..
>i hope that you know we frequent here a bit more regularly than that

after some deep thought i simply cannot allow mysself to support Trump after this debacle. I am now a #cruzmissile


Oh fug you're right, I now #GetFriskyWithChristie

What I don't get is, why do you guys pretend you want to build wall?

Your entire economy runs on slave labour from mexico. How do you think Amazon keeps their prices so low? Mexicans.

I mean at least they're Christian, lets focus on the real issue America, Crusades 2.0.

Who told you we like Trump for his policies? We are just having fun, OP.

After all this is a satire site, come on! It's 2016, have some fun.

Omg after reading this great post I can no longer support le Drumpf, I'm #FineWithStein nao

Why not just admit it? His whole appeal was supposed to be that he gives no fucks and doesn't apologize. Just say, yeah that was me trolling 25 years ago, big whoop? Lying just makes him look like a punkass bitch.

He sure has changed since he got the nom.

I understand why you are posting OP, we all gotta put food on the table. However, just to save you some time, you will NEVER convince anyone on this board not to vote for Trump, we are all too far gone. Why do you think we are here in the first place?

>mfw these types of threads prove the dems are shitting bricks

gotta steal the headlines for a while

That's not trolling you trumpshill

Bitch I can even remember what my gf looked like 9 years ago, but somehow a billionaire with thousands of employees has to accept or deny a name pulled out in 2 seconds form the closet.

Give a break.

*cant even remember

Amazing how you won't get a single trump shill to address, actual recorded quotes from trump, they just reject reality for the sake of their new little cult.

I know you won't change your mind, thank God. Who would we antagonize of you did? The whole point is to observe the mental contortions you perform and laugh at you as the goofy apes that you are. Please don't change.

If you want my opinion, I just want the wall because wall. An ever-standing symbol that we are a NATION.

And to be honest an user posted some convincing infographs in a another thread that showed how illegal immigration just gives wall street fat cats more debt to play with. I could care less about prices on Amazon, I don't need that shit. I want a healthy, strong society for myself and for my children.

>Trump did you do this?
>No, it wasn't me

Liberal logic.

this is so cringey

like a "conservative" twitter housewife trying to mimic a man she has never actually listened to speak

He said he got sick of not getting any credit for self-funding and it wasn't worth it. I assume that's why he changed directions on it.

Because it's embarrassing. Young Trump seemed really desperate to be successful and accomplished. He was probably trying anything he could to get his deals and business done and noted. If that was him even.


yeah a lot of debate going on here you fucking retard

>How do you think Amazon keeps their prices so low? Mexicans

actually floridians, they just built a huge warehouse there a few years ago, floridians are as shit tier as mexicans

I think you would remember using a different alias and pretend to be your own spokesperson


Want to fight the Turkroach? Want to help Kurds establish a state and to destabilise Turkey? Donate to the Kurdish Red Crescent. They help Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. They are also accused by Turkey of helping the PKK, which is even more reason to donate if you want to fight the Turkroach. So let's help destabilise Turkey and Putin will one day restore Constantinople to its former glory.

Yeah well you're fucking a white male


>Hires Goldman Sachs Executive

As a campaign financial manager. Not in a policy/advisory role. Non-issue.

>Trashes his own tax plan

It is unchanged

>Calls for Single-Play Healthcare (again)

He stated he will replace Obamacare/ACA with "something better". We still don't know what. He has spoken in favor of single player in the past, but we don't know if that's still his position.

>Calls for raising the minimum wage

Said he would "consider it". Did not give specifics as to how large or small raise would be. Moreover, more presidents than not have raised the minimum wage while in office. Ford and Obama are the only recent ones that did not.

>Says he is no longer self-funding

Running for president has a current estimated cost of ~1 billion dollars. I do not fault him for not wanting to risk nearly 25% of his net worth.

Sounds like a personal problem with your memory. Try taking a photograph. Here we have an audio recording, so remembering shouldn't be that challenging for him.

only around 3.2 million shitposts by clinton pac left before the money dries up.

nobody is buying it

No one has even thought to consider that maybe it wasn't actually him and that he's telling the truth. For some reason every brain dead cuck on this board all day has operated under the assumption that he was lying because a fucking article came out. Maybe the article is wrong? Maybe Trump is telling the truth?

Why are we just operating under the assumption that he IS lying? I'm pretty sure this is some shill tactic.

Drumpf stumped. I'm a #ClintLicker now.

>we simply don't have enough cash left to pay for the Wall.


and hillary defended a child rapist and made fun of the victim

Shows you the age group we're dealing with

Ain't shit I'm selling. You are the product. Stay woke.

>a narcissist
>wants more credit for spending nothing
>now that it's on goes cap-in-hand to kikes
>Sup Forums will defend this
Wow it's almost like you have no principles

>waaah why aren't they praising me for self-funding
>whelp better hire goldman sachs

Sup Forums was retarded before but now you're all happily sucking his cock and gobbling down his jizz no questions asked


HOLY FUCK this is old news.

man, liberals take quite a long fucking while to get educated, don't they?

nobody is buying the thing you said in the post i said that nobody is buying

I bet it can be verified through forensic linguistics alone. You know it's him though. Everyone knows.

Obsessed with Hillary, shill?

It's just something that I could see Trump doing and it does sound like him.

What I want to know is WHY is this such a bad thing? Who cares?

what did he hire a goldman sachs executive to do? Since you're the kind of guy that doesn't just gobble shit down without asking questions I'm guessing you know

Nobody else answer, you answer. What did Trump hire a GS exec to do?

Come on, user. Why don't you jump on the team and come in for the big win?

Trump was just lying about being a liar.


thx you sure changed my mind, now im a cruzmiscle

There are NO Hillary shills on Sup Forums. It's just a right wing nut job conspiracy to make her look bad.


>Politician lies.

>Politicians change their views depending on what will get them elected.

>Politicians have no consistency.

Color me surprised.

I'm a shillbot now, where dem free programs at biatch sizzle me niggers fo hizzle

Why should I care?


>tfw Sup Forums tricked me into supporting him

Now I'm going to look like an idiot in front of my friends and family.

Has it been verified?

>I could just see him doing this.
Not proof. Not an argument.

I state again. We have no reason to operate under any assumption that it was him.

>We have no reason to operate under any assumption that it was him.

It sounds like him.

This just in:

Apparently, Trump leaked the tape himself.

Fuck, thats it im #cruzmissle

The Washington Post article and shill invasion today is as close as its ever been to subverting us and turning us away from Trump and something important is going without being addressed.

The most dangerous thing that has happened since this WaPo "Trump" Call has been released is that everyone seems to be operating under the assumption that Trump is lying since saying it wasn't him. I repeat, he said it WAS NOT HIM IN THE RECORDING, and it is being assumed without a shadow of evidence outside of the call itself that Trump is automatically lying. That is the foundation that the shills have cleverly laid. "Trump is lying"

I ask you, on what grounds can we operate under the assumption that it is a lie? - A fucking stupid lie at that. Trump himself said that it WAS NOT HIM. It must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was him before we operate under the assumption that he was lying. If he would have said "Yeah it was me" or have denied it only to reverse himself and own up to it - we could have said he lied. We CANNOT ALLOW THESE SHILLS TO CONTINUE TO MISLEAD US INTO SIMPLY ASSUMING HE LIED. Why are we being so fucking shilled over something so fucking miniscule?


I don't need to, I guess. I seek my own victories in life, not a share of someone else's. Trump winning will be the closest thing to personal success for you, and that's fine. Some of us want more from life than to say we rooted for the winner.

Vaguely. What is a new york accent?

Make Donald Miller Again

You really believe it's not him?

It doesn't matter what I believe, it matters what can be proven.

gud post desu mate, I gonna fire nao #ArtilleryForHillary

>This post is presented by Correct The Record PAC and is payed & approved by Hillary for America.
Donate Now at
#HillaryForAmerica #ImWithHer #NeverTrump #ProudCuck

>"but it can't be expensive if it pays for itself"

The weekend will be amazing, no more paid Hillary shills spreading lies

That image is so wrong...
Those plates are used on vertical landfills, not walls.

>make Donald Miller
>McDonell Miller

I want the stormweenies to leave.

I've got bad news for you newfriend

based fuckin trump, trollin the media like always
hahah nobody cares, teflon don, unstumpable, hurrr

This isn't the court of law, this is public opinion. So what do you believe?

>left to get the intelligent votes.
>Intelligent votes
You don't actually believe this media maymay right?

it's been awhile since I've seen that term. Did JIDF finally get some more funding? Probably through hillary's superPAC.

Still voting for him.

What part of sworn testimony do you not understand? The core concept?

>Mexico isn't a landfill

No shit?

people already sue drug manufacturers for those things, and often win huge judgements
your ankle-deep understanding is showing, try posting a macro with less words next time just to be safe laddie


Doesn't this very thing happen though?

why is this even a story?